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About knifeworld

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  1. Sorry, I'll be more clear. PGDN means the Page Down key, next to the numpad. It skips to the next level in dsda-doom and woof etc. I feel like I have played wads where UMAPINFO even affects what map you go to next when using PageDown key, but maybe I'm mistaken. Just tested this again in Woof: Map35 leads to Chasm, normal exit in Map23 leads to Map25. So only the secret map going to Chasm needs to be fixed tbh. Not sure WTF was happening earlier today, but using PageDown when on Map23 definitely took me to The Chasm and not Map35, or Map25 either, but now it takes me to Map35 every time.
  2. I also go to The Chasm in dsda-doom if I use PGDN to skip, or complete Map35 secret level, it only goes to Map25 if you take the normal non-secret exit on Map23. It should take you to map25 in all 3 cases. A tiny, no-monster, but nice looking map with 1 room would make it less awkward to suddenly drop into Chasm, (pun half intended) If making it skip to Map25 after Map35 or using PGDN doesn't work for whatever reason.
  3. Fun map! Although I feel it could have leaned into the liminal vibes a bit more if you had more tile textures and a bit less of the stripe wall texture, and some more rooms with a darker light level, though. Might be too much rocket ammo, at least in the large pool area, there's so many you can't see much of the floor.
  4. Putting your own work in a bad light isn't going to go very well if you want people to play it so they can see what you do have as far as complete levels go.
  5. Excellent! I enjoyed working on both my maps for this! Although I think you forgot to mention me, and also @DankMetal who worked on MAP08, in the made possible by list. As far as I know, the finished Map08 was still built on top of his work. I was so busy with Doom projects and IRL stuff at the time, I think I gave both versions a listen briefly but forgot, sorry! Just listened to both by slading it in. I'm honestly happy with the other version at this point, even though I prefer the looping one. There's less silence in your fixed version but there's a noticable click when it loops about 50% of the time.
  6. Fixed a broken sector that should be merged but wasn't. When running over linedefs that lower tagged sectors, the unmerged one insta snapped up to the ceiling and blocked you from exiting. No idea how I missed this during extensive testing... Also moved other control sectors back to their old positions so you can hear walls moving again in the final areas. Squashed some nodebuilder errors and slimetrails again, they're about as fixed as they'll ever be now. KW - Doomium2 - Map14 Freezing Depths Updated 090624.zip
  7. Unmodded usually. I'll throw in something like Aeons of Death or Lost in Darkness if I just feel like messing around.
  8. Hell yeah, had fun playtesting for this! highly recommend to any Italo enjoyers
  9. did you just copy the Doomium op and switch some of the wording lmfao?
  10. I absolutely loved Liminal Doom and also the dBoM wads so this is an extremely welcome surprise!
  11. Thanks for playing! I added the mastermind much later in mapping and set her to mp only because the map seemed too small to make good use of her, because of the giant hitbox + groups of spectres and other monsters swarming around that she could get trapped by. The second reason is silly, but it's because I had the initial map file saved as E2M2 instead, because that's what I originally had in mind before going further with making the map when the project went into full swing. I can try removing the barons at the exit and have the mastermind teleport or rise up in the same location instead and see what the map plays like. I might want to change the map name if I use both bosses instead of just cybie, though. I'll swap the shawn on the rocket launcher alcove for one of the support textures to make it clearer you can lower it. I personally never thought about it not being clear because I usually try to press any kind of ledge that has weapons or items on, regardless of texture. As for the map flow, I love weird maps so that's probably why, but also I think it fits the episode name.
  12. I came up with placing the yellow key in the pillar on the fly so that's likely why it's a bit goofy progression-wise. I've added some yellow key textures floating near it so the connection with the switch that also has them is more clear. For some reason older versions of the map were saved as E2M2 so that's my excuse for not adding a mastermind xD, I also couldn't think of a decent way to incorporate her into such a small map. I knew exactly which slime trail you were on about because I kept seeing it yesterday, I fixed it but more kept turning up uninvited every time I dared to touch a vertex. I've squashed them all now, I think. I'm glad you both enjoyed the map! Sorry for the delay. Here's an update: Db1KLUD E3M8 KW Update 170524.zip -Improved some signposting -Improved/changed some texturing -Added a megaarmor in place of one of the soulspheres -Fixed some slime trails
  13. Found some time earlier and finally hammered away at an RC1 of the map! MAP: Cyb's Spice Melange Laboratory SLOT: E3M8 MIDI: "Nucleus" by Psyrus (unlikely to change, but might find one that fits even more) NOTES: This map started life as a sketch in the editor that was inspired by stuff like Erkatanne, and various maps from the dashlet's Box of Maps series by dashlet, inevitably it took on more of my own style of combat and wild texturing and aesthetics toward the end. Map ZIP: (includes the MIDI) Db1KLines E3M8 KW.zip Some screens:
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