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Baron T. Mueriach

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Everything posted by Baron T. Mueriach

  1. If you feel like spending 5 hours on each level because of the sheer size and complexity (and amazingly elaborate techbases) then definitely Ultimate Doom In Name Only. Never understood why this WAD got so much hate, I loved it. Also maybe Silence? I'm sure you've already played these though, it's hard to find the type of WAD you're describing. I wish there were more though.
  2. Lots of people seem to be looking at this from a more structural point of view. (i.e. if it has "computer" in the name, it must have computers or it is inaccurate.) But I say the biblical or mythological names used in Doom are quite accurate. For example: Dis. The City of Dis stands as the entrance to the lowest levels of Hell. After completing Dis, you enter some of the shittiest levels Doom has to offer, Thy Flesh Consumed. The entrance of the "lowest levels"? Did John Romero mean something by naming E3M8 Dis? Who knows. In all seriousness, definitely Toxin Refinery.
  3. How old are you?? If you're 16 or older, you should most certainly have a job by now... They aren't nagging, they're trying to make you a productive member of society.
  4. You are driven to drink, I drive while I drink. Now read that again...
  5. I have struggled with similar things, but not the social space one. I've always been very comfortable wherever I'm at, and as a result, I've always been pretty damn popular, so I can't help you with that. For the emotions, I can help. Just embrace the fact that you can't feel strong emotions, it's really not a bad thing when you look at it. In fact, there are multiple upsides to that. I had the same thing for a long time and I always wondered why, so I took a few psychiatric tests, and it turns out, I'm a psychopath. Not saying that's you or anything but I was pretty surprised by it, so I just decided to embrace it. For concentration, I'm pretty sure 99% of people struggle with that, it's not ADHD btw, that's become a buzzword but it's completely misused. That's all for my jargon.
  6. The real issue is with nitazenes. As an organic chemist, I can almost ensure you that within the next 20 years, nitazenes will be wiping out masses of people. Due to it's relatively easy synthesis and readily available precursors from Chinese chemical vendors, even a couple of drongos living on a farm in Mexico could create masses of this chemical in very pure form. What makes it truly scarier than fentanyl is that the potency is far stronger than fent. It doesn't concern me because I'm not a homeless pill junkie in L.A, but this shit could do some serious damage to the drug world. I just hope enough people realize this isn't the way to live before it's too late. And for the record, fuck people who make weed their personality.
  7. Love the blue pentagram Sigil area (no clue what it's actually called) in MAP03, not sure why but I liked it more than the normal red ones. I tend to dislike large maps but I like these, doesn't require the player to backtrack the hell out of them. Nice texturepack too. All in all very nice levels.
  8. An entire episode replacement for episode 3 and nobody pays attention to it? Weird, because I thought it was pretty fun. I liked the Quake symbol in E3M1 and I'd have to say E3M7 is my favorite gameplay wise. I will say this though, a couple of maps stank of Episode 2 texturing and design, which you might wanna look out for in the future. Otherwise, awesome, keep it up.
  9. My oh my! An UltDoom community project! My strong point!!! Please sign up me for anything that hasn't been filled (if there's anything)!!!!! Been waiting for this to happen for a minute!
  10. "Good" Doom maps is a somewhat subjective term because different people like different things, but here are some common ways to a make them look nicer: 1. More texture diversity. MAP01 was just SLADWALL and FLOOR4_8. Use a little more. I'll post some screenshots to show. 2. Add more ammo for MAP01, it didn't feel sufficient enough. 3. Add more secrets, and little things to collect like armor bonuses, health bonuses, pistol ammo, shotgun ammo, etc. It creates a more interactive environment for the player, and it encourages more movement around the map. 4. Outdoor areas. It's exactly how it sounds. Of course this isn't completely redone, but it's just some things I changed without totally bulldozing parts of the map. Good luck in the future!
  11. Don't even bother. Watched one of them thinking it might be interesting and I was more bored than I've ever been in my life. Never understood people who are obsessed with Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit is where it's at.
  12. I just downloaded it and start messing around. I have never used it before, and so far I'm confused as hell. It's super laggy and it uses strange liquid textures, plus random custom textures that aren't in the original Doom. It also only exports levels as a .pk3 for the ZDoom family engines. Very strange, I'd like to know how to use this tool properly though
  13. Maybe? Click "B" on your keyboard and that should switch it to a mode called "full brightness" and everything will appear as 256 brightness. Is that what you meant?
  14. For classic Doom? Probably not. Maybe a ray tracing mod mixed with one of those super high def texture pack mods.
  15. Post the WAD so we can look into it ourselves and give you a definite answer.
  16. Looks like you didn't load it in with the right IWAD.
  17. Yes, but some of them were just blatant recreations, the reason was exactly that haha
  18. 32 map MEGAWAD is crazy, and I tried it myself with attempting to make 1 map per day for 32 days (safe to say it did not work out at all) My advice, make the layout before you make the aesthetic. Check out what I made in about 9 minutes in UDB by just free handing random shit: (Yes, it's a spawning vats replacement.) But see how 90% of it isn't textured? That's because you need to make the layout first, then worry about details, monster placement, item placement, decor, etc. So, just keep it up and take whatever advice you want. Good luck!
  19. There were only so many rock songs in the 90's Bobby Prince could rip off... Jokes aside I'd imagine it's for the reason Ozcar stated, not enough time or too little inspiration. Or maybe they just liked the older tracks so much they decided to recycle them.
  20. I finished them. They're ok, I'd say MAP02 is my favorite. It's hard to judge because they are very short, and it's a little too bossfight-y for my liking. I noticed a missing texture in MAP01 too. Obviously I don't wanna go too hard on you since it's your first WAD. Keep working and I'm sure you'll get the hang of things, congrats on releasing your first WAD.
  21. Also this. Doom I or Doom II? Or Freedoom? Always good to give what IWAD to load the game on.
  22. Then maybe just save what you're doing and close GZDoom. Ctrl+Print Scr will take a screenshot of your entire PC. Just do that and you'll be good.
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