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Everything posted by Foxstiel

  1. I'm suffering from the same crash issue in the first map of abscission, every time i press the level end switch it just crashes me back to desktop, i tried putting doom 2 in the same folder as well but it just has the same crash.
  2. +1 For Forsaken Compound, really great episode with a nice mix of hell and techbase
  3. Similar to two other wads I've seen before (The Halls Speak To Me, and.."Dark Scythe"), E1M1 but in various alternate universes, first starting with the original then remixes of the map, like a corrupted hell version akin to episode 3s secret level, or a dilapidated overgrown techbase , or a slaughter map with more monsters.
  4. Chaingunners, obviously they fit with the other undead, or hell knights as they act as a great inbetween of imps and barons, strong attacks, but easy to kill. The Archvile could be a sort of boss in the end of episode 4, a teaser into the new monsters of doom 2, with the map being built around his devil magicks, so lots of dead corpses to revive i suppose.
  5. Golden souls probably, i mean daisys alive and its a goofy fun adventure at times with beautiful vistas in contrast to well, hell and techbases
  6. The Demons evolve based on their past invasions , few examples Imps - Due to their slow movement they are incredibly easy to gun down, eventually they evolve to be more mobile eventually becoming nimble but slightly weaker than before. Pinkies - Strong, but easy to kill by pumping rockets or super shotgunning em, so they gained armor plating in the front, invulnerable to most bullet attacks, but has a small weakness at the back Barons And Hell Knights - Similar to the imp, more nimble, and also stronger, much more aggressive than the slower fellows they once were Doom 64 demons are mutated off shoots
  7. Good map, i kinda hope now that "Doomless" is a real thing
  8. Switcheroom - Oddly Familar, But Off, Very Off
  9. switcheroom, but instead for an episode, the entire wad, sounds interesting, I wonder how will the icon of sin be affected though, will it still be the spider mastermind?
  10. i checked and i don't think thats it, it didn't have modified enemy sprites and just had plain zombiemen, cool looking wad though
  11. i remember seeing a wad here, the only detail i have of it is that it has simple textures with a solid green floor, and grey texuters for the walls in one of the screenshots, the enemy sprites weren't modified as well
  12. I hate archvilles They are pretty easy to kill when there's no monsters corspes to revive , but when they have beefy monsters like the baron of hell, as bodyshields, they are a menace, and their hitscan attack makes it worse, who thought of giving them a hitscan attack anyways?
  13. I am trying to conplete 2002AD, i finished 2 episodes and have nearly completed the third one, on HMP currently, maybe ill do a UV replay later on
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