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About sean-dude

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  1. Just save before you pickup a key. Most mappers throw 12 revenants at you after a key pickup.
  2. I use it for saving ammo, dealing with low tier enemies, and sniping. I also find because it's cool down is quicker than the ssg you get some high tiers like the pain elemental stuck in stun lock. The ssg takes too long and you end up getting a bunch of lost souls chasing you down.
  3. In Sergeant Marks Hell on Earth Starter pack, the music in the e1m1 is actually the music from the Doom Movie First Person Scene. I just re watched the movie and was like hey, I recognize this!
  4. Speaking of this creep... You ever hear his band killcheerleader? More a metal band but supper sick. Only one album. I saw them live back in the day.
  5. Too bad Ethan Kath is a creep. Good tunes but you gotta seperate the artist from the art.
  6. We had a windows 95 machine when I was a kid, and my dad would play Doom, Wolfenstein 3d, Duken Nukem and Quake. Me and my sister would sit and watch until mom chased us out of the room. I spent more time with Quake 2 and Half-Life, CS 1.6, and Halo on Xbox. Brutal Doom is probably what got me into Doom in recent years, but I honestly just play it vanilla these days.
  7. Interesting. I was just burning thru both of them the other day and was like "I've been here before..." Thanks for the information!
  8. Has anyone noticed that Hell on Earth Starter Pack level 3 and Freedom Phase 2 Level 3 are almost exactly the same? Who ripped off who??? I honestly prefer the Hell on Earth Level, it looks a bit nicer.
  9. I was just thinking about this the other day. Good things never last
  10. See title? Just wondering what mods I can dump into it.i tried some GZDOOM mods but they didn't seem to load.
  11. Yeah that worked on crispy doom and prboom. Unless I remap on GZDOOM I guess. I was save summing anyways lol.
  12. What button do I press to restart the level after dieing?
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