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About SuperGiantNinjaYeti

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  1. I'm no expert but I suppose the repeated tracks would be more compressible, saving space in the installation disks. As for why have separate lumps for each repeat, I guess it could have been to facilitate modding? Maybe not, given how E4's music was handled. But we know Doom was intended to be moddable to some extent, so priorities may have changed from one rushed dev cycle to another. Lastly, regarding the reuse of music as a design choice, I'm fine with it in general and how Doom does it, except E2M3, that was silly.
  2. Lost souls not counting towards kill% in Doom 1 bothers me to an irrational degree. I'd propose making lost souls spawned by pain elementals a separate entity from the ones placed initially on a level, a simple recolor of the lost soul sprite, with whatever different properties those may need, like the hard-coded 21 per map limit and not counting for kills. Maybe those could also be a bit weaker, die off on their own after some time or something like that.
  3. I have no idea what did Decino parody in his video, but I guess it has something to do with those clickbait thumbnails I get recommended sometimes but never click on.
  4. Does anyone know what, if anything, does the A_Fire function do for the Icon of Sin's spawn fire effect thingy? If I'm reading the code correctly, A_Fire is responsible for the archvile's fire tracking its target, and doesn't seem to do anything relevant to the stationary fire effect of a landing spawn cube. Is that correct? I've been working on a deh patch were I ended up recreating that fire animation with actionless states and using the free code pointers for other stuff. It seems to work fine, at least the way I intend to use it, but I'm curious if there is some barely noticeable difference I'm not seeing or some niche case were it would make a bigger difference.
  5. You could have another script in your library that activates upon death, so if you want it to revert the music it would be something like: Script "resetmus" DEATH { SetMusic("*"); }
  6. I didn't know about E5 until now, so I got curious and copy-pasted E2 into a pwad, renamed the maps to E5M* and tested it in Dosbox. Turns out those map slots use the same music as episode 4, which in turn reuse music lumps from previous levels, so you can't give them unique music (in vanilla) if you intend to do a full 5 episodes wad. As a side note, I also noticed the sky texture was AASTINKY, not SKY1 as stated in the wiki.
  7. I encountered the same problem in MAP02 in DSDA-Doom with complevel 2. Boom compatibility made the switch pressable.
  8. (On Windows) I make batch files to launch the 3 or 4 wads I'm in the middle of playing through, even if drag and drop would be enough in some cases, as it helps me keep track of those wads in case of a long hiatus. If I'm not commiting to a full playthrough yet, I drag and drop onto a source port's shrotcut if that's enough (I have shortcuts to multiple source ports in every floder with wads in it) or use the command line if necessary.
  9. Assuming script 5 is only executed once, try this: //Cacodemon spawn in. Script 5 (void) { SpawnSpotFacingForced("Cacodemon", 3, 20); SetThingSpecial (20, Thing_SpawnNoFog, 20, T_BLUEKEYCARD, 0, 0); }
  10. Is it for GZDoom? If so, I suppose you could use SetLineTexture in a script to replicate the animation instead of defining it as an animated texture. I'm not sure about the specifics, though. It's been a while since I've tried anything ZDoom related.
  11. Thanks for the demo @Ravendesk! It was fun watching someone else play my map. Points 2 and 3 were totally conscious decisions, but 1 was an accident I noticed halfway through and made me go "that's funny", so I left it in.
  12. Glad to know it worked well for you! Maybe I didn't test the correct compatibility options in my GZDoom. Thanks for the feedback!
  13. Hello! In my years of playing Doom I've also played a lot with editing tools, but I never got the motivation to actually make a proper map until recently. This level started from the idea of using the monster spawner outside of map30. More specifically, using it in a way that benefits from its inability to telefrag outside of map30. So after thinking of one way to use it in a fight I built a map around it. Name: Pro Hac Vice Map Format: Vanilla compatible Ports Tested: Chocolate Doom 3.0.1, PrBoom+ 2.6.1um, ZDoom 2.7.1, GZDoom g4.5.0 and Doom2 v1.9 in DOSBox 0.74-3 IWAD: Doom 2 Map: MAP01 Music: Night Waves from Raptor: Call of the Shadows, composed by Matt Murphy Gameplay: Single play Difficulty Settings: Yes Multiplayer Placement: Yes, but not tested Build Time: About 2 months of very discontinuous work Requirements: No jumping nor crouching. Freelook is okay, I guess Known bugs: - If you don't use a limit removing port, you may see some HOM when looking across the bigger rooms because of the drawsegs. - There's also one area where a visplane overflow may occur, but I've only been able to trigger it by playing with the largest screen size, the one that hides the status bar. I managed to reduce the visplanes from the top of the bookshelves in the starting area, but it is still so close to the limit I'm not confident in it being 100% crash proof. However, it does seem safe after more careful playtesting. - The last room won't work as intended in ZDoom based ports and any other that allows monsters to telefrag outside of map30, but it is still playable nonetheless. Edit: An Options lump has been added to take care of this in Eternity Engine. Screenshots Download link (updated) Old version
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