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About StrangerRanger

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  1. Here's a slightly tweaked version of my submission, didn't change anything in the place where the intercep bug occured (couldn't even trigger it on purpose after several tries, so unless I did something wrong, I believe it's safe to assume it was just a rare occurence). ContaPurga.zip Also here's the 100% UV of the map, for anybody wondering how to find all secrets
  2. Yeah, I honestly couldn't trigger it myself today even when I tried to be in the same or even worse situation as Doomkid was when it occured
  3. Oh man, the intercept overflow, never really occured to me during testing, and I really believe I tested it almost thousand times.. Really suprised it just had to happen on the stream lol Overall I'm very glad you liked the map! There are some small visual bugs I missed, I will look into it and figure out that intercep, probably some minor changes too.
  4. "When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all." - Quote I read somewhere once
  5. Always UV, I don't like to miss out on some monsters and I have a feeling that most of the maps don't really pay as much attention to lower difficulties as UV when it comes to monster placement.
  6. Damn, this gave me an idea to include this text at the beginning of the level.
  7. It's terrible how one lunatic's decision can cause the suffering of so many innocent people with families, the videos people post online of their first-hand traumatic experiences in Ukraine is absolutely terrifying. I wish the innocent people in Ukraine and Russia peace, and that inhuman war criminal responsible for all of this a painful death.
  8. Man, I feel like I'm very physically weak, trying to work on it, I have taekwondo training twice a week and I try lift weighs at home as often as I can. Sometimes I get sore muscles that can last 1 or 2 days, and sometimes they can even be so intense to prevent me from lifting or even doing few push-ups for like 4-5 days, but the soreness itself doesn't bother me that much. I just hope the soreness doesn't prevent me from gaining muscle mass and strength.
  9. 1. Get an idea 2. Open the doom editor and turn the idea into reality 3. Run out of ideas 4. Procrastinate Take a break for few days 5. Come back 6. Try to add something to the map, test it 7. Repeat step 3-6 until you feel like map is big enough 8. Improve monster and item placement 9. Playtest playtest playtest 10. Done
  10. Whew! After weeks of making sectors, linedefs, testing, and a huge amount of static vanilla limit struggles, it's finally done. Info Story: Screenshots: Download:
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