apparently it was on the back of this egm poster which doomwiki confirms:
the back of the poster in question:
can't believe they called a spectre a nightmare demon and THEY FUCKING CALLED A HELL KNIGHT A BARON OF HELL
ngl the green pillar texture is more accurate than the dhtp marble texture, dhtp should have an overhaul after dhmp is done and maybe after dhtp is overhauled a doom 64 hd project that i crave can happen
the doomslayer isn't the doom3 3guy as when doomguy killed oremor nhoj he got stuck in hell as oremor nhoj isn't a spider mastermind and when doomguy found the doom 3guy he merged with the doom 3guy to become the doomslayer
doom 3 is a prequel to doom 64 as in the canon secret ending the doom 3guy got separated from the doom 3verse and went to the doomverse and when the uac found him they thought doom 3guy was doomguy and sent him to kill the resurrected demons with a nihilistic point of view and as to why doom 3 is called doom 3 is because id software mispelled doom 63 to doom 3 and were too lazy to fix it