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fruity lerlups

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Everything posted by fruity lerlups

  1. should've called this Doom: Valiant, to make a trend of them confusingly using megawad names like Doom Eternal
  2. thats exactly why I like it.. it looks like a proper.. *sips monster ultra*.. shooter. You can go fly around in Doom Eternal, Im gonna go drive my lawnmower man around, who needs jumpin' ? Back in my days we didnt need no meathook. Also I cznt shake HOW MUCH this looks like Painkiller lol.
  3. it looks.. grounded.. like you dont just fly around the map. It looks.. good. Im actually excited for this!
  4. gameplay looks kinda grounded, no jumping around or anything, if anything this reminds me of painkiller ever so slightly. Also i didnt see a glory kill. Maybe this will be good?
  5. 1. The tone is despair and indignancy at the fact the demons never stop coming and you have been appointed as the champion of the heavens to stop them, like 2016, but now its earth, again, and you've just gotta grit your teeth and get the job done, and at the end of the day, just prepare for it all over again, because its eternal. 2. Hell is hell, like a dualistic cosmology of an evil place where souls go to get tortured, demons live and Satan rules and all it wants is to rule everything and bring pain and anguish because its hell, and now earth is going to become part of it. 3. No plot with the maykrs and sentinels and deag weiner or whatever, just the uac worships demons and opens a portal to hell, now you gotta stop it and kill whatever demon sumnabrinches you need. 4. The lore is just, there's a hell, and lots of alien civilizations have been fighting it, like those sentinel dudes and martians, its evil and wants souls. There are angels, and heaven, and they are trying to protect the cosmos from hell, no conspiracy or nothing, they just have picked you as their dude cause you got this far, deal with it, they at least help you with cool angel tech to kill emonds and not afraid of anything.
  6. its a flanderization of the memeified cultural zeitgeist surrounding doom resulting from the comics, brootal d00m, that 4chan post, etc. Funnily enough Doom 2016 does it well because its sorta adrenaline horror, the subtle hints that you've been through this before, the highly surgical and "get out of my f&$*ing face* nature of how you deal with enemies almost like its a job you're sick of, and the existential horror of basically being trapped to constantly war against the forces of hell that is combined with the subtle hints at this being a continuation of where 64 left off make for a genuinely cool atmosphere where there is this meta "looks like i'm on the job again, rip and tear until its done", it still feels like you but with this meta commentary of "looks like the demon killing never stops ay?", this is also why the cyberdemon fight works well in 2016 tonally because its like "yeah you think you can defeat me again? try me". 2016's tone is a reflection of its mechanics and the cultural context of Doom as an embodiment of pure mechanical prowess, and thus the doomslayer represents surgically precise demon slaying. When those codex and testaments talk about the slayer, they're talking about doom as a game, this exercise in brutally efficient demon killing. The threadbare environmental storytelling was also really powerful, and the doomguy's reactions to it reflect us, "i get it, the UAC messed up again, and i've got to clean it up, get out of my way". This is embodied in a single character design choice, 2016 doomslayer doesn't have his guns out, eternal slayer does, because 2016 slayer and you have sorta become professionals, FPS have been around a lot, Doom is 23 years old at the point of release, no frills necessary, his actions speak louder than his costume. In Eternal he becomes the DOOM SLAYER, he's not a meta commentary on playing an action fps, he's flanderized. He has all kinds of frills, he shows off his guns, his armor is elaborate and he's got a BIG SWORD, he, not you, he wants to rip the demons guts. You see cutscenes of him being all cool and badass. Also the bad lore writing. Idunno, I liked 2016's doomguy, the self awareness of 2016 is what makes it so tonally perfect, you can't make it "survival horror" because you're insanely powerful, but you can make it "adrenaline horror" by making it like "they.. don't.. stop.. coming..", Eternal's power fantasy tone doesn't ever convey the existential horror of being metaphysically trapped in eternal war with hell the way 2016 does.
  7. i fear playing sunder, ive played the first level, it already makes me stress out.
  8. what i mean is, what is a map that was, relatively difficult and an experience, that has like seared itself into your brain, but after you conquered it you just felt, changed, like it broke you down and built you back up, for better or for worse. A map that just beat you down but made you keep coming back, saying, "I've got this, I can conquer you" I'll start: Rush Map09 - The Lava Heart, a map i loved, then hated, then adored, my second favourite map in Rush behind the titanic Map12, this map is DIFFICULT, from the hug the walls archvile placement, to the epic infighting party in the first arena, figuring out each battle and then doing a perfect execution of a UV-Max single segment, ohh my god, it was a... RUSH! I felt like the level beat me down to teach me a lesson than said, "come on, you're tougher than that", which brings me on to.. Rush Map12 - The first big slaughter map for a smol boi like myself, completing this felt gargantuan, like I'd slain goliath, the music, the vibes, the atmosphere, it all feels so, imposing, brutalist, something about the tough fights than the relatively easy section in the maze felt like this catharsis, I felt myself break down in desperation, wipe off my tears, grit my teeth, and go "i've freaking got this". Is this what sunlust feels like except times a hundred, because the feeling of completing this level felt, like I was renewed. Ancient Aliens Map09 - from hate to hate to, ok.. i see what you're doing Joshy. This map packs punishment in such a tight package, and beat me down, its the archviles, this map doesn't look like an archvile gimmick map, its no Skillsaw "angry archviles" BUT, it is, its a map where when you complete your first playthrough and gear up to conquer it, that like crescendo of like, finite, compact, tight archvile punishment is like an adventure with these emotional highpoints, I haven't conquered this map UV-Max yet, i got so close but died to literally the final encounter, but its beckoning me, calling me, saying "i'm only beating you down to teach you a lesson, i'm not your friend, i'm your teacher". I'd actually say this map would be excellent without the frustrating start, that part just uggh, makes my eyes roll, I call it the "eff your health" section, but after that its kinda fun, I really hope to finally put this map to bed but for now, i'm not a bad enough dude. What maps have just, broke you down and forced you to build yourself up over and over again?
