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fruity lerlups

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Everything posted by fruity lerlups

  1. never said they sold out, just that like.. they are one of the most successful american video game companies ever so I wouldnt be surprised to see like Monster Energy BFG Flavor with "Buy a slab of monster energy and get 50% off the Doom Eternal year one pass". It doesnt bother me in the slightest, this dorito package has promotions for gamepass with has Doom eternal on it. If anything i echo peoples sentimenbt that there should be more effort, like make a Archville flavor that will "Scorch you and then revive your gaming corpse" XD
  2. it cant be that hard to keep persistent corpses, they could definitely do some workarounds to make it less cpu intensive, have a corpse limit and store data about corpses that arent rendered somewhere. Youl could bring back the old archville and have it resurrect emonds, have some flags to ensure like corpses within 50 metres of the archville dont dissappear, etc. etc.
  3. earlier today i played doom eternal trying to have an open mind about it again but it just felt miserable.
  4. i dont think you want them to do that tbh, i think id has the attitude that the stuff that made their earlier shooters great like resourfe management, exploration, etc. make it "inaccessible".. its ironic because the current generation plays Battle Royales and Extraction Shooters, you think they dont like exploration and looting resources? But yeah, i dont trust them to make games i like at this point.
  5. its kinda weird how the Cyberdemon could 1 hit you in classic doom but there is virtually no enemy that can one hit you in Eternal, especially the Cyberdemon being an absolute wimp I didnt want to get into enemy design or weapons specifically, but Eternal is weird to me in that all of the new enemies they added are really awesome to fight, but the classics are all depressing in some way, e.g. Like the carcass, whiplash and marauder feel fun and impactful, but like.. the archville.. the tyrant.. the revenant.. LOOK AT HOW THEY MASSACRED MY BOY. Id def keep the carcass, whiplash and marauder tbh, they feel as iconic to me as the o.g.s
  6. so much this, the gore is fine but im playing a freaking FPS, not a bloody rpg, no skill trees
  7. The map that got me to love the game: Gotta be Doom2 Map06, the crusher. Everything before that feels sorta plodding and incidental, The Focus and The Gantlet are quite fun but never get you into the Zone, but the Crusher has a few nice interconnected hallways you run and gun through, the CQB starter with the Revenant is great, and then theres the tricky spiral stairs and the stairs towards the end, and ofc the memorable Crusher Set piece itself. You also get access to most of your kit, a berserk, etc. Its just where Doom2 starts to feel like doom2 for me.
  8. not my cup of tea but it is interesting to see what other people imagine as "the ideal evolution of the franchise"
  9. damn its almost like id is a triple a studio that produced the most sold PC video game of all time or something and is a well kmown piece of pop culture that The Simpsons has made jokes about or something and isnt some obscure niche piece of media or somethin this is kinda like seeing Mario on a Juice Box or Yoghurt and going "damn, nintendo sold out bro"
  10. Im sure this question has been asked before, but Im curious as to, if you were say, creative director of the next id DooM title, what would be ur mechanical philosphy for the game. What would it emphasize, what would you take from pervious titles, what would you like to see left in the past? I was thinking about this in the shower and i think ive summarized my ideas in a few core tenents: Mechanical Minimalism - the less buttons and macros to do the stuff you need, the better, for example. Id ditch equipment button, dash, any skilltrees or leveling up stats or upgrades, no weapon mods, no PDAs or any of that, and basically simplify these concepts, e.g. Ice Bomb, Grenades and Flame Belch are secondary attacks for say Plasma, Shotgun and Chaingun now. Enhanced movement is achieved through the Meathook and rocket jumping and gauss boosting, etc. Pick up a backpack/satchel for increased ammo. Push-Forward Lite(tm) - The mapper/designer should never be in a position where they cannot restrict the kinds of resources they want the player to have, BUT, the player should always have some way to recover health and ammo if it isnt available on the map. I'd "keep" glory kills though i'd prob remove the canned animation thing, just make it if you finish an enemy with melee, they drop health, and obvs no blood punch. There would be no "regenerating equipment" at all, no free chainsaw pip, grenade, icebomb, flame belch, etc. all of these would have to be picked up or gathered in some way, using either their own resource pool or the ammo of their respective weapon. Id repurpose the "weakpoint" mechanic into a new push-forward mechanic where destroying weakpoints grants certainly ammo, e.g. shooting the archnotrons cannon gives you plasma, headshotting shotgunners gives you shells. I'd also change the way the "chainsaw" works. Also, there should NEVER be an invulnerability frame except if you literally grab an invuln sphere (which is why no