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About Greenknight9000

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  1. Ahhhh I see. I feel like the Wiki might need to be edited to explain that more clearly since my dumbass didn't get that. Would there be plans in the future to patch the original game so that the original levels could be playable as well?
  2. Really happy that this is out, though I noticed a strange bug: Some of the packs starts you at random levels. Doom takes you to "Phobos Mission Control", SIGIL seems to work as intended, Doom II takes you to "Downtown", NRFTL takes you to "The Earth Base", The Master Levels takes you to "The Garrison", TNT takes you to "Power Control", Plutonia takes you to "Well of Souls" - is this a known bug or something?
  3. Ditto this! That'd be marvelous! Hell, having some of the Saturn features would be a neat extra, like the faster firing rate, the option to enable the Saturn Soundtrack (by maybe using a Doom Saturn file) and maybe the way it does invisibility; so it'd basically just be aesthetic changes with a hint of minor gameplay change
  4. Okay! I managed to decompile all 1782 files into the D32XR folder. I found the tools you listed, though I'm not sure how to use them - I'm basically just looking so I can swap Doomguy's head and weapons sprites with my own so I'm not sure where to look. Sorry if this is super obvious and I'm not thinking right - I'm still new to all this and if I'm not posting in the right forum, I just figure I'd give this a shot and have my own personalized D32XR to play
  5. Sorry for pestering a little more, but how does one use the dd, cat and rm commands? Are they a part of wadcode or another program not listed? Apologies - I'm still a little unfamiliar with compiling things, but slowly getting a hang of things!
  6. This has to be my favourite way of experiencing Doom on a 16-bit system. Just curious, though: How does one get the JagDoom assets, or would it be possible to even use custom assets, like resprites of Doomguy's head or the Statusbar, for example
  7. I noticed that there's no way to choose which display to use to play the game in Fullscreen, which means that I'm forced to play with my main display. Perhaps a quick patch could be added to add that option? I know the following isn't really on topic with PsyDoom, but they're kinda in the same family so for simplicity's sake I'll say it here but will a launcher and the wide range of display options (or options in general) be coming to Phoenix Doom sometime as well? These two Source Ports have to be my favourite ports of all time and I play them frequently, it's just the minor hiccups that are only in the way of it truly becoming the best of the best. Honestly, now that I think about it, I wouldn't mind this becoming a part of Libretro/RetroArch since there's already PrBoom on there, Console Source Ports would be great to have on there as well especially if I can get to use the great NTSC filters as well. Hahaha
  8. So I've been messing around with Obsidian for a bit now and I'm having so much fun with it! The only issue I've come across though is that the weapon variety can get a bit...boring to say the least after a while - with a generator you should have a wider arsenal to fight with to spice things up; this is where you all come in and suggest and recommend the best weapon mods that (preferably) don't replace the stock weapons themselves and instead add themselves as completely new weapons that can be found among the rest. I myself have been playing with Doom Delta a lot so I'd find it neat if a recreation of the BFG9000 could be added in among the mix, since Delta replaces the current BFG with the Beta BFG. I've tried Final Doomer but I have some issues with it, like the strange physics change when moving (I absolutely hate it and have no idea how to get rid of it) and it's also not compatible with said Doom Delta since it won't show the Class Selection Screen, or have an option to enable all weapons to possibly appear during playthrough. Anyway, I figured that my first proper post on this forum would be this! I figure I may as well ask what the experts think and see if they can suggest anything I may have overlooked myself
  9. Ahhh I see. Bummer that there isn't any modding tools for it yet. I feel like this Source Port has so much potential with modding, but that aside here's what the game looks like when I attempt to run it at the native resolution in Full Screen, though it still seems to push the windows to other other monitor, so it seems like it doesn't really change resolution at all it seems. I think you can use a Virtual Machine to view the desktop at 4K Resolutions by adding a scrollbar horizontally and vertically so you can see the screen. Maybe that can help? Setting the Output Resolution to 0 doesn't set it to the actual Screen Resolution either, so that might also be a bug.
  10. This is such a fantastic port! I love how playing with a controller feels in this (as well as PsyDoom) - many source ports don't have the movement and turning precision that an analog controller should give, so this feels very refreshing and fun to use! Out of curiosity, how would one go about modding the game? Mostly graphics swapping, but modding nonetheless. The only real complaints I have about this is it doesn't have the many ingame options as PsyDoom, so you'd have to adjust, for example, Always Run in the config file. Full Screen mode doesn't seem as good either, as it doesn't seem to display at your monitor's native resolution, causing windows to be moved around and pushed to the other monitor; you can't even maximize the window either. I also noticed that manually setting the fullscreen resolution would actually cause the game to just be cut off and not display at the correct resolution (for reference, my monitor resolution is 3840 x 2160) All these issues aside, this is an absolutely stellar Source Port and one I'll be using in many future replays to come! I'd love to see what the next potential console source port will possibly be!
  11. Where does your pfp come from? it's a funny cool furry!

    1. Greenknight9000


      Oh! It came from me! I commissioned a full Doom-style spritesheet of my fursona! Though too many colours were used, so when I had to convert them to Doom's palette, I had to do some painstaking conversionĀ image.png.96aa8c35c81f39cad7a106fcca2d5c44.png

  12. I figured it out! Downloaded PowerISO and that managed to open the Bin file and got PSXDoom.wad - sucks the heads are smaller in resolution so I had to make adjustments, but I managed in the end and it works! Now I kinda wish I knew how to get it on actual PSXDoom someday. hahaha
  13. I actually tried opening Track 1.bin with 7Zip, but just end up getting an error. I kinda wish there was a video tutorial on how to do this, since I'm more of a visual learner
  14. Wait, really? I saved the files as PSX Format but I didn't know there was more to it. How might one extract the Bin file? I only have Doom.cue and a load of track .bin files
  15. Yep - just trying to due purely graphical edits. I've basically replaced all of Doomguy's heads with my own graphics and saved them as a .wad. I tried psydoom.exe -file file.wad yet nothing changes
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