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fruity lerlups

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Everything posted by fruity lerlups

  1. ill have to look into it another night because work tomorrow, perhaps they didnt wake up. Though i think theres only about 25 monsters to spawn in. Could i get some opinions on the level overall, I feel like the only interesting fight is the final one.
  2. ive never encountered an issue with spawners? anything happen? what port you playing with?
  3. >compat 09 >map05 >1091 enemies >bfg >song credit is "Solitary" by Cyber-Rainforce Idunno what else to say, there's a cool section with repeating lifts or whatever MAP05 - green with envy.rar
  4. you felt the latter encounters were too easy? does make me think i should spice up the map a bit but i am definitely not going for something too difficult either. This is meant to be like "entry level slaughter" and if ive failed at that then i guess i should consider spicing up the encounters a bit
  5. the hall of mirrors is intended to be a sky window, ill look into it and tune up this map..
  6. lol seeing both you and ladymistdragon went to the secret before the yellow key opened makes me of two minds, do i change it so you dont end up in the caco closet or do i leave it because its kind of hilarious and cruel?
  7. i just eat cooked prawns with banana ketchup (filipino ketchup) because im a loser
  8. silent hill 2, my bf wants to force me to play it because he seems to enjoy me being a scaredy cat
  9. theres caco spectres in antaresian legacy and they are... not fun to say the least
  10. favourite: revenants least favourite: cacodemons.. hate those suckers mostly because of being infinitely tall but also having more health than they deserve and being ammo wasters, theyre like flying barons of hell.
  11. theres a reason, its the fourth map in a map set. I want someone to comment on the gameplay, does it flow well, is it too easy too hard? are the encounters compelling?
  12. i kinda made something along these lines for my slaughter school wad project, I more thought about the pun of a poolroom with "splash damage" then really tried to make something liminal but i think it naturally emerged from making a pool room map, so here, Splash Damage!
  13. >compat 09 >rocket launcher based >like 700 enemieis i think >credit goes to Bucket and Jimmy Paddock for the song Plurry used in it, from the Plutonia Midi Pack something something liminal space >difficult levels imp-lemented >map04, so idclev to map04 edit: GOD IM SO STUPID I DIDNT PUT A DOWNLOAD LINK!! THERE THERE DOWNLOAD PWEASE TWY MY MAP! Updated: Slightly Harder, also fixed that hall of mirrors thing! MAP04 Splash Damage.rar
  14. "for fans of the original doom this is gonna feel like a return to form"
  15. dont think about it, i just focus on gameplay, and so far what i see looks good, all i want is good gameplay mang i don't care abotu the lore
  16. looks like it is, ive probably been one of the most vocal critics of Eternal's combat loop here and I think it looks way more grounded in its approach.
  17. i wish the soundtrack was more like Rust Dust and Guts or Transistor Fist, that was the kinda stuff i liked from Mick Gordon, dissonant, grinding, adrenaline horror.
  18. it even sidechains everything on the snare lol, imo i despise that track but whaever people foinnd it fun
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