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About Fox_Tempest_14

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  1. That would be considered Assault. But, here is the file for the logo Doom.zip
  2. That would be considered Assault.
  3. !!!IT IS NOT MADE OUT OF DORITOS!!! It's orange plastic.
  4. HERE IT IS! Made by: Andrew Walz, high school teacher.
  5. Finally some comments. I learned this in a video, And yes I know the marines(also referred to as player bots in the game's code) Gib no matter how die.
  6. IDKFA: IN doom it will give the player all weapons max armor and health. Just don't try in Heretic, it will erase all your weapons and give you a simple stick. A message will pop up saying "YOU DON'T DESERVE ANY WEAPONS CHEATER!"
  7. That enemy is programmed to shoot the camera in the beginning cut scene, but if you summon him in the game he just stands there wating for the camera to appear. if you kill him he just disappears. He also has no states his sprites are the same.
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