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About rafael2100

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    that sounded much better in my head

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  1. I'm actually already starting to setup for the day I officially host this community project, which is for not too late, around 2 weeks from now if I'm confident. I'm already creating a discord server, and I will look and observe what my ambitions and ideas are for this project, and rework if they are too demanding, or outright impossible on the doom engine. So far I won't tell you how it's going to go, i'd rather keep it as a surprise for later. Originally, I wanted to create a normal level, with a small twist, that being a secret button that opened an entrance towards the real cake : the labyrinthine mess of the poolrooms, divided by 3 sections, the bright and sunny day area, the sunset area, more focused on lighting, and the abyss, which is underwater. Now it's a little more complex, especially ever since I got the idea of at least including more liminal spaces other than the poolrooms ever since I saw sladspace by @WASFDDDDD, and I originally intended to create all of it all by myself, obviously I horribly over-estimated on how I would handle this, because we all know for a fact this is incredibly time consuming.
  2. @Lizardcommando I wonder, you've asked for advice and some help, but you didn't show the result of your map, and I actually got pretty curious of what you've been building, a few screenshots would be nice Haven't tested the map yet, though it does give some ambiance. (That's so many liminal maps to try... I gotta catch up at some point)
  3. What a coincidence ! As @Dankmetal mentionned it, not long ago I started a thread about liminal spaces in doom and how to reproduce them in the engine (she linked said-thread in the quote). It also helps that I intend to soon create a community project about liminal spaces (mostly focused but not limited to the poolrooms), so this might help a lot ! Right now I don't have the time to play it, it looks very promising from the screenshots, I will say it and give my feedbacl when I end up playing it
  4. Surprisingly I already have everything you are asking for : new tile textures, and a bright blue sky (it's very stretched though and I don't know how to fix it). I will point out that every texture is a flat, that includes those that arent 64*64, dunno if it's compromising in any sort of way in UDMF. Here's the link : https://www.mediafire.com/file/4fc3mx91u5myz7q/liminal+texturing.wad/file
  5. My house.pk3 achieves a really nice liminal feeling to his maps, you probably forgot about it when you've written that message. Otherwise I don't know any other maps that are intentionally liminal
  6. Firstly you must be on UDMF format (which I assume you are considering you made water with depth), and there are entities called dynamic lights (which is how I get most of the effects in the screenshots), they should be near the bottom of the things folders. Personally I prefer using vavoom lights, I can't exactly point out how they work, but I recommend using them. If you wanna add a warm color like orange, use vavoom light color, and slightly modify the Green and Blue value (at around ~220), make sure to make it so that the value for Blue is lower than Green's, otherwise it might make some purple.
  7. Sure thing ! I'll probably add it in SLADE when i'm at that part of the process
  8. The thing is, combining the beginning area, that being Sladspace and the poolrooms which in theory you access by falling through a hidden hole, it creates this odd contrast, when you leave Sladspace, instead of the "hellish, dingy and thoroughly hostile" map, you are introduced to a brightful and paradise-like pool, it gives the player a false sense of security, because they'll think they have escaped the worst. Of course I will expand and re-imagine some areas, since there is still room for improvement. Though if you want, instead you focus on the new version of sladspace you mentionned and spare me the trouble of reworking your map, but as I already said, i'm not forcing you to do it
  9. Pretty straight forward map but pretty cool, some advice I could give to enhance the atmosphere : - You could maybe tone down a little bit the ambient noises, they're a little intrusive, I would probably replace it with this track in that website : https://ultrakill.wiki.gg/wiki/Soundtrack - You could also use more 3D floors, they go a long way into making the player feel insecure, you could also use doomcute in places where it doesn't make sense, the couch in that beige area is a very good example. You know, I think I could use this map for my community project, my idea was that when you first start the wad, you are introduced in a somewhat normal area, and it plays out like most wads would, but you just feel that something is off, and the more you play, the more it absurdifies, until you are led to the poolrooms. I'm not forcing you into continuing this map, but if you have time to kill and not much else to do, then you are more than welcome to expand this wad, I think it's a pretty cool map :)
  10. We all want it ! That screenshot looks very enticing ! In retrospect, I didn't expect it would go as far as inspiring someone to make a liminal map when I first started this thread lol
  11. It's much more complicated than that, we can't really be precise with data here, especially with liminal spaces. Otherwise, that claim is a horrendous simplification of this topic, and mayble slightly inaccurate
  12. Comparisons : I don't know I might polish it a little further, but so far it looks great
  13. On second look, it does look like it is, it shared way too many similarities with entryway for it to be your creation, like I originally interpreted it.
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