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About Vajjer'sDoomThings

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    #1 chopper fan
    Warming Up

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  1. i just added it i forgot to add some things to it before i uploaded it
  2. silly willy wadpack i made containing 3 wads vdoom 2 might be coming soon but i dunno!! i also might make a wolfenstein megawad so yippee anyways this is alot harder than my other wads uses doom 2 as an iwad, tested in gzdoom, gzdoom is pretty much needed because you have to jump in some parts https://drive.google.com/file/d/10Nm3aYJc_FkrryXXl4lhFY2QQ27RwGfF/view?usp=sharing revenant room
  3. so like im making this wad and i want one of the levels to be like your on a bridge that goes over a sea of corpses or something and im just wondering if any of yall have any textures or anything that relates to that because i cant really find anything
  4. gzdoom is what it was tested in, might work in other stuff.
  5. Earth is under attack by demons, and space marine Tony has to kill them all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well here it is, my first big WAD! I've been wanting to make something like this for a long long time. If there's any bugs or anything like that, please tell me! Uses Ultimate Doom or Doom 1 as an IWAD. Tested in GZDoom Also, sorry that its a ZIP. For some reason the text when you beat the game wouldn't work unless it was in a ZIP. So drag and drop the zip into GZDoom and enjoy! (Credits to everyone that made the midi's featured in this WAD) (Title music is Boys In The Hood by N.W.A) V-DOOM.zip
  6. just the first 4 levels of my new doom pwad, V-DOOM! There's still some problems, like it saying you are here on the intermission screen. But idk how to fix that. Uses rather ultimate doom or doom 1 as an iwad, but via testing I figured out that chex quest works also for some reason? If you have any level ideas or anything like that, feel free to comment! Also, no custom music via zip file anymore, its all in the wad! (also, I recommend you try this in vr. the lighting on level 4 when you have brutal doom enabled is very nice) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DWINgOOycRtzvHMGFnmd2ckTjdVDlgfO/view?usp=sharing
  7. My book report is coming up and i was thinking about doing the first doom novel. And i was googling for the age rating to see if my school would be cool with that and I couldn't find the age rating. So I was wondering if anyone out there knows what its rated.
  8. Recently, I figured out that if you edit a map inside of an iwad in doom builder, it turns into a pwad once you save. So im currently making a cool mod by the name of V-Doom, its gonna be a map pack (basically), but you play as chopper (ive gotten as far as to finish all of his sprites, and the title screen and logos). Its gonna cover the first episode of Doom 1 (aka the shareware version), but I might do more later. So keep an eye out! Estimated release time may be in 2 weeks or so, but could be sooner or later! I can't exactly show anything from it right now, because the computer im using to work on it is not available to me right now, but i'll give update logs when I can!
  9. this is my recreation of the doom 1 hangar because i havent made a doom map in a while tested in gzdoom, uses doom 2 as an iwad because og doom doesnt let me do custom stuff :( per usual, drag and drop the zip file into gzdoom for the cool music hangarbutbetter.zip
  10. Recently i've been wanting to make a thing that just changes the textures and levels and stuff in Doom 2, but whenever I try to do it in slade, it tells me I cant save Iwads. Is there any other programs I could use to fix this issue?
  11. map i decided to make because boredom uses Doom 2 as an iwad, tested in GZDoom. I think it only works in GZDoom because of the way I made the windows. Music is Sky Base, from Sonic The Hedgehog for the Master System. To get the custom music to work, drag and drop the zip file into GZDoom. airship.zip
  12. i usually just decide the music after once i figure out the aesthetic and vibe of the map and what fits best
  13. map i made because wolfenstein is good uses doom 2 as an iwad, tested in GZDoom. music is Nazi Rap, from Wolfenstein 3D. To get custom music to work, drag and drop the file into GZDoom.exe. sorry for not posting maps in a while ive been busy with school :( wolf in stein.zip
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