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About The_Trve_Raith

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    Wacko for the Caco
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  1. I really enjoy the Genesis Sonic games, along with Mario 3.
  2. No. No no no. After the two Doom movies, I have zero trust in anyone looking to make a non-video game related Doom product.
  3. Oh yeah that's certainly true. Even without that the game's buggy and you need to tinker around and do alot of DIY optimization to get it ideal. But in my opinion, doing that and joining a community created server is more then worth the trouble. All up to you, though.
  4. You should play TF2 sometime. I know everybody says that but they say it for good reason, it's a fun game and I think Engineer in that game is fun (as battle Engie at least).
  5. Lost Souls would be fine if they had less health. 2 shotgun blasts is far too much for an enemy that small.
  6. Damn that visplane really is overflowing.
  7. This is... The second time I've seen a thread like this on Doomworld. Someone needs to start archiving the stuff on there before this happens again and it's done fully.
  8. There's something I hear alot from people: "If there's one thing scarier then the knowledge that someone's watching you, it's the knowledge of no one being there at all."
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