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About _memyself

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    Just a dood
    Green Marine

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  1. hey guys, this is the new account, sorry for that.

  2. I find it funny that most of us unanimously agree E3M1 is one of the worser ones.
  3. I don't think you understood the question, I said FIRST levels.
  4. Okay yes, but that's not the question. If you want that so bad, then ask the question yourself instead of complaining on other forums.
  5. Whyyyyyy? I feel like this is a good open discussion. Like, what? Do you want people to rank ALL the levels of EVERY Doom game? Ain't nobody reading all that.
  6. THAT'S WHAT THE EXTRA MONSTERS ARE FOR?????????? Or I'm just stupid.
  7. Really? THAT'S the worst so far? I shoukd be proud of myself.
  8. I'm willing to stretch the definition a little. The first level for an episode I feel like should count for this list. Here's my personal ranking: (Also, these are based off my experience, usually on "hurt me plenty" difficulty) 1. TNT: Yeah, I choose TNT for #1, and I don't exactly know why? It's not too much, 1 secret, and 36 monsters. But maybe I just like the simple levels. Also, beserk pack. 2. E4M1: This one is a nice challenge, took me a while. It's not too special, but it works as the first level of the "extra levels." 3. Doom 2: Not special, but I like it. I like how open it feels, the secrets, and the secrets' rewards. It's just a good level. 4. E3M1: I love the athstetic of this one, it's very beuatiful. And I can excuse the cacodemon, it's episode 3, you should be used to them by now. Simple, short, sweet. Just like cereal. 5. E2M1: This one... is tricky personally. I like it, but it's, kind of, boring. I don't know. It's a fine challenge though, I'll give it that. 6. E1M1: If E2M1 is boring, this level is the equivalent of watching paint dry. I just don't care for episode one personally. And this level doesn't help matters. 7. Plutonia: >:( I would love to hear your rankings and opinions on these classics!
  9. I think this could be a fun short map. You don't need a map to be big to be fun! Though, I do reccomend adding something like a Hell Knight or Mancubus near the end, like a Boss for the level. Just a little bit of extra challenge.
  10. I loved this, it felt so bizzare, it's kind of like a dream you would have.
  11. I loved it, I actually think the whole 'low ammo' thing worked to the map's advantage. Makes you actually feel in danger. Seriously, near the end I got REAL nervous. I was out of ammo, and a whole lot more enemy appeared. Thank god for the extra seargants, because I would be cooked steak. My winning time was 7:16, this a big map.
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