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About Maribo

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    Believes in Patterns
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  1. Happy belated birthday, you did a very good job of applying the 10x10 Map01 aesthetic to a series of "wake things up and see what happens + hope you like turret viles" setups. Would consider adding or double-checking that monster block lines are applied to all of the turret monsters' sectors, unless you don't mind if they can be knocked off, because the size of their platforms make it very easy to nudge them off and turn them into extra roaming monsters. bw-maribo.zip - DSDA-Doom v0.27.5, UV.
  2. Lovely, soul-healing, comfy Doom. Great for making tea and playing through on a lazy Sunday. papi-maribo.zip - v0.27.5 playthrough of every map in one go. Obviously lacks the vocal commentary of a video playthrough, but perhaps the minor confusion and flailing is entertaining enough on its own. :)
  3. Turns out bro was waffling about hitscanners, plasma-based combat, reality Tyson, and tribute micro-maps. Cute and silly Doom made for cute and silly people. wafflehouse-maribo.zip - v0.27.5 UV playthroughs, idgames version.
  4. Nice list, I see a few things in here that I've been meaning to get to, or things I've dabbled with and haven't managed to find the motivation to sit down and play through. Lost in Vivo, and Paratopic are firmly in "I will probably love this if I can ever get around to them" territory. Some stuff: 2:22 AM - Hazy dreams, long forgotten memories, and old VHS tapes. Intercontinental - Death imminent. I Was a Teenage Exocolonist - It only feels appropriate to put this here at the start of pride month. Hope springs eternal. Demonizer - Shmup for demon girl fans. A Year of Springs - Compilation three cute VNs. Smile for Me - Talk to people. Make them feel just a little better. Heaven Will Be Mine - Loves lies crushing. Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor - What a horrible life to have a curse.
  5. Masterful, labyrinthine construction of spaces between, spaces that once were but are no longer, and spaces that could never be. The clock is ticking. ldoom2-maribo.zip - v0.27.5, RCs required for playback included.
  6. Some minor corrections here: The spawns (as in, what enemies spawn and when, visible here) for the game are 100% deterministic, but their locations are "randomized" to a degree. They follow a rough pattern of alternating what "side" of the arena they spawn on, with some amount of offset. This is most noticeable in later loop waves, because Thorns pop up in a distinct Y pattern (unless they have a wonky extreme offset). World record is just shy of 21 minutes, visible here. And the spiritual successor by the same team is HYPER DEMON, which is an inversion of Devil Daggers' "survive as long as possible" goal: "kill everything as quickly as possible". Wonderful games by a wonderful team.
  7. Slade can also be compiled from source or installed from the DRD Team repo on Debian-based systems, described here. The flatpak is affected by the TEXTUREx bug described here and can result in the TEXTUREx window appearing blank, or crashing the program. I have encountered a separate bug in DRD/source-compiled versions where palette tweaking can causes crashes, but I've never been able to reproduce exactly what causes it to happen, nor am I sure if it's a bug within SLADE or a dependency. UDB used via Mono has always worked fine for my Ubuntu and Pop!_OS systems, with the caveat that there is a 100% reproducible crash that I have to work around (right clicking while holding left click at the same time). Running the Windows binary releases through Wine has always been untenable to me, due to the fact that editing tag numbers via inputting with the keyboard will immediately crash, and clicking the arrows to iterate by +1 and -1 is far too tedious.
  8. There are quite a few people on this website who see a thread they deem as trash, pointless, useless, whatever, and their instant reaction to this low quality thread is to post in said thread about how bad it is, or they drop a one-liner joke, or they say "mods will close this soon". These people also don't bother to report the thread themselves, and their post actually pushes the thread towards more eyes since more posts in a shorter time frame means it will show up on the Popular Now sidebar (this thread is at the top, right now!). I would really keep this in mind next time you see a low effort or shitpost-tier thread, because engaging with it to point out to its OP that it is a shit thread (beyond reasonable circumstances) or piling onto it with others just pushes the thread into even more people's view, for a longer period of time.
  9. This passed me by until I checked the idgames latest files section today and I'm glad I did, because it's a wonderful duo of "pull the rug out from under you" maps, with a more compact and violent closer to tie them together. Loved the way that Map02 plays out after you begin progress towards the first key, it turns it into a proper scramble to not fall behind and get squeezed between a rock and a hard place. deadmeat-maribo.zip - casual v0.27.5 playthroughs.
  10. Start making some good threads or you're getting permabanned on this website too.
  11. Happy Birthday Jimmy! (bday91.wad) UV-Max in 1:46 - bday91m146.zip Another Bad Dream Tyson in 2:43 - abdt243.zip
  12. I liked playing Another Bad Dream enough to follow it up on the same evening with this, which seemed to be the right play order since this one is quite a bit longer. Cute tech romp, highlights are the setups that put some relatively tight spatial restrictions on the player (rocket + baron pair + sniping imps // viles + spectres). Good job. :) coc-maribo.zip - casual UV -dsademo playthrough demo, plays back on DSDA-Doomv0.27.5
  13. Played this a few evenings ago and just now got around to replying here. Cute coffee break map, I liked the 2nd half handing you a berserk because it makes for some pretty satisfying Tyson gameplay. Hope to see more from you. abd-maribo.zip - a casual UV demo playthrough in -dsdademo format, you can play this back in DSDA-Doom v0.27.5
  14. I often find myself speaking about these two in the same breath as Pentiment. You always think that you're doing the right thing, in the moment. There is also I Was a Teenage Exocolonist, which will drop you into an experience mirroring childhood -> adolescent -> adult scale of the (alien) world and (gorgeous) environments, among a lot of other things. I've not played the entire thing, but A Hand With Many Fingers is entirely about reading dusty old articles, trudging around a poorly-lit archive, and trying to piece things together.
  15. loveless Skepticist Qaatar Ryback SKYWARDS Starduster Rizera Nine Inch Heels Xyzzy
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