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Everything posted by elf-alchemist

  1. Why Grungo, why tease us like that? Now I need a full player sprite sheet for all rotations and states.
  2. that's 1 (one) feature of Freedoom. a "free, as in freedoom" license is a major point of Freedoom's very existence. not just a "free, as in free beer" iwad to replace doom.wad/doom2.wad/tnt.wad/plutonia.wad.
  3. Oh hey it's my friend, @ZNukem! I love the work he's putting into Luke Ken 3D, but yes, he's also working on Freedoom Scoops.
  4. I'm liking this :) Incredible mix of assets you have made, I'm very partial to Freedoom so I love it. Thanks for actually making use of BRGHTMPS :D one of my favorite most underused lumps.
  5. I LOVE THIS! I have been too much a Master Levels apologist as of lately, with me own Masterpack project and all that. I'm loving the reinterpretation, haven't actually finished it yet since I'm so excited, but I can already see Tim Willits' and Chris Klie's style influencing what's already made. Tight techbase packing a relatively small number of enemies in a much efficient setup feels like it makes Klie's style quintessentially perfectly. Upping the heat is definitely good here, the Master Levels needed a higher challenge.
  6. Can confirm that SLADE version 3.2.5 is on DRDTeam APT repository, available on really any Debian-based distro. Also here to report Eternity, Odamex, (G/L/Q)ZDoom and Zandronum are also available in here. All packages available:
  7. Rest In Peace, Kabosu. She was a real one.
  8. never heard the trashcan most claim to hear. i liked it when i heard it first. found some appreciation to it after a while when i wasn't being told by others to hate it.
  9. I love Grungo Can't say I never made mistakes like that, and I know very closely how Grungo must've felt this entire time, to be honest I forgive Johnny
  10. A new update has been a long time coming, huh? After some setbacks in my personal life, I come with an update because, yes, this project will see a full release Soon Enough™. I'm entering a stage of major rewrite of the code, from scratch, possibly simplifying this to it's simplest possible solution. For the more savvy: Definitely! If I can get the software needed to run on Linux via Wine, it's over and done. I'm now also thinking about using Freedoom music in the Freedoom TC, as well. Hopefully it won't take forever for me to figure out the selection here. Freedoom has some amazing music. I have completed the musical selection for the PSX TC add-on anyone who is interest in trying it out before the beta or full releases, you can download the latest here. Here be the choice as of right now, changes are still possible before full release: And in from the original track listing perspective:
  11. Just passing to show a couple of videos I made on my Masterpack PSX TC Addon, nothing too big, I was just testing out some new tracks for some maps. VanillaPSX is awesome, @Aubrey Hodges is awesome, and I'm loving playing through this silly megawad project I made, with PSX Doom as a Total Conversion. The ever-present feeling invoked by the OST makes all of these levels actually feel like are happening in hell itself, an amazing concoction! I can't call it feeling of "sense of creepiness", or a feeling of "something is wrong". It's more like dread. A dread-inducing wind, blowing away the action, and turning it into a hellish fear. It is beautiful.
  12. I'm extremely envious. You are now officially in my top 5 doom players of all time. I personally subscribe to the hypothesis of "comprehensible input" by Stephen Krashen. It very much reflects a lot of my personal experience, and what I hear others describe, such as @ethel5691 or youself. Exposure to a small amount of easily understandable information gets stuck in the head of the listener/reader and never leaves, i.e. they acquire new vocabulary or grammar. Slowly building up a solid foundation of the new language until you become completely fluent in it.
  13. They are related, so yeah, somewhat similar. Simplified historical linguistic relationship: Actual comparison:
  14. I learned english almost by accident, too. Being exposed to the language over the internet, playing flash games, watching Youtube videos and definitely a whole lot of other content I forgot, so I consider myself "fluent" since I entered highschool. Thanks, Steven Krashen's Language Acquisition hypothesis, very cool! What I hated about learning in every other way, however, is how forced and needlessly hard it felt. In my highschool, in Brazil, we had both english _and_ spanish, and I hated spanish. It is very similar to brazillian portuguese, yes, but I had zero practice on it at all. Meaning that I got full grades on english, but otherwise struggled in the language of my fellow latinos, sad. Other than that, I wanted to learn japanese, because of course watching anime would do that to me, but that was when I was not aware of Language Acquisition, and dropped it because I felt like I was going nowhere, but once I get to watching anime again, I will do so without english subtitles.
  15. Does Grungo hunt and gather all his food? Or does Grungo trade shiny rock, too?
  16. I completely forgot about Dead Simple, damn. This does remind me I need to play the vanilla campaign again, it's been very long.
  17. I cast my vote that it should be added in. A completely cosmetic improvement with no gameplay effect should be added, in my humble opinion. Very uncommon, out of all the maps I've played, the only that actually comes to mind in that regard is Chris Klie's "The DMZ" which has a single SSG in a wide open area attainable before even killing a single shotgunner.
  18. Yes, for now. I wanted the full release to include not only all text graphics done but also have all music tracks assigned a proper selection on all maps, since we have the extended OSTs available, that means the maps have up to 48 separate songs, 46 if you do not count Club Doom and the shortest track on the list The End of It All (2:42), which I'm thinking of reserving to the text screens of the Inferno and Titan episodes (If you have seen the ending I put in there, you know why, I won't spoil it here). So that leaves me with the perfect count of maps and tracks, 46 and 46, some of them (15) have already been picked out for their placement on PSX Final Doom, as the image below shows. However deciding where each new track will go for the other 31 maps would have taken some time, and I was too impatient to wait until i was done with it to release it, additionally there's the text graphics, which aren't even close to done like I wished, so I decided to launch it as an alpha for now. And there's also the Freedoom TC out as well, I had made the text graphics for it, by figuring out how the script their text graphic generation utility, and because of it I honestly may just fork the code and use to make the PSX text. Using GIMP to manually make these graphics does not sound like a fun time to me. Plus, there may very well be others who also are impeded by this.
  19. Yes, it is now bundled in the EXE itself, I had just forgotten to remove it from the final builds on the 0.4.x window.
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