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Just a guy

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About Just a guy

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  1. From a couple works in progress I'm pecking away at bit by bit.
  2. I've stuck so far with making only maps which I can beat saveless and without secrets. I figure I want to make so many maps I forget about all of them, then come back in a few years and still be able to beat them. That said, I've played a number of wads where I find myself wondering how well it's creator would fare. I mean, Okuplok, right?
  3. I played Doom and Doom 2 in high school when they were new and fell in love instantly. I remember playing the Beavis and Butt-Head and Simpsons mods back when they were new, also, but I didn't know about DW or the greater Doom community until about 2006. Lurked here for several years, then went through several years of crazy life and quit playing video games. I missed video games and came back. Things have been stable for the last decade, so I got back into playing Doom 2 on my PC for a break from all the buggy, micro-transaction riddled mess modern games have become. I decided a few months back to try mapping and fell in love with that, too. After 15 years of lurking, I finally decided to create an account so I could share my efforts, get feedback, and work toward developing my skills at this new hobby. I have to say, I'm glad I did.
  4. This map is fantastic, thanks for sharing. Nice, cohesive visuals and layout. Ran through it on HMP, got 94% kills and only 30-something % secrets. I really enjoyed the hedge maze, and there are tons of fun little loop-backs throughout the map that make you think, "ah, so that's where that goes." Very fun; would recommend.
  5. Just now getting around to Lullaby. I am absolutely floored by the design quality and the feel of everything in this wad... It's magical. Highly recommend to anyone who hasn't seen it.
  6. Gorgeous layout, downloaded and will have to give this one a whirl later. I'm glad to see this thread resurrected; it was what brought me to lurking these forums in the first place. I just love a map that takes hours to explore.
  7. Decino made a (I think) pretty informative video on the Archvile. It addresses your question nicely, and goes into good detail on other aspects of our dear friend Archie: https://youtu.be/xsVWdMVYJgk
  8. Just submitted my map after wondering for a week if I should or not. Wanted to pass along special thanks to you, David, as your excellent tutorials on YouTube were the first useful resource I encountered for building these crazy things.
  9. These are gorgeous, thanks for taking the time and for sharing.
  10. What a fantastic idea! I was talking the other day with a friend about how silly it would be if you had to make Doom maps OSHA-compliant, and here it is. I love it!
  11. Hello! I've been playing Doom off and on since it came out and decided recently to try my hand at mapping. This is my second map (you can find the first one here, if you're interested in tracking my growth), titled "Ten Two Four," It was inspired by a community project limiting mappers to a 1024 space, which I've found to be a very enjoyable restriction to work with. I'd greatly appreciate any feedback/criticism anyone is kind enough to take the time to offer. Thanks in advance. Download here. Info and screenshots below. -Tested with GZ Doom and didn't find any glaring errors -Doom2 format UDMF - there are some 3d floors, so I don't think this will work in vanilla -Freelook? - go for it -Jumping/crouching? - No. Please don't. -Doom II IWAD used, with mostly OTEX textures/flats -Just a single level MAP01 replacement, intended for single player. -Incorporates some puzzle elements and some slaughter-ish elements. Difficulty ramps up very fast, there are some mean teleporter traps (including an Archie who pops in to resurrect dead enemies when you're not watching). -Difficulty level - I haven't implemented skill levels yet, so this is basically UV.
  12. Thanks very much for the feedback, I appreciate it! It's encouraging to hear I have a few things right. I don't know if I'll bother to go back and tweak this map as it was a first-time endeavor; more likely I'll take all the feedback I get here and apply it toward making the next map better.
  13. Hello! I've been playing Doom off and on since it came out and decided recently to try my hand at mapping. This map is (tentatively) titled "Circling into Hell," and I believe it's pretty much complete. I'd greatly appreciate any feedback/criticism anyone is kind enough to take the time to offer. Thanks in advance. Download here. Info and screenshots below. -Tested with GZ Doom and didn't find any glaring errors -Doom2 format UDMF - pretty much vanilla but still getting my head around what exactly that means -Freelook? - go for it -Jumping/crouching? - No. Please don't. -Doom II IWAD used, with a small handful of additional textures added -Just a single level MAP01 replacement, intended for single player. I may expand the loose theme started here into 2-3 additional levels. -Intended to be basically vanilla; incorporates some puzzle elements and some slaughter-ish elements. Difficulty is supposed to ramp up very fast as you move through the map. -Difficulty level - I've implemented easy/medium but am skeptical of the balancing; it feels a little too easy. I had a bit of a rough time getting 100% on UV, but I'm no Doom God. Very interested in feedback on difficulty levels.
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