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About Dan87

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  1. nosp2 22 is one of my favourite encounters to exploit this mechanic directly (ignore how poorly it plays out here xdd). Playing passively is absolutely not an option with nosp2's dehacked that allows viles to rez each other, so you have no other option but to stack as much as you can and hope you can pain-state/kill enough of them early to make it manageable. ---- Tacking this on - this may not have been what you were getting at with this post, but I think almost every BFG spam map has mid-fight scenarios where stacking two shots' worth of tracers becomes the natural result of optimal play. You will frequently run into situations where you're charging a shot up and something unexpected happens - a cyber walks into the path of your shot and you can't afford to distract them from infighting, a vile starts targeting you and you're forced to reposition, etc. In those scenarios I always try to fling my shot off to the left/right while repositioning so the tracers hit my desired target, which will just naturally result in tracer stacking provided m1 is being held down.
  2. I love that the BFG makes the plasma useless, because it does so by being the most interesting and nuanced weapon to use in any FPS game. It is the sole reason that an entire subgenre of maps (slaughter) exists in their current form. The BFG's power is a critical aspect of that enjoyment for me.
  3. Map91 UV-Max in 4:07 jf291m407.zip YT: https://youtu.be/HeiO692J_ZA
  4. Map63 UV-Max in 6:04 jf263m604.zip yt: https://youtu.be/3O0hlBLxjwY
  5. Map17 UV-Max in 1:25 it17m125.zip yt: https://youtu.be/j-Qmza1Cfyk
  6. Map48 UV-Max in 2:20 junk48m220.zip
  7. Map02 UV-Max in 2:12 junk02m212.zip yt: https://youtu.be/lWigQFzIlM8 Map03 UV-Max in 1:46 junk03m146.zip yt: https://youtu.be/K6ms2ovzx-U
  8. Map48 UV-Max in 2:35 junk48m235.zip yt: https://youtu.be/6jQgnrzXzeE
  9. Map53 UV-Max in 3:57 yt: https://youtu.be/LmALZ0DapS0 junk53m357.zip
  10. I don't know of any challenge map player who plays them because they want to feel superior to others. The vast majority of the push back I've seen you get in this thread isn't related to your "opinions" on difficulty at all (nor have I seen anyone tell people they can't have opinions). Can you point to any specific posts in the thread where people have "flipped out" over difficulty? The reason you've copped more flak than others is because you've been stating things that are either factually wrong or gross over generalisations, and labeling your opinions as fact. The majority of your replies in this thread have been unnecessarily combative, and despite what you've preached, your tone has been extremely condescending throughout.
  11. DSDA page aka disarray.wad idgames link here Map01 UV-Max in 9:37 dis01m937.zip Youtube:
  12. Nice idea for a thread. The demo that was most important to my growth was probably the Sunder 32 Max I did very early on in my 'career'. It wasn't the first long/difficult max that I'd run, having recorded su15 prior to starting on 32, but it required 10x the amount of attempts, and really forced me to learn how to handle nerves better than I had during su15 (that demo had an insane amount of backtracking for health/ammo and generally way safer play than I needed). In saying that I'm not really happy with the demo looking back. I lost ~3 minutes to a manc that evaded me during the hedge maze cleanup that I had to track down, which cost me the sub-1hr time. I'd like to go back and rectify that some day - maybe when it finally hits idgames :^) In terms of actual dsda submissions, Death in Excess 32 is pretty special for me. When I first played that map casually it beat the shit out of me, and at the time I never thought I'd be good enough to beat some of the fights without midsaves, let alone max it. My first exit on it was recorded on cl8, which I was pretty devastated to find out at the time, but I was able to get a 2nd exit pretty quickly after that. This is probably the only record that I would seriously defend if someone else was to beat it. I have a few future big ticket goals: - I am working on Cosmogenesis Map02 currently, with a goal of sub-1hr - Possibly Cosmogeneis 01/03 as well - Poogers 28 Max (likely won't go too hard for time on this once since Starduster is already doing a good job in grinding the time down quite well) - Stardate 20x6 d2all possibly some time down the road, depending on how much time there is to save over Daerik's run - Dimensions 03 one day, I promise kinetic :^)
  13. Updated (slightly) cause I realised I'd accidentally flagged a couple megaspheres on Hard instead of Easy :) acute_boneitis.zip
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