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fruity lerlups

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Everything posted by fruity lerlups

  1. Rush, the first 11 maps are short but sweet with escalating difficulty, towards the end of the set it gets considerably difficult, sorta Micro-Slaughter, with Map09 and Map11 being considerably difficult. It ends on a large moody macro-slaughter map with 1234 enemies that'll prob take you 2 hours to complete on yr first playthrough but the first 11 maps are only around 10 to 30 minutes each :) Rush.wad, try it, super fun!
  2. ive seen things you could never imagine, big team battle with vehicular combat in UT 2004, button combos in Halo 2, a Rainbow Six Siege Roster with less than 50 operators.. All those memories.. will be lost, like tears in rain..
  3. neanderthals were actually intelligent and thoughtful creatures and I will always fight the outdated perception that neanderthals were stupid brutes everywhere i see it because i hate to see our sister species slandered >.<
  4. the rest i mean, you can go play those wads and stuff, and view those vids, skulltag otoh i get, when I got into zandronum the servers were sorta dying as i got in around 2016, I missed out on some cool stuff.
  5. doom and half life shaped my interest in games i dont even remember being introduced to them theyve just been around me as long as i can remember, my older brothers all played it
  6. idunno about specifically just the weapon itself but it is in Complexdoom
  7. i will always support another furpent rider
  8. fr tho, Andrea Rovenski, BeefGee, Brainfreeez, Dwars and ofc the Pumpkin Man.
  9. NewGothic Movement1, and specific map recommendations are Map06, Map12 and Map15. Enjoy :3
  10. definitely not an unpopular opinion
  11. i like your profile pic a lot its cool
  12. in the philippines i got to hold something i believe was a civilian version of the MP5, i dont think it was an original i think it was some sort of turkish copy but its quite a comfy little unit, i didnt get to shoot it or any of the guns tho sadly :(
  13. every day im reminded this youtube channel exists my lifespan is shortened and i know this is not a controversial opinion
  14. Steyr Aug, my bf and I want to get guns but we live in Australia, lucky for him his favourite is the Win1886 which you can own in Aus, but Ill never get to own my favourite :( On the topic of favourite guns ive handled: M16A2 in Vietnam, being smol it was a nice handlable weight and size, I fired and M14 and M1 Garand and not only was the kick on the 308 and 30 06 like insane, they were very wieldy and cumbersome for myself. Id like to try the m1a1 one day, its my favourite pre cold war firearm
  15. the point is a lot of us like it for the gameplay, not just the atmosphere. It had a unique gameplay loop, everything feels like a wild west shootout, your ducking behind cover, throwing dynamite, and then theres explosive run and gun sectiond with napalm, and interesting enemy designs like the ghosts mix up the gameplay loop.
  16. https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/129892-how-can-i-start-making-midis/?tab=comments#comment-2511177 read this
  17. the "low quality older sounding instruments" you hear is called Soundfont. The format for music in doom you hear isnt actually audio, its midi, which is data, that plays the soundfont instruments in the software. If you just want to use soundfont in your music projects the VST sforzando does that, if you eant specifically to make Midis for Doom, FL studio /can/ do that, with its export midi function, but your best bet is to learn Sekaiju
  18. people enjoy different things to you, youre overthinking it if youre implying people pretend they like the game for idunno.. clout?
  19. ohh yeah but did you consider... freedoom? (inb4 someone says freedoom has compatibility issues with X Y or Z idunno dude i've never even tried to run it with anything.. it looks funny tho and i like tht(
  20. both are just The Mist by Stephen King
  21. also all the sprites have to be grown only in soil from the doomagne and surrounding idtechia regions and no pasteurisation should be present in any stage of production
  22. 2016 doomguy was cool as hell, Eternal doomguy is cringe
  23. look i got my boyfriend (who is 2 years younger than me and grew up on playstation and not PC games) to play through Blood, Half Life, Half Life 2 and DN3D, and he even enjoyed them so much he went on to play Amid Evil all by himself and said its "one of the greatest fps ever made", so that makes up for his lack of interest in playing any of the classic dooms with a source port (yes.. he hasn't played any doom except Doom 2016)
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