tl;dr doom2, complevel 9, kinda hard, play on uv, 1 map!, tested on dsda&woof&nugget, ~20min playtime to max?
download : link to wad
(updated 2024/08/06: minor adjustments to final area)
i turned 14 recently, so i wanted to celebrate by making myself a map. it took a few weeks, but it's done !
id like to thank stephyesterday, ilker, beeswithchainsaws, numsoic, and anothernameforsnow for playtesting this on the entryway discord server. y'all rock
was inspired by 10x10 map01 visually, and uses only stock d2 textures. thanks adrian
combat is a little frenzied, and not particularly easy. i havent balanced this on hmp or lower as of current, so for the best experience play on uv. dont play this on nightmare lmfao
not my *first* map, but this is my first public one! (besides that one mega-beginner thing i uploaded to idgames for some reason)
no jumping or crouching, silly
midi is "Grosstown Traffic" by zan-zan-zawa-veia. you should check out their stuff
more screenies :