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About Doomguy896

  • Rank
    Green Marine
    Green Marine

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  1. I'm bringing this forum back alive, Dynamo. You do nothing.
  2. this is the best wad ever created. even john romero himself played this wad and he like it so much
  3. im planning tomorrow to play the whole classic doom with bfg using unlimited ammo and god mode on hehe
  4. i looked at custom actors and they seem quite difficult to make cause i never created or used any decorations. however, i tried beta bfg you made and its pretty good its not exactly the same as press release beta but is alright. i wanna ask you can you make beta lost soul? that would be awesome.
  5. is there an option to fix this? i wanna count all my kills just like dsda doom. btw im using gzdoom because im using wadsmoosh and its easier for using for classic doom games
  6. this picture for 30th birthday doom is just amazing!
  7. thats the best doom wallpaper i have ever seen! putting this into my desktop right now
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