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Everything posted by mk-1ne

  1. So the discussion here inspired me to make 'Pridebars' a collection of 14 pride themed statusbars based on Skillsaw's statusbar from Valiant. I'd like to think I've struck the right balance of being colourful without being too distracting, but I'll let you be the judge. Feel free to use these in any of your mapping projects, including this one if there's any interest. I've posted a topic with slightly more details in the mods & resources forum. They are available for download from my Google Drive.
  2. Happy (belated) Pride Doomworld! A discussion in the GAYhem 2024 thread inspired me to make this collection of 14 pride themed statusbars based on Skillsaw's statusbar from Valiant. I wasn't getting results from paletted lumps, so the statusbars are truecolor PNGs and will require a compatible source port like GZDoom. I'd like to think I've struck the right balance of being colourful without being too distracting, but I'll let you be the judge. Feel free to use these in any of your mapping projects. Includes Pride, Progress Pride 2018 & Progress Pride 2021. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Pansexual, Asexual & Aromantic. Transgender, Nonbinary, Genderfluid, Genderqueer & Intersex. All available in vanilla and widescreen dimensions. I think that covers most of the popular pride flags, but if anyone has any requests I'd be happy to whip something up! Download Google Drive Credits Original STBAR, STARMS by Skillsaw. Widescreen STBAR by NightFright. Font by AgentSpork.
  3. I felt compelled to check out some of your earlier work after completing Doomium II. This was excellent! I encourage anyone who missed this the first time around to give it a spin. If you were to make more maps (or even a megawad) in this style, I'd be the first to download them.
  4. Sure it's a difficult balance to strike. All I'm saying is that while it might be rude to reject someone's work, if I ran a community project for six months and someone handed in a map that looked like it had been slapped together in five minutes I would be frustrated. It would be one thing if this was being advertised as a "come one, come all" community project for beginners but that wasn't the case here. For what it's worth I actually quite liked your map! It was one of the maps that nailed the brief of short, straightforward and frantic.
  5. Just finished on HMP, found 2/6 secret levels. There are some real gems here, I really enjoyed the small combat puzzles (MAP01, MAP07) and the large set piece maps (MAP04, MAP09, MAP10) although I'm not quite sure those got the memo about being 'short' or 'straightforward'. Map 09 'Betonique' by @stochastic was the real stand out for me, it really nailed the brutalist aesthetic and the choice of soundtrack was inspired. Honourable mention also goes to Map 04 'The Golden Way' by @Beubeu which wouldn't have been out of place in a megawad like Back to Saturn X. I look forward to seeing both your future releases. As other's have mentioned this megawad does suffer from inconsistency. There are some maps here which simply aren't up to the standards of the others. While some inconsistency is more or less inevitable in a community project, in this case I think it might have even been worth cutting back the scale of the project to focus on the stronger maps. This also might have allowed the maps to be grouped in a way that flowed better, at present the difficulty seemingly varies at random. Thank you to everyone for your hard work and congrats on the release!
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