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I think this map is fine. It's basic, but it works. I encountered no issues whatsoever. Doors were unpegged, textures aligned and there was a good balance of combat vs gameplay flow. It has the foundation of what a map should be. Now it's just a matter of adding details into it, if you want. Make it more memorable, add more encounters, change the music, etc. I'll gladly play more in the future.
The wicked on every side : REMAKE
Zesiir replied to michealrockshim's topic in WAD Releases & Development
I made it until the last map, where I gave up. Slaughter maps are not my thing. But I think it's still a decent wad overall, it's clear a lot of work has gone into it. The limited use of textures does not bother me that much, I get the idea that each map has a theme. I had the most fun with the early maps before combat encounters just evolved into giant arenas filling up with monsters. But there's certainly something here for everyone if you're looking for pure, combat focused gameplay. -
Bloody Catacombs - new UDMF Doom 2 level
Zesiir replied to DoomRevolver's topic in WAD Releases & Development
Big, open and sprawling labyrinth of hellish architecture and plenty of alternatives for exploration. Combat encounters are tight and balanced, and it seems like a lot of polish has gone into testing it. Non-stop action from start to finish, no complaints here. The map could benefit from some height variation, but I understand if you want to keep it a bit claustrophobic. Found no issues or bugs. It's a good map, I had fun playing it. -
Anybody willing to test unfinished beta of my new map?
Zesiir replied to TheOneTheyFear's topic in WAD Releases & Development
You might want to post some screenshots as well as some info (which formats, recommended ports, IWAD required etc) about the wad you're making. So people have an idea what they might get into. -
The wicked on every side : REMAKE
Zesiir replied to michealrockshim's topic in WAD Releases & Development
The wicked on every side : REMAKE
Zesiir replied to michealrockshim's topic in WAD Releases & Development
Looks like I'm stuck in MAP05. I've hit the switch that revealed the 3 Cyberdemons and killed them, but I haven't found the red key. Any ideas? -
The wicked on every side : REMAKE
Zesiir replied to michealrockshim's topic in WAD Releases & Development
A pegged door texture means that the wall texture that's underneath the door moves with it when it opens. Commonly you can check the "Lower Unpegged" checkbox in Ultimate Doom Builder so that the texture will not move with the door. I just wondered if it was intentional or not. Like this one: -
The wicked on every side : REMAKE
Zesiir replied to michealrockshim's topic in WAD Releases & Development
I'm on MAP04 so far, so I'll have to write summary when I am done. But I think you should definitely post some screenshots, this is one hell of a good wad you've made. I'm getting some strong Thy Flesh Consumed vibes from this. Everything from level architecture to combat encounters are very well crafted. One question though; are all door textures meant to be pegged? Almost feels like it's done intentionally. -
[E1M1] HUNGER [CL 3][Long Map][Limit removing]
Zesiir replied to Esperpento's topic in WAD Releases & Development
One gorgeous, sprawling and difficult map. Gameplay flows well and although ammo is tight you can manage if you just play it safe and explore. Most combat encounters boil down to just assessing the situation and trying to keep a cool head. There's always enough supplies available, and the balance feels very good. The only part I didn't like was the one where you had to climb platforms over the lava lake while a teleporting cyberdemon took potshots at you, and trying to frantically dodge enemy projectiles and meanwhile find more rocket ammo to deal with the Barons. It felt like it relied too much on RNG with the Cyberdemon and was only frustrating. I died more than 20 times in that area alone. Part of the me wanted to quit right there, but I did want to see what else the map had to offer so I pushed through. And I am glad that I did. Design-wise it is a very cool take on E1M1, even with the similar secrets. The non-linear design works very well and it's always fun to replay maps like these and try a different approach. Architecture is very well-done with classic Doom Hell themes that blend in with the techbase parts sprinkled about just fine. Enemy variety was good as well (even if you'll encounter your fair share of Barons on UV) and boss fights felt well-thought out for the most part. A great take on the classic E1M1, with a brutal, hellish twist. Just be prepared if you play on UV, it's quite devious in places! -
So many problems. The main issue being, the level order. I get the idea that the creator wanted to put two different wads they made into a single megawad, but it doesn't work. The first three level are extremely basic, and full of the usual beginner mistakes. There's not much to say there. Then they end on a text screen, basically just saying that the creator is lazy. Then it's normal maps all the way to MAP16. Why? Skipping to MAP16 to start the other "wad", which does show that the creator has improved somewhat. But it's confusing, they clearly have enough competence to make a custom start screen, as well as some Doom Maker trickery, but I still encountered pegged door textures through the entire thing. It just felt lazy, to be honest. Gameplay flow is uneven as well. I almost ran out of ammo in MAP18. MAP17 is just a single room where you press a switch, wait a minute or two and then exit. The most fun I had was the last map, MAP19. It felt the most polished of the bunch (even if it still had all the same issues) and felt appropriately challenging. Unfortunately I blundered into the secret exit before I could finish the map, and was teleported to a map that is basically just a room with a thousand Revenants in it. The wad is uneven. For a first wad it's fine I guess. But I'd just skip directly to MAP19.
My First Wad/Mod for Doom 2 "Doom Rooms"
Zesiir replied to Doom is Metal's topic in WAD Releases & Development
OP = Original Post -
For a map with mostly gray brick textures, it's alright! Combat feels fair, enemy placements are good. The beginning caught me off-guard, but as soon as I saw that switch I knew what to do. Not sure what else to say. It's drab to look at, and D_RUNNIN gets old quickly as usual. But no issues to report. It's a perfectly fine map.
My First Wad/Mod for Doom 2 "Doom Rooms"
Zesiir replied to Doom is Metal's topic in WAD Releases & Development
Unfortunately I don't speak spanish. So unless you're willing to translate the OP I'll have to pass. -
Mudvayne.wad (Looking for feedback and criticism!)
Zesiir replied to ewwaurik's topic in WAD Releases & Development
A good few maps with decent combat that ramps up significantly around MAP04. Level design is decent, with varied environments and decent texturing. The first few maps start out very basic, with simple techbase designs but they work for what they are. They do seem a bit bland at times with the same lighting and low-tier monsters. But if this is how the author started out, it makes sense design-wise. A good little wad that may suffer from some gameplay flow problems, but definitely worth checking out. I found some issues, see below; -
Demonic Research Institute - Doom 2 vanilla single map
Zesiir replied to piXelicidio's topic in WAD Releases & Development
Good map! If a tad on the easy side, combat encounter-wise. But great level design overall. I always had enough shells for the SSG. I also got all secrets, the rocket jump secret in particular took a while to figure out. But it's fun to see nice rewards hidden behind gameplay puzzles. The only issues I found were a few misaligned and/or odd textures; one at one of the doors in the beginning, with wood panels not aligning due to height differences. Another near the teleporting cacodemon room that just a lacked door track texture. And a few boxes near the Plasmagun secret that had the wrong floor flats (brown for gray crate, etc). But nothing gamebreaking. All in all, a fun and atmospheric map with clever secrets.