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Baron T. Mueriach

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Everything posted by Baron T. Mueriach

  1. It looks like a Doom adaptation of Super Mario 64's Rainbow Ride course. I find it God-awful but that's just my opinion.
  2. How about you get on it. I doubt anyone would exert energy into trying to make an ugly MEGAWAD full of bright rainbow themed textures. This isn't a dunk on gays, either, but a WAD solely based off of bright pride flag colors would just be eye cancer.
  3. Large UltDoom techbases. It might sound bland but it never gets old for me.
  4. This thread is fucking sad. I feel more isolated than I do depressed, I’ve never been depressed in my life as far as I’m concerned.
  5. Well, if you'll look closely you'll observe the error message "out of host memory". You are the host, you don't have enough available memory to run Brutal Doom + the other mods. There are multiple (potential) fixes to this, but in the long run they'll be a band-aid on a bullet wound. Maybe run GZDoom as an administrator, sometimes giving certain programs administrator settings helps with memory allocation. You could try cutting down on certain graphic settings to minimize the amount of things happening, updating your drivers, modifying config files, etc. but my best advice is to buy some new memory sticks. Sorry.
  6. This also, and add a space between the : in ICantBelieveItsNotBossEye: BossEye So, ICantBelieveItsNotBossEye : BossEye
  7. It's imperative to look at root issues that may seem simple, but just double-check if sprites you're using are correctly defined in the WAD. Maybe try removing the class keyword because in DECORATE, actors are defined using the actor keyword, not class.
  8. I like it to start out in a smaller room, with multiple visible pathways you could go, to me it signifies fluidity and encourages me to see more. Hot starts can be fun or sometimes necessary if the point of the map is to get players moving quick because the map is large and requires constant progression. Hot starts are more of a Doom II thing, whereas the slower, more ambient starts are a Doom I thing. That can be interchanged of course, but enemies like Mancubi and Archviles are the leading cause of running around like a headless chicken scrambling to find cover.
  9. I absolutely love maps like this. Nonlinear maps are far better than linear maps in my opinion, it feels more free rather than just a straightforward progression.
  10. Wow, I can certainly see how the shape of the original map was pertained in the remade one, it's very good! I certainly like that style a lot too, it's very compact and doesn't require long stretches of walking in order to get from one place to another.
  11. It's a beta screenshot of Doom 64 displaying a Mesoamerican style step pyramid but it doesn't appear in the final game. I'm pretty sure it's also a map in Doom 64 Retribution.
  12. Yes, the spawning vats remake definitely has that. The overall goal was to make an annoying puzzle maze like map with ugly textures, much like the original spawning vats. I definitely try to take the "not too interconnected" approach, I think I may have gotten that down, I also have been able to round up a few playtesters. Finished the layout of the level, too. Thank you for the advice.
  13. Thanks I appreciate it! It's funny, your video on mapping basics was the first video on Doom mapping I ever watched when I started getting back into it.
  14. This question is directed to all walks of the Doom mapping community, but I would definitely like to hear from people who have a couple of big hits under their belts. What do you do to keep inspiration flowing? I have no end to my inspiration flow, I could map for hours, but I sometimes get frustrated that my maps aren't as good as they maybe could be. The way I do it is by instantly starting off by making a large, nonlinear room, because perfect linearity kills any and all inspiration for me. Then, I don't change anything be it textures, ceiling/floor heights, functions, etc. because I'll end up becoming obsessed with the little details and forget about the larger task at hand, which ends any motivation I have left. Here are a few screenies from maps I've been making. On the top is E1M3 for my Knee-Deep in the Dead style episode (I'm still adding onto the level, it will be larger), and on the bottom is a Spawning Vats remake I did a while ago for the hell of it but never finished. I always find myself trying to connect my maps better, it can become an issue sometimes because I'll force myself to redo large spaces to add more connections or just abandon the map altogether. Also, if this has been asked a thousand times on the forum, my bad. If you want to be a dick and lock the thread or tell me to go elsewhere then have at it.
  15. Be sure you're loading it in on the right IWAD (UDINO is for Ultimate Doom, so run the Doom 1 IWAD) Also, use GZDoom. It's the most common one to use, and it's the latest release, ZDoom being the older, more outdated predecessor.
  16. Frank. Cybers guts are exposed + Frank has his own gif
  17. It looks like it's marked as "impassible" by the whiteness of the linedefs. Try undoing that, or maybe don't use the sector draw tool. Also for the love of God PLEASE either post the WAD or give more description and not just 1 sentence with the most non-descriptive screenshot you could take.
  18. Please post the WAD file so we can see but like Shepardus said it's probably just because you didn't do it right. Import the file > Right click > Graphic > Convert to > Transparent Color (or whatever is mentioned in the video, but this is easiest way to do it after exporting a level name from Doom Writer)
  19. This is starting to make me think that a handful of the levels in WAD's I've played over the years have been ghost-produced.
  20. Never found myself involved in fantasy nonfiction (Star Wars, Harry Potter, Narnia, etc. But I am an absolute sucker for any LoTR or the Hobbit). If I ever read anything nonfiction, I prefer realistic nonfiction, as in it certainly could happen but never actually has. Though I don't read much of these, I'm inclined to read things that are factual, statistical, scientific, or educational. Currently reading "The Curse of the High IQ" by Aaron Clarey. It's very interesting, highlighting the common struggles high IQ individuals face daily. It's reassuring to see I'm not the only one constantly ramming heads with a world tailored to average, and mostly below-average, IQ individuals. Also, I feel you on this.
  21. Nice, I actually liked it a lot. It was quite large and pretty interactive. Cool areas as well. I noticed a few things though: A mildly infuriating texture glitch at the very beginning of the level, plus a few missing textures in certain areas, big ones too. Also, multiple interactions like doors and lifts were unusable after using it once. I assume it's because you accidentally did S1 (use once) instead of SR (repeatable), unless it was intended to be that way. Overall I really liked it, honestly. Good large map with plenty of rooms and little things to look at. Nice job, keep up the good work!
  22. I accidentally fixated on the negative things I saw a little bit there. I just remember a few people saying it was a "monstrosity" and that it didn't deserve a cacoward. But I certainly do remember D2INO getting a rash of negative feedback.
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