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About lunatic01

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  1. In regards to making/editing maps, today I learned that this entire time I didn't have to give door linedefs a tag if the sector acting as the door uses said linedefs. Specifically "switch" doors (SR/S1 functions). Before this accidental discovery, I would assign the "door" sector (and the two "switch" linedefs that sandwich the sector) a tag but as it turns out, this is unnecessary in this case. I thought all functions (except for texture scrolling) NEEDED a tag in order to function. I'm still a bit of a newbie but I'm getting better!
  2. I've played through the original IWADs with vanilla gameplay so many times that sometimes the levels feel like knocking down a set (or sets?) of dominos in a particular order. That's the way I like to think of it. Shoot these demons first, then work on this other group of enemies next, etcetera etcetera, profit. I pretty much end up doing things to progress in the same order most playthroughs.
  3. Too many for me to name, but one of my favorites from the first game would have to be E1M9's track, "Hiding the Secrets".
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