canned GK animations and the chainsaw needs to change). Exploration rewards progression, not funko pops - Secrets should give you resources, early access to weapons, optional fights and access to additional content (like secret levels), not little funko pops, that simple. I dont mind linear progression and I think Doom 2016's level design struck a nice balance of linear and non linear design. The given power-trip - Enhanced mobility should be something that the mapper gives to the player, Meathook should be limited use for example, you should be given the time to use rockets and plasma instead of always having it, and you shouldnt always be able to recover or escape when you make a mistake. Any push-forward stuff should be based off of capitalizing on a moment, e.g. flamebelchijg and icebomb rewards using it on a hoard of enemies, the GK is rewarded by finding the opportunity to grt in close and melee, etc. Escalation - I actually like the way 2016 and Eternal use their arenas to escalate, but dislike the overuse of teleporting enemies and static arenas. I think a combination of arenas with evolving geometry that reveals more areas and enemies, incidental encounters, etc. and the occasional "ok a cyberdemon teleports here now" would create interesting and memorable encounters. Also in regards to combat design, a more generous enemy limit, 100 enemies on screen at a time for large slaughtery arenas please. And as an added note for an actual "weapon/enemy/mechanic" proposal, I despise every instance of the chainsaw ever except doom 3's.. and it got me thinking, why not take a little influence from a weapon from Doom 3, the soulcube, to actually make a chainsaw type ammo weapon that isn't miserable; The Sawgun - Gun that shoots sawblades that give ammo when it kills stuff, it bounces around and goes through enemies when it kills them so you can capitalize on it by using it on larger crowds to get more ammo. When you use it on a tougher enemy with more health, the blade starts spinning and digging into the enemy, stunlocking it, allowing you to execute DPS. Sometimes you get flushed with sawblades and just let hilarious carnage of dozens of enemies being split in half and pinatas of ammo flying out of them. Anyway delete if wrong forum
  11. yes and no, iirc you can dehacked icon of sin monster spawner points to do spawn in stuff. For the most part though is conveyor belt stuff really that bad?
  12. yeah maybe a friend for modders, some kind of Modders Best Friend.. especially a Modders Best Friend that gets regular updates whilst maintaining backwards compatibility with Boom but onky every few years to prevent feature creep, like in 2021.. a Modders Best Friend 21 maybe
  13. because ammo is the only resource management that matters. I remember being able to icebomb, flamebelch and then bloodpunch a crowd of demons 8 times in Doom 2
  14. episode 2 is ok but god, when i see that first level of e3m1, ohh jesus its horrible
  15. Just looking for any links to various HUD mods for DSDA? Also specifically anything "racecar hud" style with health, armor and ammo in the middle on the sides of the crosshair :3
  16. i have never finished Ultimate Doom and I really dont care to and I find Ultimate Doom to be miserably boring to play through after episode 1 and probabky wont play Sigil or Sigil 2 ever because it seems like more miserable Ultimate Doom. I also think the first 15 maps of Doom 2 are miserably boring and Plutonia is the only IWAD i replay since its consistently entertaining start to finish. Also if I dont die in the first 3 levels of a pwad, I get bored and stop playing. I wont finish Scythe for this reason.
  17. a marketing term to prey on people nostalgia. The only legit "retro shooters" have been stuff like Dusk, Ion Fury and Amid Evil. No fps games in the 90s had "push forward combat", enhanced mobility, skill trees, etc. Its a stupid term. I say this as someone who actually likes Ultrakill and stuff, these games just take the aesthetic of 90s shooters but mechanically they are worlds apart. Also in Hakita's defense I dont think they called UK a boomer shooter, but Turbo Overkill is absolutely advertised as such.
  18. Hellknight vs Revenant Brawl Sessions, the sounds are so satisfying, bony fists and scratching claws, missiles and magical fireballs swooshing and hitting each other, the sounds if skeletons crumbling and agonized screeches of Hellknights.
  19. i need to finish my NewGothic 1 UV max series, ans hopefully at lwast have 10 or so wad series completed by the end of this year. Ive also started mapping, hopefully by the end of the year ive made some progress on that, mostly figuring out the ins and outs of Slade. I also want some more friends in this community, preferably of a similar sorta, life experience to me if you know what I mean.
  20. saveless play has always been the standard for DSDA for years now.
  21. imo the only problem is lost souls have too much health for no lost soul limit, give em 1-10 health maybe? thats about it i guess.. idunno i like pain elementals and just see lost souls as a projectile anyway.
  22. Cacodemons and Spectres, just space stealers that come out of nowhere. I like the hard enemies like Archvilles and Revenants, but I just get sooo bored of fighting cacodemons.
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