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About Keykhosrau

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    Silly Little Mapper

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  1. This is pretty neat, this is an exciting use of UDMF wizardry, I'd imagine Graf will be upset with this...
  2. I'm a bit late to the party, but I just want to say that this is a really fun map! Love the circular flow of the whole thing, reminds me of a paperclip (no clue why). The cyberdemon was a really nice touch. It's placement is quite fun and challenging next to the central door, makes it one of the most stressful doors I've had to interact with in a while. I quite like ammo-starved maps and demon shepherding and this is a really fun incorporation of that. A demo if you're interested (UV-Max): sad-1016.zip
  3. Here's a new UV-Max demo, for the newest version (now with 9 secrets!): dg-1204.zip I still think that one secret is permanently out of my reach - I really don't know how to reach it. Perhaps its a bug or I'm doing something terribly wrong - either way I will get 100% secrets one day!
  4. Here's an attempted and semi-blind UV-Max (but failed) run: dg-2823.zip The last 10 mins after I killed the cyberdemon are just me secret hunting. I couldn't find all the secrets - maybe some of them are bugged? The hidden computer switch secret at the beginning didn't seem to do anything. I could be wrong. As always this map is really really fun, it made my day. @RED77 I could only find 7 aswell.
  5. Played BARONDOOR and it's truly amazing. At first I was somewhat confused about what to do - but then I learned how to stop worrying and love the door. As a true baron appreciator myself, I really like the usage of them here. I love when maps are training you to think out of the box in the very flexible playspace of Doom. That's why I love barons - you don't just need your senses titilated, but also your intellect. ;) PS: pleasantly surprised by the amount of monster paralysis in doors.
  6. I'm glad you liked it! Maybe I went too hard on the transitions but I was trying to be as trippy as possible. Basically some portals are only visual, so you basically walk through them like a curtain. Thanks for the words of kindness, I should really contribute to some of the awesome community projects around here but I have a fear of deadlines :P. Also let's keep the a***-v*** a secret 😈
  7. I had a playthrough of it and it seems that there is some sort of glitch that prevents me from going past map 01. You should've posted some screenshots because there is some quite nice doomcute architecture to gaze at.
  8. This map is almost as cynical as me. Congrats. Some advice I could give for any future mapmaking is to maybe open up the spaces a bit? In this map it feels somewhat awkward when the map is cut off by doors, it makes each room feel like their own little box. Obviously there are ways that it can be used for the sake of claustrophobia, so maybe you could play into that a little bit...
  9. W-where's all the 🌈colour🌈??. 10/10
  10. I really liked this map - it's got that aesthetic beauty of good vanilla maps. I thought the arachnotron up the stairs was a pretty nice touch. :) I also think the gameplay was well thought out here, ammo is sufficient and I just like the enemy placement. It overall just feels polished.
  11. Here's the walkthrough (don't spoil the map for yourself though):
  12. Greetings Everyone! I was just messing around with GZDoom's portal line special and got the inspiration to create something strange. Bippity boppity boo and here we are with a map where spatial awareness and sensibilities like "physics" are thrown out the window. Info: Maps: 1 (One) Format: UDMF Iwad: DOOM II Singleplayer implemented Co-operative implemented, but not tested Deathmatch implemented, but not tested Difficulty: Easy-Medium (rather bonkers though) All skill levels provided Music: Intro Music: Alpendlander Stimmungsparade Medley (from Bitmidi) Map Music: Rhythmic Hallucination from King of Fighters '97 (from VGMusic) Intermission Music: MC Kids Intro Theme (from VGMusic) End Screen Music: Police Station Music from Animal Crossing (from VGMusic) Resources used: Return to Castle Wolfenstein Texture Pack (by Ozymandias81) Source Ports tested with: GZDoom only Known bugs: Can be laggy at times, Monsters have an infrequent tendency to get stuck Download: CorridorsOfConfusion.zip Screenshots: Do you have any misgivings for this abomination? Do you love it? Is there some massive bug I missed? Please, any and all comments and playthroughs are welcome. Thanks for reading!
  13. Thank you for the one (1) armor! It seems you removed a stimpack in the process, oh well, beggars can't be choosers. :p I'm just kidding at this point, although I should ask I don't think you have said the compatibility level in your top post. It's Boom, right?
  14. This map's pretty fun. Very detailed and, even though I haven't finished it fully, I quite like the humorous story progression. Nice one!
  15. This is some incredibly nice architecture if I do say so myself. I liked the combat overall but I feel the 2nd room with the rockets and the hell knights feels a bit luck-based. You only have a rocket launcher and it's a coin toss based on whether or not the lost souls decide to loiter in your face or not. Perhaps you could place a suit of armour at the beginning, for me? 🥺
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