Hello, first of all, Doom Retro is my favourite source port. I've been following it on and off for years, but now that I have an account here, I can get in touch.
The last version I played before 5.4 one was 4.7.2, and one thing has changed between them. So, I noticed that by default, pressing the left stick toggles always run, and I think that's a bad UX. “Doom 3” on Nintendo Switch has it, and it's very frustrating because I accidentally press it every now and then, usually when the situation becomes heated, so on top of the fight with many monsters, I am suddenly moving slowly. The other day, I was checking “Liminal Doom,” and I toggled it off in the middle of a fight with Archvile. Luckily, “Doom 3” thought me well about that, so there was no surprise, but I believe that this might be frustrating for less savvy players. I removed it from my settings, but I would like to suggest getting rid of it out-of-the-box.
But other than that, 🔥. I don't know what it is what was done to rendering, but these pixels on shades are fantastic. Not necessarily how I remembered Doom back in the 90s, but definitely retro and nostalgic. And it's probably the best implementation of vibrations in a gamepad that I have encountered in my gaming career.