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About JustHeziel

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    I'm Heziel, just Heziel.

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  1. Thanks! looks good at first sight. I'll go there later :) Ok, I'm going to consider it next time. :)
  2. I would be E1M8. Just for "Sign of Evil" blasting in the background. "One of the loneliest, most somber melodies I've ever heard. Once you hear it, it lives in you for the rest of your life."
  3. Hi everyone. I'm loving my time going through these forums. My favorite ones are this one (Doom General), Wad Releases, and Source Ports. As title says, are there some Half-Life equivalent forums/sites to Doomworld? I'm asking this because I also looked into HL and Doom subreddits, but HL is mostly memes, and Doom sub leans usually to the modern games, usually Eternal.
  4. Favorite: Revenants. I love the little dancing you have to do while you reload your super shotgun. Bonus points if you make them infight others +1. Least favorite: Pinkies. They get in the way of my rockets. Special mention: Archviles. I just can't hate them, I respect them. They're a live ticking-bomb, and can exponentially elevate the difficulty of any room you're in. I've come to the conclusion that I gave them the same attention as whenever a phone rings irl. You recognize their wake-up sound, and you know it needs to go down, quickly.
  5. I was 4-5 years old. Didn't know how to read yet, even less when it wasn't my native language, but I could grasp the concept of easier levels are first and harder difficulties come later. So, yes, kinda.
  6. Smooth Doom MBF21 (classic edition) for DSDA (my favorite sourceport), or just the regular one for GZDoom if necessary. High framerate and smooth animations is all I want for every wad I play :). Rarely I need to disable it because it can break some wads progression.
  7. Hi there, as someone who's on the same journey (circle-strafing Procrastination for almost a year), I wish you the best for your channel :)
  8. Going to see this tomorrow after coming back from work :)
  9. I'm still in awe at the fact this is a 30 year old game *dspldeth.wav* .
  10. Good! Luckily, (I can't remember if it's an actual rule) mappers state in their txts if crouching, freelook, and/or jump breaks the map/playability anywhere. So, that's a good thing to keep in mind. Also, as someone who is (tries) in the same boat, I suggest you to experiment a lot with your recording software (like OBS, in my case) in 5min test videos to consider file sizes/quality before going for longer recordings.
  11. Since everyone else above me listed most things I would think, I'll go with this ... Uncapped FPS, and Vertical Sync. I'm grateful for these two because they keep my GPU from wasting power in frames I can't see :)
  12. Being 4-5 years old, I didn't want to look doomguys face If I got killed. The bloody (dead)face always creeped me out. Also, in the same time frame, Imps and zombieman/shotgunner sounds were scary enough to me, to the point I was playing either no sound, or at very low volume. The general ambience (visually) used to make me feel mildly uncomfortable constantly. Same feelings about one of Mortal Kombat 4s endings (where either Shinnok/Quan Chi beheads the other, and his head rolls into the camera), and Metal Slug 3-4 zombie levels. At some point, in high school, I tried again and completed for the first time Doom 1 and 2. Didn't beat TNT/Plutonia until later, and finished 64 when Eternal was released :) .
  13. [April 1st=0] If you don't mind occasional/mild slaughter fights, then maybe I have a single map wad I enjoyed a lot for you. I fell in love with Lullaby a couple of years ago, my favorite in music and visual/map design :) .
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