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About Yop

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    Against Thee Wickedly #1 Fan
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  1. Hey all, Been 2 Months now since the project started which means it is once again time for a monthly check-up. I'll be wanting to see any progress on your maps even a general idea would be nice too! Me personally I've been very strained on time but things should be opening up in the coming weeks for sure, I'm somewhat expecting a surge of activity over the summer as that is when I'd imagine most people would have a bunch of free time to spare.
  2. Just kind of checking in here to see if anyone has started their maps yet and who hasn't. Been just over a month since project start, which is pretty cool, and please don't forget the deadline is on September 1st.
  3. Here's a look at a small portion my map so far. Nowhere near complete at this point in time maybe another week or so is my best estimate.
  4. Very well... The new deadline is officially SEPTEMBER 1ST 2024 Original post will be updated as such.
  5. Right i'm going to take this final slot. My word will be Grim. Also about the tbd deadline change how do we feel on a deadline of September 1st?
  6. All participant slots have been taken, i will actively look forward to seeing all your works in the coming days/weeks/months. As a warning the Deadline is set to shift to a new date, as of now that has yet to be decided on. When the change comes you will all be informed!
  7. As per Xaser's suggestion the map slot taking has been lifted and is more of a reservation if anything now. Format is MBF21 as per Xaser's suggestion. If you have claimed a word and any map position will be decided according based on how difficult your map is relative to the others with the defined map slots. Difficulty wise i should've stated this in the main post but silly me i forgot. We should be going for about Plutonia Experiment difficulty. I will update the main post accordingly. But difficulty is subjective so if we don't like the idea i'll remove it. I am dreadfully sorry if that messes anyone's plans up!
  8. Hello all, have you wanted to start mapping yet struggle to find a premise? or perhaps have a really good idea but don't know what the theme would be alongside it? Well I have the solution for you I hope! Welcome to... Knee Deep in the Dictionary! I have created a list of about 40 (English) Words for you to choose from for your map, you can interpret these words however you like. The Maps name isn't restricted however preferably it should include the chosen word in it. I know it's weird that a DOOM 2 project is named after a DOOM 1 episode, I'll admit that. You can pick whichever word for whichever map, words will be marked through when taken. If you struggle on a word and how to interpret it feel free to use Dictionary.com We'll be using MBF21 for this project and it has a maximum 33 participant slots. The difficulty should be around Plutonia level Rules: 1. Use the List you cannot choose your own words there's more than enough. 2. No limit on submission but do allow others a chance! 3. Custom Textures are allowed: 32in24-15 v2 will be the only set you can use. 4. Tools like Oblige and its variants are not allowed. 5. Custom Midis are allowed. The Goal is: 33 Maps [30 Main, 3 Secret] The Deadline is: SEPTEMBER 1ST 2024 The submission format is: [MAP NAME AND NUM] [SONG USED] [MAPPER COMMENT (Optional)] [CUSTOM TEXTURES] [DOWNLOAD] The Word List: MAP SLOTS: Happy Mapping!
  9. RC3 is here, sorry for it being very late. It should fix quite a lot of major issues people found, thank you for pointing them out. I will also be planning my next community project idea, it will come when I have thought it through and weighed options and potential interest.
  10. Slight update on RC3: I've been pretty busy the last few days leaving me very little time to focus on the update, i've been chipping away at alterations and fixes slowly but surely. I cannot give a confident release date or release window. It'll be out when it's out. :)
  11. I will get to work either tonight or at the weekend. RC3 should then be out in a few days time :)
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