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About thelemonof

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  1. I don't have time to play it in it's entirety, but the map is really well designed, good job! I do find the two revenants at the start a bit obnoxious tho, but that's about my only complaint. Great map! EDIT: Also you will need WinRAR to compress the wad into a rar file.
  2. Idk. Guess I'll have to play it. brb
  3. if you compress the wad into a .rar file you can embed it straight to the post without using a link.
  4. I did actually try to get screenshots but every time i took one i just got a picture of the intermission screen.
  5. This is Indus Outpost, a relatively small level featuring some modded enemies from the MEDB Mod linked here https://www.nexusmods.com/doom2/mods/31 I think it's pretty good but that might just be bias because I made it. Ports Tested: GZDOOM. Difficulties Tested: I'm Too Young To Die, Ultra-Violence. There's a readme in the folder with everything you need to know. The level will have you hunting down three keys through only mildly insane adversity. All mods in the folder can be found on nexusmods.com with a quick search of their names. Enjoy! Indus Outpost.rar
  6. This is the first map I have ever uploaded for people to play, and I only started mapping about a week ago so criticism is welcome. I only made something very simple to see what people think I can improve on. Reactor.rar
  7. ok, i read the comments. im going to leave this thread and just work on the map until it is done. thanks for taking the time to tell me what im doing wrong everyone.
  8. Thanks! here is some screenshots of the map. (i will add more detail before it releases)
  9. im going to beat it on nightmare. hope i can afford a good therapist edit: i just realized that im bad lol
  10. i forgot. this is meant to be played in gzdoom, im not sure if vanilla will work
  11. Hi everyone! I have recently started making my first map and am making this post to see how many people will be interested in it. It is a large, open box arena full of little shrines full of enemies and weapons. The map should be fun single player but i have made sure of multiplayer compatibility. When you spawn in you are given every powerup in the game, along with a shotgun and backpack. Every "shrine" has a different type of enemy guarding the loot. After battling through The Arena, you make it to the opposite corner to where you started. Where you use the gate of sacrifice (romero's head on a pike) to escape. recommended difficulty: hurt me plenty... if enough people are interested i will upload the map when it is done. :)
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