  9. why would you ask what their political leanings are do you have no idea how the internet is?
  10. i like the weapon switching in eternal, its one of the best additions, I think Doom eternal has a lot of great elements to the formula, its where it lets you get away with too much stuff and always lets you do the thing you want to do, rather than force you to get creative with limited resources, but let me praise the game for a bit. Weapon swapping and comboing is satisfying and cool, and the fact you never run out of ammo in doom eternal or ultrakill shows you dont need to "force it" with anything but making it the most optimal way to kill something. Enemy behaviours and patterns are fantastic, i love the whiplash, dreadknight, marauder, the carcass is like such a fantastic design visually and behaviourally. Weakpoints are actually kinda cool, a bit overtuned when it lets you trivialize but early game when youre kinda weak it feels really satisfying taking out a manc cannon or arachnotron plasma gun. The meathook, though overpowered because you just have infinite meathook, is actually really fun, just itd be better if it was limited in use. The weapons are interesting, the destroyer blade making you use bunnyhop tech to move with it and the stun effect of the microwave beam are two of my favourite levels of depth to a weapon ive ever seen in a game. So there, theres some praises i have for doom eternal. The game has good things, just i want the push forward/recovery mechanics and fly around the map movement stuff toned down, thats really what makes me just not wanna play the game. The game can work without chainsaw giving you infinite ammo, some levels are even balanced well around that i have a video of me beating blood swamlz deathless without the chainsaw. what i want is Doom Eternal minus dash, blood punch and the recharging chainsaw ammo mechanic, with ice bomb, flame belch and meathook being a limited resource you have to collect and manage, and more emphasis on fighting for ground, crowd control and spacing rather than kiting your enemies.
  11. its available NOW!!! enjoy!! also yeah idunno i just figured id throw an easy secret to the player, some people are saying my maps have too much health and i'm tryna tone that down a little!
  12. good job one hundred percenting it, im think maybe delaying the door opening for the pit room, and ill fix the misaligned textures. Im definitely going for soft accessible slaughter with these but will moderately ramp up the difficulty for the final 2 levels (rockets than bfg). A lot of this is about me learning how to design encounters limited by certain weapons so when i do something serious i can take what ive learnt into it.
  13. map info >400 enemies exactly >compat 9, boom format >no secrets >difficulties implemented yet!! >map is UGLY! i leave it that way EDITl NOW 30% LESS UGLY!! >dont let go of the left mouse button >EDITl NOW 30% LESS UGLY!! the fourth state of matter.rar
  14. youre allowed to enjoy it. ive never once seen a youtube video essay criticizing doom eternal except people who found it too hard, i found it easy, thats my gripe with it. Once again if people criticizing the game makes you sad because you enjoyed it thats a you problem. Im under no obligation to hold my tongue because my issues with the game somehow might make someone who enjoys it upset, we all enjoy different things. And to add, the reason i bring up these criticisms is because I want the next doom game to be taken in a direction I like, but seeing how many people seem to enjoy push forward combat, i fear it might go even further in that direction.
  15. doom eternals biggest limit is how it prevents the map designers from limiting the player, youre always going to kill things the META way because you always get to use whatever gun you want, you are never forced into a corner so the way you deal with every fight is to fly around, and because of the balance of everything you always choose the most optimal set of runes, like ALWAYS air control. I remember how refreshing classic mode felt because id be forced to deal with things in more novel manners, alas im sounding like a broken radio here. Also remember how in 2016 you could find secret weapons, like early plasma gun, early gauss gun? Secrets seemed to matter more. Idunno i just feel like, giving the player everything just means they always do the same thing they wanna do, youre never forced to get creative. Perfect example is the cyber mancubus, stun, blood punch, ssg, rinse and repeat.
  16. also theres very little lighting editing in this im gonna do an art pass of all of my maps eventually.. ALSO THIS IS A MAP02 MAP02 @_@
  17. Hello. I recently posted the first map of my little project, which was tyson, now are you a bad enough dude to do slaughter, with a SUPER SHOTGUN!@?!?!? This is shotgun surgeon!! >map02, so idclev to map02 >Boom format, compat 9 >edit: difficulties implemented!!!! >tested on gzdoom and dsda doom >boom boom boom boom FINAL EDIT: >added in some lighting and fixed an issue with difficulty implementation big thanks to @AmaruĻˆ for all the help with learning slade and UDB !! Shotgun Surgeon.rar
  18. maps where i can boomsplode lots of things with my rocket launcher, Skillsaw knows whats up with this, lemme splodify the opposition.
  19. ill take it into account, this is definitely gonna get a rework for the greater project but im gonna focus on the other levels for now! i think experience brings refinement edit: im sorta torn betweeb making tjis for die hard tysoners or an intro to hard tyson stuff
  20. i might revamp this for when i release the whole set of maps its meant to come with, initially there were more monsters, but i didnt want it to feel grindy.
  21. imagine being the kinda guy who likes the nu doom lore
  22. OKAY REWORKED!! >UV-Max is always achievable due to crushers and barrels in the spawns killing left over enemies. >You always get the invuln now because the invuln just moves into a dummy guy enjoy! MAP01 Tyson.rar
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