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Everything posted by bsharp

  1. 1.0's out! added extra support textures for utility, FIRETAN, and slightly duller versions of the previous flats.
  2. Up until Doom v1.3, arch-vile attacks could be thrwarted by saving and loading the game during the attack. To combat this in version 1.4, id Software implemented a fix. If the player were to save the game during an arch-vile attack, the game would crash and their computer would set on fire and explode: a subtle reference to the nature of the jazz-handed hellspawn's attack.
  3. Thanks a lot for using the textures! I’m honored. Adding supports is a great idea! I’ll put some in I am starting work on a darker set of flats, so those will be put out sometime.
  4. We do but a minuscule amount of Doom-engine replication.
  5. I'm very sorry if I'm disturbing you, but have you downloaded the latest hotfix? The one currently on the OP seems to work fine for me with DSDA.
  6. Strange. Just made a small test map, and while the flats work fine, the wall textures are just HOMs on DSDA-Doom. Considering it works on other ports (and DSDA-Doom's cousin PrBoom+) I'd be led to think this the fault of the port, but it's likely I may have done something wrong when compiling the pack. I'll get back once I find a fix.
  7. All of the errors are fixed now. I mistakenly put the flats into TEXTURE1, when they didn't have to be. On the last line: I see what you mean; the flats were based off of cc4-tex's STAR flats, which look very similar. I'll be adjusting the flats to be more versatile soon! Please be sure to update the resource in UDB to the fixed version, uploaded onto the OP now. Apologies for the inconvenience! ^^'
  8. I'm really thinking of just doing a total texture conversion, but that'll be a megaton of work. STARBLU is a stellar idea though. [in the meantime, i'll be uploading a hotfix to fix the major errors @rouge_means_red pointed out. new textures and fixes for existing ones are underway.]
  9. First three are all errors I’m trying to fix, but I will take on your advice with the flats and STTNWARN. Thanks for letting me know!
  10. Salutations, Doomworld! Here's a little texture set I've been working on for the past few days. It's not fully finished yet, so expect edits to come. If you find any bugs (and better yet, fixes for them,) please don't hesitate to drop a report down in the replies. I'll do my best to fix it. [flavor text] From the title of this post, you'll be correct to assume that this is a texture pack about the belovedly default wall texture STARTAN2. An inconic one-off member of the STAR texture series, its appearances throughout the classic Doom games have helped set the standard for any techbase. I, for one, am a devout STARTAN2 newgen. And I'm sick of people calling it "default". How dare they have the audacity to slander such a beautiful and careful arrangement of pixels as "default"? Have you any idea how perfect it is? I could go for hours on end about the color theory behind it, the golden ratio, and how it singlehandedly predicted the downfall of humanity, and you call it "default"? Curse you, Doom Builder. And your descendants. To combat the disgraceful behavior the Doom Builder family shows on a daily basis, I have created a set of textures focused on bringing back the glory of STARTAN2. It's about time someone makes a texture set like this. Unless it's been made before. In which case...screw it, have another! [cast] Contains edits of STARTAN2, FLAT14, TANROCK8, ZIMMER2, STEP1, SUPPORT3, and FIREBLU. [what's in it?] The texture set contains—as of rc1—the following: 53 new textures, 42 of which are STARTAN edits 11 new flats, all of which contain STARTAN The zip file contains said texture set and a texture showcase wad, compatible with vanilla doom. (tested on PrBoom+, GZDoom, and DSDA-Doom) It uncompresses to a size of under 750kb. This is only compatible with the Boom map format or more advanced. It does not work properly with vanilla Doom. [where's the file?] Below. [can i see what it looks like?] Absolutely. [what'd you do?] Here's the changelog: [any last words?] Please keep the texture set updated in your maps. Older versions (especially the first) tend to be worse. New textures are probably on the way! Thank you plenty for reading. Valedictions! MSTLNSDA_v1_01.zip
  11. showcase for a texture pack i'm making [EDIT: said texture pack is public now]
  12. "what if the stuff i make is completely forgotten about soon after i release it? are people only going to be playing my map because i promoted it, and not out of genuine interest?"
  13. i like projectiles i stand with the arachnotron
  14. Project MAKE STARTAN LOOK NOT SO DEFAULT AGAIN; or, with a handy initialism, Project MSTLNSDA. a work in progress of a STARTAN-edit texture set (ft. FLAT14) alternative link: https://imgur.com/a/8lxpuAP [EDIT: MSTLNSDA is on rc1; find it here vvvvv]
  15. i’ll be entering! the deadline works perfectly for me
  16. i’ll definitely try this soon!; nice to see boom’s friction sectors being used, combat sounds interesting
  17. dunno. maybe Doom the Way id Did? you can browse through idgames’ vanilla doom megawads directory and the more-populated doom 2 equivalent for others. EDIT: there’s also Kama Sutra, from around the same time period as AV.
  18. bsharp

    Doom 1 or 2?

    Doom the Third, obviously. 3 is bigger than both 1 and 2. (jokes aside, doom ii)
  19. “EARTH—The Archaeologists have found a strange etching on a tablet in the most recent salt mine excavation. Drawn in lines like a wireframe, suggestions pertaining to its meaning include, but are not limited to the following: a ‘treasure map,’ a ‘ritualistic emblem,’ and a meaningless scribble. Also found in the salty ground-alcove is a long string of lines and circles, wrapping the walls in a strange, unrepeating pattern. The significance of this is not yet known. It is to be noted that these findings are not the only things found in the mine. All information can be found—regularly updated, as well—at your local library, in the Recent Events sector. Unfortunately, the Archaeologists have confirmed through a quick scan that the cave ends there, and there is little likelihood that any more material will be dug up in the excavation. Moreover, some of the engravings have been washed out by excess salt, and there is currently no way to know what they may have said. The only discernible words as of now seem to be utter gibberish: words like “linedef” and “Romero.” The latter is speculated by some to be a deity to a potential salt mine civilization. But—as always—I’m your presenter, this is the Daily Starship, and I’ll be signing off. May the IGU fly forever in unison.”
  20. salutations! came from the myhouse craze: new to modding, mapping and doom overall valedictions!
  21. there's an xkcd for everything, as none of my relatives used to say https://xkcd.com/1366/
  22. There’s another Cat-In-The-Hat?
  23. couple of screenies from a mapset i'm making, using strictly orthogonal lines
  24. "By Jove, Colton! It seems your deductions about Mrs. Janice's elephant-smuggling hot-air balloons were right!"
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