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About ItsPower303

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  1. Doom II Icon of sin. I beat it once and now I consider the game finished after map 29.
  2. Personally going to have to go for Ancient Aliens, love some of the tracks there, like Desk Lamp
  3. I would like to add four arch viles to every level in arbitrary locations. No new ammo or anything, just four archies.
  4. Definitely fake exits for me, never fails to get me and can be really quite dicy if I've already gotten through the map by the skin of my teeth
  5. Hi! I've been lurking for a week or so and saw this so think I'll make an intro. I appear to have recently become obsessed with classic DOOM, I played through the IWADs and now I'm working my way through several popular megawads, although I'm honestly not very good, I have to play on hurt me plenty or not too rough the first time through a modern mapset, but I really wanna get good at this game. Never done deathmatch though.. I've been thinking of getting into making maps too. Other than DOOM I play other retro and modern-retro FPSs like Quake, DUSK etc. But yeah when I get into something new I REAAAALLY get into it.
  6. I'm a newcomer too but I've just been playing random popular megawads on a low difficulty and that's working out just fine for me. I recommend Doom the way id did if you want to play something on ultra violence though as it's pretty tame, fun, and pretty vanilla flavoured.
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