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About IPlayDoomwaytomuch

  • Rank
    Blue Fire
    Warming Up

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  1. so i scrapped the megawad and now im working on just a regular 7 map doom 2 wad this does require GZdoom or one of its relatives (haven't tested with any other engine but i used the GZdoom format when mapping it) DOOM2.wad is the wad needed to play it. jumping and crouching are fine but not needed nor prevented. SEND ME FEEDBACK!!! MAP 1 OF MY NEW WAD COMING OUT.zip screenshots:
  2. I will admit that when posting this, I really wanted to sleep but also wanted to post the map before then so I just kinda scrapped up a post and called it a day. Not at all my finest work.
  3. I have only tested with GzDOOM so i dont know if it will crash without it. MAP01.zip
  4. I am making a MEGAWAD (first one I've ever done and third wad)


  5. for creating the sky texture? what is the texture name (like STUCCO2)
  6. thanks for bringing my attention to this! Quick question, how do I fix?
  7. My 2nd map. I've got to say I really like it! experimenting with switches and lifts for the first time, making more props, and adding ACTUAL SECRETS!!! side note: this was supposed to be themed like a hospital but i tried my best. screenshots StatusCritical.zip
  8. thanks for playing my map and for the feedback. I do have a few questions, specifically about Ultimate Doom Builder (if you can answer them) 1. how do you make a teleporter? 2. how do you make custom textures? 3. does PB doom work with UDB 4. what is the player's scale?
  9. My first map ever! Freelook, jump, and crouching are optional. Have fun! MyFirstWad.zip
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