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Rose Holmes

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Everything posted by Rose Holmes

  1. The MAP21 title is deliberate, because the map itself is supposed to be super glitchy and everything I did misspell "teleporter" in a text screen though
  2. I'm glad you enjoyed it, thanks so much for all the feedback you gave :) I probably still have some changes to make but seeing a letsplay of it would be amazing
  3. Thanks :) The idea was just that doomguy has gone insane. The maps that I'm worried about people's impression of the most are 21 and 24. Those 2 are quite... experimental
  4. Being able to go behind the building at the start is unintentional, not sure how I missed that I deliberately didn't mark the BFG as a secret since I thought it was too hard to find to even be an official secret. I've moved the other cars further away from the wall to make it clearer that you have to choose that one. I have also added a way to get back from the yellow key area: I'm glad you think this map is impressive, I almost went insane making it :p
  5. The secret sector has it's special transferred to the sector at the edge of the balcony when the button is shot. This works on DSDA but not GZDoom for some reason :( I might just add in a separate area containing the secret sector across from the balcony, that opens when the button is shot. Thanks for the help again
  6. I made the hole smaller so that the imps should stop you from falling down if you skip the linedef. Thanks for the help :)
  7. I figured out the problem, monsters could close the door from the other side. It should be fixed now. Thanks for pointing that out, i really appreciate it
  8. Can you tell me the direction you went to get softlocked in map 3? I can't see how that happened unless it was a linedef skip. The thing with the lost souls is deliberate, meant to replicate how the lost soul flames work in Doom 2016 and Eternal :)
  9. That's so weird... I just checked and the button definitely is "S1 Door Open Stay", and that is the only action affecting that door. But I just tested it in GZDoom and the door does close? The door does stay open in DSDA-doom though. Maybe it's to do with the compatibility mode.
  10. Road To Hades A 32 map Boom compatible megawad for TNT:Evilution. IWAD: TNT:Evilution (tnt.wad) Compatibility level: Boom Maps: 32 Difficulty settings: Yes Multiplayer: No Build time: About a year and a half Tested in: DSDA-doom 0.27.5 Check rth.txt for MIDI credits :) Download:rth.zip
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