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Everything posted by taedev

  1. SIGIL E3M9 Stroller in 2:13 sig9strx213.zip https://odysee.com/@taedev:2/doom_sigil_e5m9_strollertas_213
  2. Valiant Map 17 (Precipice) Tyson in 12:08 va17tx1208.zip https://odysee.com/@taedev:2/doom_valiantmap17_tyson_12m
  3. E3M6 Stroller in 1:44 e3m6str144.zip https://odysee.com/@taedev:2/doom_e3m6_stroller_144
  4. Ultimate Doom E1M3 Stroller in 1:03 e1m3strx103.zip https://odysee.com/@taedev:2/doom_e1m3_strollertas_103
  5. E3M6 Stroller in 1:46 e3m6str146.zip https://odysee.com/@taedev:2/doom_e3m6_stroller_146
  6. SIGIL E3M6 Stroller in 2:05 sig6strx205.zip https://odysee.com/@taedev:2/doom_sigil_e5m6_strollertas_205 SIGIL E3M6s Stroller in 2:02 sig6sstrx202.zip https://odysee.com/@taedev:2/doom_sigil_e5m6s_strollertas_202
  7. Nuts Stroller in 1:19 nutsstr119.zip https://odysee.com/@taedev:2/doom_nuts_stroller_119
  8. SIGIL E3M4 Stroller in 3:01 sig4strx301.zip https://odysee.com/@taedev:2/doom_sigil_e5m4_strollertas_301
  9. Ultimate Doom E1M5 Stroller in 1:26 e1m5strx126.zip https://odysee.com/@taedev:2/doom_e1m5_strollertas_126
  10. I wouldn't say I'm rushing. I designed a map in my head and on paper, and my plan was to build a series of proto-maps to test each part of my map. I have two proto-maps, but I wasn't planning to do more for a while. I'd like to get an idea for what's possible and how to get it to work, and maybe someday I'll feel like investing some time in it. Maybe my map will never exist. Thanks for another reply, though. I'll save it, think over it, and maybe work on it some months or years from now.
  11. I'll try to explain it differently. On ground level, there is a dark maze with pillars, and some pillars are hollow and lighted, with items inside that can be picked up. If the player can get to the top of the pillars, instead of a maze it looks like a platforming section. The tops of the pillars are all outlined in light, and the hollow lighted insides are not visible. When the player is on top of the pillars, the items can't be picked up. If the player falls off while platforming, they end up at ground level again, in the maze. Some of the monsters walk, but some are fliers. Thanks for the reply - it was informative. I know almost nothing of the mechanics of mapmaking.
  12. Thanks so much for the reply :) I appreciate it, so that I can adjust my expectations before I do serious work on it.
  13. If I wanted to make a Boom-compatible, complevel 9 map, could my map have these features? 1. After pressing a switch, a gap appears in the floor and widens until the player must fall through it. 2. The map has three skies plus one animated sky. The animated sky would preferably repeat after 2+ minutes. 3. One room has a lot of fog, and two other rooms have some fog. 4. One room has hollow pillars. From the bottom some pillars appear hollow and lighted, and they have items inside that you can pick up. From the top, the player can't see the light or hollowness. The player can walk on top of them, and the top edges have glowing borders. When the player walks on them, they don't pick up any items below. I hope that the deep water (242) effect can do this, and the hollow part would not be larger than 32 units to keep the player from falling down. 5. There is a silo with a pain elemental, and a mancubus near the top. It's room-over-room, or in this case staircase-over-staircase. Instant teleporters give the illusion that the silo is one single area, and some inner pillars by the teleport borders help keep up the illusion. The player enters the silo by falling into the top, but the player can't see what's inside until falling in. 6. After pressing a switch, a spectre appears. If the switch were not pressed and the player crossed over a lindef, the spectre would be teleported somewhere different. If neither the switch were pressed or linedef crossed, on exiting the level the spectre would be slowly crushed. 7. If a player crosses a linedef, a lot of monsters will teleport in a room. If the player didn't cross the linedef but went into a small room instead, a handful of monsters would teleport into a different room. If the player didn't go into either of those places and simply exited, that large group of monsters would get crushed at a slow, staggered rate. 8. If the player entered an area, the area would have lots of monsters teleported in. If the player pressed a switch before entering the area, no monsters would appear. If the player exits, the monsters that didn't appear would be slowly crushed. The switch could be toggled any number of times until the player crosses a linedef near the exit. 9. One teleporter would send the player to location x, but it would send them to location y if they entered/left a certain number of times. If they pressed a switch, this action would be disabled, and the teleporter would send them to location x no matter how many times the player entered it.
  14. SIGIL E3M1 Stroller in 39.46 sig1strx3946.zip https://odysee.com/@taedev:2/doom_sigil_e5m1_strollertas_39_46 Sorry for posting a similar demo so soon, but this one is faster and I like them both.
  15. SIGIL E3M1 Stroller in 39s sig1strx039.zip https://odysee.com/@taedev:2/doom_sigil_e5m1_strollertas_39s
  16. E3M1 Stroller in 1:03 sig1str103.zip https://odysee.com/@taedev:2/doom_sigil_e5m1_stroller_103
  17. SIGIL E3M2 Stroller in 31s sig2strx031.zip https://odysee.com/@taedev:2/doom_sigil_e5m2_strollertas31s SIGIL E3M3 Stroller in 42s sig3strx042.zip https://odysee.com/@taedev:2/doom_sigil_e5m3_strollertas42s
  18. E3M2 Stroller in 35.80 sig2str035.zip https://odysee.com/@taedev:2/doom_sigil_e5m2_stroller35s
  19. Map 06 (Painframe) Stroller in 1:27 gd06str127.zip https://odysee.com/@taedev:2/doom_goingdown_map06_stroller_127
  20. Hello,

