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Everything posted by bsharp

  1. probably, as long as nobody plays on nightmare
  2. luv me archies luv me revs ‘ate the nazis ‘ate the barrels simple as
  3. thank you so much for playing! i do agree that i shouldve definitely gotten around to difficulty-balancing this better; will absolutely do that better next time around. but really, thanks for the praise!! really motivating :)
  4. good point actually; id forgotten about the creative works board when i sleepily posted this last night. might ask for it to be moved
  5. im gonna be using this post as a dumping ground for all my pixel art, which for the sake of being mildly on-topic, uses PLAYPAL exclusively (except when i feel like it ig.) i find PLAYPAL to be a very nice palette despite what the hecklers say; i like using its big gradienty ramps to do more painterly stuff. if anyone's wondering, i use aseprite, a laptop, and a mouse :) find my links here : https://bsharp.neocities.org/ 2024/06/08 2024/04/23 2024/05/25 2024/05/27
  6. thanks for playing :) i repeated the mechanic twice here mainly to get the player to stay in the final area for longer lmao apologies for the lack of difficulty balancing ^^' this map is p hard
  7. ah, i see; apparently, im misremembering, and i didnt put trigger lines around the pillar. ill update the wad later today to fix 🫡 edit: updated. lowers at turbo speed now
  8. hello!, thank you for playing the map :) the trigger for the ambush is actually a small square around the rl pillar: if you missed the ambush, you mayve probably linedef-skipped or something ^^' still though, thanks for pointing this out
  9. thank you so much for the kind words! glad you enjoyed it; ill be doom mapping for a while, probably until i die !!!!!!
  10. woah, thanks a ton for playing! actually kinda flattered to be put alongside lunch here lol, really do appreciate it. glad someone noticed the switch labels! ^^ and the floor patterns ! ^^ ^^' yeah, for some reason i thought those imps would be gone quicker than they usually do. i guess the rl is reward enough, but i'll likely space those imps out across the area when i do come back to this. very happy to have made non-slaughtery combat for once! (re:p.s. i dont mind lmao) thanks for playing ! i was notified of the knock-offable avs initially, but i decided to keep them for fun. in the off-chance they do become roaming monsters, the fight gets a bit more energetic, which im alright with :) demo tells me rocket switch imps might need a little taming
  11. thanks for the kind words everyone! :D i'll probably adjust the map a bit more sometime. appreciate your feedback !! ah, i'll have to look into that ^^' might have to just get to difficulty balancing the whole map interesting to see how youve approached the fights here. i might adjust them an inch just to make them slightly less leave-able. thanks for playing ! appreciate it! im honestly pretty proud of that part, even if it isnt that big of a sight to see
  12. tl;dr doom2, complevel 9, kinda hard, play on uv, 1 map!, tested on dsda&woof&nugget, ~20min playtime to max? download : link to wad (updated 2024/08/06: minor adjustments to final area) i turned 14 recently, so i wanted to celebrate by making myself a map. it took a few weeks, but it's done ! id like to thank stephyesterday, ilker, beeswithchainsaws, numsoic, and anothernameforsnow for playtesting this on the entryway discord server. y'all rock was inspired by 10x10 map01 visually, and uses only stock d2 textures. thanks adrian combat is a little frenzied, and not particularly easy. i havent balanced this on hmp or lower as of current, so for the best experience play on uv. dont play this on nightmare lmfao not my *first* map, but this is my first public one! (besides that one mega-beginner thing i uploaded to idgames for some reason) no jumping or crouching, silly midi is "Grosstown Traffic" by zan-zan-zawa-veia. you should check out their stuff more screenies : updates:
  13. turned 14 a while ago and wanted to make a map to celebrate. playtesting it, should be out fully sometime soon
  14. last year's project is what gave me the motivation to start mapping! hoping to join in on ramp this time around :)
  15. i generally like playing short punchy maps, like the stuff you find in Crumpets or even AUGER;ZENITH ; i don't have a lot of time to play doom usually, so being able to binge a ton of small action-packed experiences works perfectly for me. im not very picky design-wise, but i tend towards maps with a good balance between atmosphere and gameplay. i like my doom maps like i like my soda cans: small, to-the-point, and full of demons.
  16. This is The Greatest Doomworld Thread of All Time
  17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceres_%26_Calypso_in_the_Deep_Time
  18. "doomguy was punched in the stomach by a revenant and vomited on his suit. due to the general unavailability of clean water in hell, it has stayed green ever since." - john romero, 1887
  19. cant possibly fathom why my nodebuilder is complaining so much!?

    [turns around to the various families of sixteen linedefs converging at one vertex]

  20. and what, invulns are pre-hatched archviles?
  21. correct me if im wrong, but i recently realized "GRAYTALL" is shorthand for "GRAY TEXTURES ALL," since it's a collection of all of the "GRAY" texture series patches. came to this conclusion after davidxnewton mentioned this about "COMPTALL" in one of his videos
  22. did you know that to get references for all of the enemy sprites, adrian carmack actually went down to hell to gather pictures of demons? the clay models were, in fact, cover-ups made afterwards to hide the fact that id software was conducting satanic Rituals for their devil game. like and follow for more christian content
  23. hi im gonna do things again

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