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About EraserheadBaby

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  1. This first one is more a lazy food tactic than a type of food. Instead of using a scoop or spoon, I use a small ice cream bowl to scoop ice cream. Easier than a spoon and no scoop to wash. And also this. 10 minute Mac'n'cheese casserole. This one kinda breaks the rules, as it just barely crosses over into being a recipe. It's probably on the side of the box, but I didn't check. Pick out your mac n/ cheese with cheese sauce in the foil pouch. The stuff that aggressively defies nature. Put on water to boil and add about a cup of small veggies and any dry herbs you want. I use peas and carrots, and minced onion Add the pasta once it comes to boil. Cook, strain, blahdiddy blah. Here's the real trick. When you're mixing in the cheese sauce, add some unflavored greek yogurt (half cup/140 ml), an 2 ounces/60ml of cream, and some shredded cheese. I usually add a can or two of tuna as well. A dash of soy sauce ain't bad either.
  2. Saw that Lethal Weapon post and my 80's brain jumped right to this song. WARNING: do not listen to unless you want it stuck in your head for the day. edit: I did not follow my own advice and have spent the last 90 minutes figuring out and practicing the opening riff from this classic.
  3. @Koko Ricky Cool take, hadn't thought of it that way. It's a good critique. Frankly, I don't really think about the faults of old DOOM in general. I just learned there are stuck monsters in "Underhalls". The game is so awesome that there are people here talking about it who weren't even alive when it was made. Still building maps and playing. I find it unreal that this website and community exist. Video games don't generally live this long. I love old DOOM. Forgiving it it's slight jankiness in the face of everything it accomplished, that definitely helps me keep loving it.
  4. Nah, it was a blast. I mean, what else were we gonna compare it to? Mario? Commander Keen? Sonic? Not pointing the finger at anyone in particular, but so much of the criticism I see about old DOOM seems to ignore the fact that it came out 30 years ago and pioneered the technology necessary for its creation not to mention conceiving design principles for a completely new genre of game. CD's weren't even a go to storage platform yet and they're ancient history. So yeah, it might be a little rough around the edges, now. But back then it was the most amazing thing most of us had ever seen (in a video game anyway). And maybe DOOM 2 was A LOT like DOOM. It's basically a map pack with a few extra enemies and the SSG, but back then the gaming landscape wasn't as lush, and we were just happy to have more DOOM. "Ugh, these cave paintings are total crap" That's what it sounds like to me.
  5. A special kind of illiteracy.


    I've noticed that the majority of people on DOOMworld suffer from a fascinating type of illiteracy in which they are able to type but, apparently, unable to read.  I receive reply after reply answering questions that weren't asked, telling me I'd forgotten things I had clearly talked about, or said my idea would be better if it was [exactly what what I had already said].


    I wonder if any research has been done into this phenomenon, as I am having trouble understanding how one can write without knowing how to read. 

  6. Whoops, didn't know you live in Canada. Good job bucking that politeness stereotype.
  7. Just had oral surgery. I'll be giving that a try
  8. Damn, I hate to hear that. You seem a nice enough fella
  9. Don't worry about it, you didn't ruin anything. You sound like someone fresh out of college educated by bitter intellectuals who wish they had more money.
  10. I just stumbled into this thread and didn't have a random image, but I don't wanna just leave a garbage heap of replies without adding something. So if you've never heard of the painter Alex Grey, now you have.
  11. I love how one of the "Maybe not a good ideas" got prescribed to me in my teens.
  12. They aren't actually developing, just publishing (right?). While they may get their marketing stink all over it, the bugs should be kept at bay.
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