This is such a fantastic port! I love how playing with a controller feels in this (as well as PsyDoom) - many source ports don't have the movement and turning precision that an analog controller should give, so this feels very refreshing and fun to use! Out of curiosity, how would one go about modding the game? Mostly graphics swapping, but modding nonetheless.
The only real complaints I have about this is it doesn't have the many ingame options as PsyDoom, so you'd have to adjust, for example, Always Run in the config file. Full Screen mode doesn't seem as good either, as it doesn't seem to display at your monitor's native resolution, causing windows to be moved around and pushed to the other monitor; you can't even maximize the window either. I also noticed that manually setting the fullscreen resolution would actually cause the game to just be cut off and not display at the correct resolution (for reference, my monitor resolution is 3840 x 2160)
All these issues aside, this is an absolutely stellar Source Port and one I'll be using in many future replays to come! I'd love to see what the next potential console source port will possibly be!