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About JJBoren

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  1. Finally managed to finish my contribution to this year's RAMP: MAP001 "Slipgate Adventure". I have rated it very long and hard. My map ended up being a chunky boi.
  2. @Obsidian How exactly do we go about implementing difficulty settings? Do I just edit my part of the map and then send it to you? Also, how much are we allowed to adjust the map?
  3. Finally got around to recording 100% playthrough of all levels. Secrets are timestamped in the video descriptions.
  4. Thank you for the feedback. As for Cacos... well there's a map where you can spend few minutes making tomato juice if you want to.
  5. I decided to make a 100% walkthrough for MAP10, in case someone is wondering about the little puzzle on that level. The puzzle solution is at around 7:58. The video has spoilers, of course.
  6. The Island of Killer Cacos iwad: Doom 2 Slots: Map01 - Map13, MAP31 and MAP32 Format: UDMF Tested with: GzDoom Redering: Hardware Acceleration is recommended There are few visual bugs on Software but the game is playable Jumping: No Difficulty levels: Supported Balanced for a pistol start on UV (ammo can at times be little bit tight) Textures: Otex 1.1 DOWNLOAD Music Also, big thanks to the people who played the early versions of some of the maps.
  7. My first Doom level. I used heavily upgraded version of this map in my first released Episode.
  8. I made another map for this project, this time a bit more involved combat wise. Christmas Smells Like Gunpowder Author: JJBoren Music: Jazz Jackrabbit 2: Bonus Stage Coop: Yes Difficulty levels: Implemented Build time: Around 3h 40min christmas_smells_like_gundpower.zip
  9. I guess we got a winner for the Cacowards 2024.
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