    I see you're doing UV Max D2ALL of Doom 2. Good luck :) I have an idea that could save time on The Chasm: while standing on the top platform behind the invuln, fire a rocket at the southeast corner of the green pillar by the backpack. The rocket splash wakes up the caco early and you don't have to wait for him to come up when you're standing on the backpack ledge. The same trick works for both cacos by the plasma rifle (shooting at the southeast corner wakes up both, shooting at a single side can wake up one), but I'm not sure this can save time. I have never seen anyone do this, and you might finish your D2ALL before I can become skilled enough to put this trick in a TAS UV-MAX of The Chasm.

    1. Looper


      Heh, thanks for the idea. I will definitely see if I can use it.

  21. Sunlust Map 12 Stroller in 2:06 sl12strx206.zip https://odysee.com/@taedev:2/doom_sunlustmap12_stroller
  22. Ultimate Doom E1M6 Stroller in 1:53 e1m6strx153.zip https://odysee.com/@taedev:2/doom_e1m6_strollertas_153
  23. Ultimate Doom E1M6 Stroller in 2:08 e1m6strx208.zip https://odysee.com/@taedev:2/doom_e1m6_strollertas_208
  24. Valiant Map 17 (Precipice) - Tyson in 24:56. va17tx2456.zip https://odysee.com/@taedev:2/doom_valiant_tysontas_24m
  25. Hey,


    I enjoy your content on Youtube and Twitch, but only as a lurker. Glad you came back after your hiatus.


    Also wanted to say that you and your chat were talking about Plaster of Paris, probably on one of the Down the Drain Twitch streams. It's not really a regional (non-Canadian) thing. Canada has it - just check out the paint section of a hardware store.

    1. SoBad


      I appreciate that! Thank you.


      And what's funny is I've probably sold some Plaster of Paris to at least a few people, having worked in a hardware store for a while in my mid 20s. Probably one of those things you learn about and then forget so thoroughly that you convince yourself you never knew it in the first place.

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