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Everything posted by lithis

    Starts decent and shows promise, albeit too eager to both force you into unavoidable traps and spawn enemies in front of you out of nowhere. Halfway through it goes downhill though, the mappers just decided that instead of carefully crafted levels with exploration and progression they'd just rather spam hundreds of demons in small arenas and call it a day for the next twenty or so maps. Truthfully, I have no clue how in the ever-loving-f*ck this got a cacoward, yet here we are. Only giving this a 2/5 because the earlier maps are solid.
  1. lithis

    Going Down

    I really like this wad's concept, I think it's really creative and has potential, except in practice. In practice the level design has some nice ideas to it and I like the short bite sized levels, but the enemy encounters all come down to "how many enemies can I cram in this tiny room" and then constantly teleporting more enemies, frustratingly so. It gets fairly repetitive and the awful, migraine inducing soundtrack doesn't help, so much so I never made past map 10 or so because I always got bored or frustrated with it around that point. I may be harsh, but again I really like the concept and I'd love to see this idea of a Die Hard, going up or down an office building map pack done better, especially with less ear bleeding music accompanying it.
  2. lithis


    Would've been a hell (heh) of a lot better without all the annoying dehacked weapons and monsters, otherwise it's fine I guess...
  3. lithis


    Maps 1-20 were fun for the most part, there was some annoying enemy spamming every now and again, and the frequent overuse of bosses, but nothing too aggravating. Maps 21 and onward were just increasingly frustrating and quite frankly bad.
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