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About ThreeStripes

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  1. Thank you so much for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed it! There have been some changes since the version you played, the room with all the hornbeast with the icon of sin in MAP02 was an error in design and was not meant to end the level. In the newest version it was replaced. All the music featured in Shadow Crusade has the rights paid for. The music featured throughout is the Valor and Villainy music pack. I do hope you continue playing the additional three extra levels featured in the latest release.
  2. Reflections always just look so good


  3. The level is a puzzle by trying to find the exit via taking a series of paths. The room with john romeros head is not the solution (I will need to change that head to some other prop) You have to keep going through the labyrinth
  4. I used to make wads back in highschool for some time, I really enjoyed it but after a while I moved onto the next thing. Then all the videos and essays for myhouse start getting posted and I was hooked. Unfortunately never got to do a virgin playthrough of myhouse, thinking that I would just watch the essay and move onto another video. But ever since myhouse I’ve become obsessed again with WADs and modding. After fiddling with unreal for a couple of months, working with UDB and Slade is like a cakewalk. Everything just kind of clicks for me where it normally hasn’t and I understand what I feel like I normally wouldn’t on other software. It makes me really excited to finally be working on a game project and consistently feeling like I’m making breakthroughs, learning more, and achieving more. Still have a long way to go but I’m excited for the journey and learning of it all. Who else here is back or was introduced to doom wads because of myhouse? I’ve been seeing a lot of people like myself with recent join dates and was wondering just how big of a impact that wad has had.
  5. New map is ready to go, many changes have occurred. If you want to skip the first map that you already played then you can simply do changemap MAP02 in console Change log:
  6. Thats a good point regarding the kill counter, I believe I can simply just exclude them from the completion count via UDB. In regards to the formatting changes I am 100% okay with any and all forms of criticism, feedback, and suggestions! In writing that intermission text between the two levels I was going for a more cryptic feeling towards it as well as the player questioning who the narrator is. I may go back and change it at some point I would just need to think on it some.
  7. Also in regards to 12% kills on MAP02, you are not designed to achieve more than 12% kills on that map.
  8. Good call on the out of bounds area on the altar! I was confused because I seen that texture before in the starting area from someone else who played and thought I had already fixed it. Turned out my sector light mode on GZDoom was on a different mode causing it to blend in the background on my end. So the issue is purely of brightness level of the wall. Def feel free to tidy up the intermission text if you want to!
  9. Thanks for playing! I've just updated the pk3 to include much better mace animations along with binding alt fire to a heavy attack thats slower but deals more damage. Quivers also give you more ammo. The issue regarding the ritual area of map01 is likely soundblocking lines issue and I will look into it and fix it.
  10. Yea I definitely learned a lot going forward regarding texture usage, alignment, and so on. Thank you for playing! Whoops lol guess I’ll have to come up with something else
  11. Thanks so much for playing through it and giving your feedback! I'm glad you thought it was interesting. The reasoning behind the scarcity of ammunition was to not make the butcher feel useless as an enemy. The idea was to use the mace on cultist that are close up and on the butchers. Then using the bow on far away cultist and the two minibosses. I'll be sure to send the second map once it has been completed.
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