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About DollarStoreChili

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  1. I'm trying to get into synth wave. While looking around I found a few neat songs from John carpenter and his band. Very clearly inspired by film scores. https://youtu.be/tyNuWCjc-bg
  2. Boomer became the insult du jour for anyone reacting positively to any idea not teenage in scope, roughly 2018-2019. It rhymes with shooter. The rest wrote itself. I groan and roll my eyes both then and now at anyone vapid enough to use a generation's name as an insult (millennial and zoomer included). I've become desensitized to the term "boomer shooter" because our subculture did what subcultures do best: take a pejorative and wear it as a title and badge of honor.
  3. Didn't ask for it, don't want it, won't watch it. I don't watch remakes or 20 year sequels unless they're so loosely connected to the originals that they're basically their own movie. A good example would be mad Max fury road. Not truly a sequel or a remake, but has a few minor connections to previous films.
  4. I'm all for it. I wrote my capstone paper in freshman composition (lol) on the subject. All nuclear power disasters have been the result of gross negligence or human error iirc. I'm far from an expert in anything nuclear power related, but modern breeder style reactors drastically cut down the problems associated with fuel consumption and waste. It's been a long time since I wrote that paper so I can't explain in detail, and the science has likely changed since then, but this is what I remember. I could most definitely be wrong.
  5. The most satisfying weapon in doom 1 is the rocket launcher. It fires so fast relative to the amount of damage its shots do. The few times I was able to really let loose with it during my playthrough literally put a smile on my face. The BFG is impactful and powerful in its own right, but unleashing a hellfire of rockets has a visceral feeling that the BFG lacks imo. Second is the shotgun. Walking into a room and surgically and methodically dispatching every demon with buckshot is satisfying, especially if you manage to take no damage.
  6. Completed it last night. Didn't know how close I was when I made it to the cyberdemon platform the last time. I did cheese him a bit by fighting him so his rockets were hitting the right corner of his container, but my plasma rifle was able to deal damage. I don't feel too bad about it, play testing could've revealed the weakness of his placement. I'll return later for a cheese free run in the future but I'm ready to move on now. The next level was much easier by virtue of having enough room to move and having the appropriate amount of resources (albeit a bit too forgiving in that department). It felt awesome being able to stretch my legs in a larger map after the previous two, and the difficulty of the previous two levels seem to have sharpened my skills somewhat. Thanks for reading.
  7. Outriders. I've put a dozen or less hours into it. I don't hate it, I just forgot about it. That's rare for me. New games are an obsession that I never just forget to continue playing. All of the dark souls games I've purchased. I went through a phase of trying to "get" dark souls, to the point where I even pre-purchased the second. I wanted to understand why they were popular. In the end, they just weren't my flavor and I just didn't care for them. I don't think they're bad. I just don't like them. Lastly, I regret all the money I sunk into world of tanks. I spent many years pumping money into the game trying to make it more enjoyable when I should've just quit after I had outgrown it.
  8. Wall activated secrets. If you must include them in a game, at least do us the favor of a subtle clue by having the texture be slightly off or something. Doom does that sometimes, but not always. I hate breaking the flow of combat to run around pressing use on the wall.
  9. If I had been playing in a vacuum without these forums I'd be under the assumption that TFC was base game material that wasn't crafted similarly to the other episodes. Knowing it's an episode specifically designed in the manner you describe puts things in perspective. Also for those reading I want to make clear that I don't think the levels I've played thus far are unfair. They're more demanding for novices because the easy tactics (circle strafe, doorway choke points) I've used so far aren't as viable given the level structure. It's almost like they're designed to use your preconceptions against you and punish you until you realize you need to do something different. Maybe I'm over thinking it, but that's how it seems to me.
  10. Update: I haven't played the map since my initial post, but today I've made it as far as the cyberdemon after a few more trial runs. I've gotten good at avoiding the enemy damage and rationing the ammo for my heavy weapons, but my careless strafing has me falling into the lava pit multiple times a run. If I could avoid that I'd be in good shape. I found a few secrets that'll help out in the future. I can taste victory, I'm very close. Thanks for all the advice.
  11. Oh damn, there are hidden shotgunners. I thought it was a bug or I was going crazy.
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