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About VVanTuz2OO2

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    Tiny Silly Plunger
    Warming Up

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  1. That's gonna be extremely useful to newbie like me. Thank you!
  2. Oh, I totally forgot that Crispy Heretic finally exists. Well, let's hope DSDA gets that sometime later. No, speedrunning is of no concern in this exact moment, so it's fine with Crispy Doom, but I still need to learn how to make that happen in Doom Builder, since there is no "Crispy Heretic" category. It is possible and I have a direction. That's already good. About those clippings. They just happened. I doublechecked that textures do not have issues with names - each texture has it's own name and there are no equal names that might cause the conflict. But all I did is import all the Hexen textures, put them into PNAMES, PP\FF Entries, TextureX, converted to Heretic's palette and launched Doom Builder with Heretic IWAD and PWAD with mentioned textures\flats. And HERETIC.WAD was picked as an Base Resource of operations during the editing in SLADE 3. Maybe I should check the offsets after all. Since it's Hexen there might be any kind of magic. Thanks for help, I'll try out soon.
  3. Well, hello. I had no problem just adding the flats and textures via PP\FF entries, PNAMEs and TextureX. But it seems to be flawed. Some of the textures - specifically Bricks and Episode 3 Mosaic are messed up with each other and I don't know what to do with that. Another thing that I wanna know is that is there a way to add animated textures. Yeah, I know how that works in case of Doom and Doom 2, either replace the existing or go to Boom or ZDoom un-vanilla and add it through ANIMDEFS or some other magic which may get bugged sometimes. But if there is a way to do that in Heretic format that would be great. Six animated flats, two animated walls and only 2 not so different switches is a very low for a diverse design. As far as I read, Doom has quite a number of formats that do limit removing but do not change gameplay drastically. In case of Heretic there is either a Vanilla or ZDoom. Is there a way to hack that thing out? Because if there were some "Boom Heretic" formats that helped that issue better it would be much easier. I do understand why not so many people map for Heretic, it's generally has much worse support for addon content. Here is some footage of broken tiles:
  4. 1. I know the issues with mobile network, not being stable, everychanging Ip address, generally unreliable yada-yada-yada. 2. Know of it, but maybe I should double check or set it manually. Sometimes network doesn't do that kinda thing automatically. My friend said he needed to set DNS and such in order for everything to work. 3. Really nice info. 4. Okay, that is also might be very helpful. Thanks
  5. Might be ISP. They're pretty non-democratic around here. I'll check when there will be a chance to. Thanks.
  6. Hello there. I'm late to the whole Forum Things. But as my needs raises higher and higher and my knowledge is lacking I decided to finally join. I've been having problems for a while launching a full-on properly working server. Don't get me wrong. Making the server itself, dmflags, mappacks, mods - it's all very easy. Making it visible outside of LAN is something that I have never encountered. It works fine with Radmin but outside of it you cannot just open Doom Explorer or Doomseeker to find my server. I did all the port forwarding servers and such instructions as it was told by many sources - it never worked for making server visible. I think the problem also having a bad internet provider because my online sessions sucks. It's clearly not designed for active online play. I will move to other place and will be preparing a PC specifically for hosting servers but I still wanna know much needed information and all precautions to make server a worldwide visible one. I think just to port-forward and writing console commands to make it not LAN is not enough for master to acknowledge my server for listing and listening.
  7. Goodnight. I'm submitting the E1M7 The Royal Tomb. Let me know if there's any mistakes. I doublechecked the variables and tags. Everything should be in order. I hope I didn't forgot anything. I completed the map on UV - it's should be doable to everybody else. Unfortunately, I cannot reply unitl next evening. I should be up at 6 AM and will not be available until 9 PM by my time. And deadline is 1 PM on 13th May. If there are some major mistakes (more problematic than tagged secrets like with mine E2M4) I won't be able to finish it back. E1M7byWantuz.zip
  8. Hello there, I wish to claim E1M7 the Crypts starting now. I think this will be my final Map submission for the project. I do remember a lot of places in Heretic since I played it all my childhood and seniour years. Everybody should have a chance, that would be strange if many levels will be done by one noname user. Three maps is a lot already.
  9. Never thought that anybody would make those two words an abbreviation in such a public place. First CP that come to my mind are horror series Child's Play (yeah, it's similar but not extreme), an actor Chris Pratt and most certainly Community Project . But that? It's not a discord or telegram to be immediately alerted.
  10. It is not critical to have such a mistake, right? I might just make many angry for that speedy mistake. Should we fix the secret or leave it there? ?????
  11. Woopsie, how did I managed to do such a 90's mistake lol... Should really be more careful with sector tagging. Well, no 100% secrets for Big Mac Davis... Thank you very much. If I will have more time I will think on taking another final one - E2M6. I think this is another "blank" in the mind of many.
  12. I think the hardest part for me was the buildings inside the citadel. I clearly remember the dark one with a button but the rest... Uh let's say it's a fantasy rather than a memory. I don't remember how the secret or main exit rooms looked like and how and where they should be placed, so that is also somewhat messed up. I don't think player had an access to the higher level of the stronghold except for watchtower. but I though it be cool. Tell me if there's something wrong there. I'll be honest - some textures (mountains mainly) are not exactly all Shift-R'd since Heretic itself not always did that to detailed degree so I did the clearence of textures for places where it would be very noticeable and making them as good looking took much time already.
  13. E2M4 The Frozen Gulch - The Ice Grotto Recreated from memory by me Checked all the teleporters, doors - twice in DSDA. Monster count is high, but this time around I did not forgot about ammunition and starter weapons - there are plently of them Secret exit is there and accessible. E2M4byWantuz.zip
  14. I am ready to submit the map. Gimme two minutes to upload it. I have just done it!
  15. Hello there. It was quite here for a while... I'd like to start making E2M4 The Ice Grotto from memory. I have two days out and the one working is not that difficult. Starting now. I wonder why nobody took it already.
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