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Everything posted by Erik

  1. 438 downloads

    The third installment of the Scythe series. This will be released on an episode basis.
  2. 2615 downloads

    This is the sequel to my old megawad "Scythe". Expect better looking and bigger levels. unfortunately, the last 3 levels are missing, because I am so lazy and I haven't been satisfied with my attempts at making map28. I _might_ release the last 3 maps some time in the future, but do not count on it. (Update: the last 3 maps are now completed!)
  3. Just checking in so that noone believes that I am dead in Thailand or whatever.

    I am just in a situation with very low doom interest atm, so I am focusing on other things like school and console RPGs. I won't be on irc or the forums for a while most likely.

    But I will be back.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. sargebaldy


      I was just wondering where you ended up.

    3. SYS


      I'm checkin in
      (he's checking in)
      I'm checkin in
      (he's checking in)

      No more pills or alcohol,
      No more stinking fun at all,

      Throw it out!
      Your checking in!

      lol, reminded me of the Betty Ford musical song on the Simpsons

    4. Vile


      HF with school. I'm glad that you're giving it the proper attention, so keep at it. :)

      BTW, I sent about 1000 pngs worth of scythe2 bugs, not sure if you got those...


      I suppose you won't see that joke unless you've actually checked back on this thread, but don't worry. I haven't really found any new things to fix since the last batch (partly because I've stopped altogether for the moment).

  4. is once again in progress, yay! =)

    1. DooMBoy


      So how soon can we expect a release date? ;)

    2. Julian


      ... and when will temple.mid be used?

    3. Espi


      Yay indeed. =D

      How's the wad coming along?

  5. Erik

    X-treme (demo)


    Well, maybe it's wrong to call this a demo, it's more like a HD-cleaning. It was close that these 2 levels were lost in my last reformat, I remembered to upload them the very last minute. Since it's not likely that I will work on this megawad- project anytime soon I might just as well release these levels standalone. The difficulty is balanced so that skill 4 is not playable or fun in any way, so don't bother trying it unless you are a masochist.
  6. Well, I am invloved in quite a few projects. And I am trying to make up a priority list somehow. In that process I made alist of the projects and rated their chances of making it (estimates).

    One bloody night ep2 - 20% progress or so, donated one map away and it's on hold, might be merged with scythe2. I give this project 20% chance of making it.

    Scythe2 (or whatever I will call it) - 2 maps done, maybe a couple of maps from my other projects will be incorporated into it, slow progress. I give this project 70% of making it, it will probably not be in full 32 map megawad form for the first release at least though.

    Europa 4 - renewed interest in this lately, I have lots of ideas and layouts drawn, interesting stuff. Also some pressure from Julian (heh). I give this 75% of making it.

    RTC - hmm, dunno what to say. I asked shaviro to show me the progress. It doesn't look too promising atm really, and I dont really feel like working on doomed projects :\ I give this about 25% chance of making it.

    Torn's doom1 megawad - mixed feelings here, torn insists that it will get done. Espi is doing most of the work and I am quite slow on my progress (I didn't make any official commitments to this though). I give this 50% chance of making it, and I hope it will.

    Millennium - too little info to actually make an estimate here, I really am confident in lut's ability though (I am as confident in Zaldron's lazyness though).

    plutonia 2 - lots of good maps here which are 100% finished (unlike rtc which has a ton of fragments which don't fit together at all). sam woodman is cool, but he seems to need somewhat of a reality check at times, if there still are more people than him involved I give this a good chance though to be out this year, 85% or so.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Leo Sosnine

      Leo Sosnine

      Erik said:
      Working name: Scythe X. 2 maps 100% done. 1 map 99% done. 1 map 5% done.

      Glad, that this thread has been reanimated, because we know now that scythe X is in progress. A dozen of years and we'll see what's in it. =)

      Cute project title choice. Scythe 3 would suck, however Scythe X is more intriguing!

    3. myk


      Leo Sosnine said:
      And I wonder how it could be possible at all, to retain gameplay, considering that original was a personal project of two (AFAIR) men (Milo Casali & Dario Casali ???), while sequel is a mix.

      The general idea was indeed retained yet made a bit more extreme or challenging. If you think about it, Plutonia itself retained the basic idea behind DOOM II (even mimicking some of its level design) while making it more extreme. The add-on does to Plutonia what Plutonia does to DOOM II. Naturally enough, personal design idiosyncrasies produce some differences, but that just means it's different in the way the movie Aliens is different from Alien.

      Looks more like a brand exploitation...

      The new team asked Dario directly if he felt the name and project were fine, and gave a thumbs-up. Saying it's brand exploitation is off track, in my opinion, considering all the Plutonia-inspired stuff it has, and the team even bothered to make it require Plutonia, ensuring that fans playing it had acquired the original. It was taken over by a group of people who love Plutonia, as well as action-packed, challenging play and demos of that stuff, like the Casali brothers did. That, plus TV, who had joined during the first part and who did some great work with the graphics, to further the Plutonian feel. The name was decided early on, and the team decided not to change it, but made sure to let the original authors know. If anything, keeping the name encouraged various sorts of Plutonia influence.

      Metabolist's version ripped resources from Plutonia and other sources rather arbitrarily, using DOOM II as the game, and had many levels with stuff and layouts that really had nothing to do with Plutonia, which were often more eclectic in general, when they didn't plain suck.

    4. Creaphis


      There's an inherent conundrum in the production of sequels of any sort. To make a successful sequel, you can't just redo what the first one did - you have to find some way to alter or expand upon it. Giving the audience exactly what it thinks it wants is a sure-fire path to mediocrity.

  7. Erik



    A 32 level megawad for doom2. This megawad doesn't have perfect texture alignment, insane detail and fantasticly hard gameplay. Instead it focuses on small fun maps to blast through without much thought about defense. The difficulty rises steadily as you go through the maps and the last few should challenge even the best.
  8. Erik

    One bloody night


    9 level episode for vanilla doom2.exe
  9. Erik

    Find it


    My best map so far. try it!
  10. 26 downloads

    A fairly detailed map for Doom2. Inspired by Fredik Johansson's incredible Vrack series. This map may cause a lot of problems on slower computers. If your computer is slower than PII 200 Mhz, don't even try to play this level, sorry :\
  11. Erik

    Europa 2


    All right, here's the second part of my europa series. Hope you all enjoy it. It may not be the most detailed map ever done, but it certainly is one of the largest. You need all 6 keys to exit, and none of them come easily... Skill 2 is recommended if you think that doom2 on UV has good gameplay for you. If you think that is too hard, play skill 1. Skills 3 and up are designed for HR freaks like me. This map REQUIRES gothictx.wad!
  12. Erik

    ea Gothic 2


    A difficult single player map for Doom2. Don't play skill 4 unless you are VERY confident in your skills. Skill 3 should be challenge enough for 90% of all players. THIS LEVEL REQUIRES GOTHICTX.WAD
  13. Erik

    ea Gothic 1


    A single player map for Doom2, I was bored so I threw this together, took me one night. THIS LEVEL REQUIRES GOTHICTX.WAD
  14. Erik

    Europa 1


    This is the first map in my soon to be mini series of Boom-compatible maps with a very non-linear layout. You can visit the areas of this level in any order and there are 6 different starts to choose from (some easy, some near impossible). See the end of the document for the story =)
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