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fruity lerlups

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Everything posted by fruity lerlups

  1. NewGothic Movement 1, Map01!
  2. im gonna recommend you play Rush, by Archi, its one of my favourites https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/Ports/p-r/rush
  3. i think people really got to realize that "try therapy" is a deeply patronising, presumptuous and naive reply to someone facing mental health issues and to just stop saying it. I genuinely mean it, unlearn the conditioned response in yourself to recommend therapy when someone talks about their mental health issues, and dont get high and mighty when someone gets upset over it, you dont know if theyve already done it, if they can afford it, their access to it, their history with it.
  4. when it costs as much as it does, its just not worth it.
  5. i think people dont empathize enough with mental health sufferers whove had a megative experience with therapists. Ive seen 6 different therapists, and each have judt been me wasting my.money. If youve had a wonderful therapist, im happy for you, but every time i mention that therapy hasnt worked for me im told to "shop around", therapy is the modern confessional.
  6. youre clearly a wonderful father, the job market sucks dont let that get you down, jobs will eat you up and spit you out, but how you love your children matters more, and as you said that clearly is working. Im trying to get out of a really exploitative and horrible job and its honestly as you said, a herculean endeavour, that's not in your control, its not a comment on your character, the economy kinda sucks rn, thats not your fault. Youre a good father and know we got your back k? Sometimes fathers arent really valued these days but just know, as someone who grew up without one, I always look at wonderful fathers with admiration.
  7. map29 the living end, because its not worth seeing the actual end
  8. i wish i did, i'm not friends with anyone, its a depressing corporate environment, i really hate it
  9. this is the fact that depresses me the most, we're all helpless in the face of c
  10. seems depressing, right up my alley
  11. does it piss you off as much as it does me, like literally no one at the job can actually have the time off to even use the damn thing, its such corporate nicety nonsense.
  12. if i killed you once or twice before you figure out the fight then i think i accomplished what i wanted, also with the pain elementals that was intentional. The cyberdemon mountain fight i feel is the most underwhelming of these and im considering reworking it when i have time off from work. I think the first opening fight and that one need the most rework, ive also identified some progression breaking stuff in it. Id say this map feels a bit undercooked but I think i can work it into something more engaging.
  13. thank you, im considering reworking ghis to be harder, i like the final fight but the previous 2 just dont feel up to scrap.
  14. hmm im glad you like the combat, thats what i'm trying to nail, fun combat. This is gonna be a 5 or 6 map project but I plan on making some bigger stuff down the line, definitely more difficult. My biggest inspiration is Rush by Archi Hmm: also feels nice to get encouragement to turn up the pressure, i'm thinking i'll keep this set as the easy power fantasy it is, but future maps I'm definitely gonna go for stuff thats trickier, and also ofc, prettier, I didn't intend for this to be good looking!
  15. *sigh* im kinda dissappointed with this map actually, I think it definitely wont be released in its current state for the final release, i feel like the difficulty curve steadily goes up then just drops for this map. Kinda feel a bit crappy about it.
  16. its funny you say that, when i design encounters i spend a lot of time toning them down because i keep thinking "is that too BS?", but its nice to see encouragement to go crazy with stuff, I want to make fun but difficult encounters but i always find myself forced in a balancing act between the two and lean on fun and power fantasy more. edit: I'm kind of of two minds about this, do i just finish the wad and just have it in my catalogue as the learning exercise i intended it to be for myself, or do i focus on trying to make it better and release it in a great state. Idunno, i have kinda lost a bit of passion for this project, hasnt turned out as i hoped it would but then again i said "im doing this to learn how to make maps"
  17. well im glad, rn im mostly focused on getting functionalities to work and trying to make interesting and fun encounters, as time goes on i want to learn to actually make gorgeous, breathtaking maps, i wish i had more time. I want to make stuff that feels genuinely compelling but for now this is basically just practice.
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