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About NeoWorm

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  1. Last time I was trying to fix my map, that this change to sector light modes broke, there was definitively difference and couldn't get it to look right unless I set it to Doom light mode that I was hapilly using since the feature was added to GZDooM. I can't check right now, maybe later but I posted some screens before. The lightening around player is a feature that should be option anyway. Vanilla and Software both have it very strong and it clashes quite a lot with sector light gradients and dynamic lights. If I want player to glow, I will give him dynamic light, thank you...
  2. And that's definitely not true. Just lauch the game switch options to Classic (faster) and than switch to DooM mode by console. The difference is apparent. No current mode offers no glow around player and propper darkness sector have light set to 0. Also I see that the wiki page was updated since I was looking into this matter last time. Good at least something was done. Now please add back the DooM and Dark options.
  3. Problem is that DooM and Dark were removed. And none of the remaining options offers similar visuals to those. And so far EVERY level that enforced a sector light mode I found did enforce either DooM or Dark ones. That alone should be enough to realize that those are actually useful and should remain as regular option. Removing them is stupid. About the overriding as I said it seemed like it does override MAPINFO and I would have to do some more experiments to make sure. I wasn't able to find info about it on wiki at all and since even release notes for GZDooM have errors in them from time to time I would take wiki with a reserve. And in the end even if it doesn't override it, I should not be forced to resort to hackery like this to play with sector light mode of my choice anyway.
  4. From my test it seemed it did. Either way I would not be doing test like this at all if somebody didn't decide to REMOVE the propper options.
  5. You may have made the map, but you are not playing it so it's not your choice. If a mapper wants to set the light profile, they can already (even if the correct process is actually not documented on wiki). If I want to change it anyway, or play level that does not have any light profile set up and looks not according to what I like I can't anymore. This is just net loss for everybody, only some people don't care. And that is not the solution - adding it to autoexec overrides the MAPINFO and setting it through console is not saved when exiting GZDooM and starting again. So both these options are bad and downgrade from what was available before. In my opinion even vanilla DooM campaingn looks better with DooM sector light mode. If you don't agree, that's your problem not mine. Now let me set this thing as I want, because I am the one who plays it. That's the whole problem.
  6. Honestly, three completely different styles of flames in one effect doesn't really look that good. DooM itself have a bit of problem with this since torches, mancubus fireballs and lost souls use one style and Archviles and burning barrels use different style...
  7. Hexen thrives with mods. It's the game that got the most out of advanced ports. Playing it long time ago with keyboard only was miserable and frustrating experience even for my teenage me that had no standarts. But the game has the best atmosphere from all idtech1 games. The classes, monster design, raven artstyle all that makes it really memorable. Main problem I see is that the levels are not that distinctive which adds a lot of confusion for the puzzles and switch hunts. The switch hunts are not that hard, the game is not big and if you are used to exploring you will have no problem, but if you have problem in visualizing spaces and reading maps, you will have miserable experience.
  8. On ZDooM forums there is thread with most of the sprites ripped.
  9. So some time ago we were talking about some kind of sprites repository where all the sprite sheets and edits can be collected, browsed, downloaded and updated if necessary. Instead of makind a website just for that, I tried to throw something together just on Google drive as a kind of proof of concept. Just folders and file names, but with a structure that would maybe be enough for what we need: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1qSF8cOhjLb6Fh9xc7fN4CaBj70Lx7mL6?usp=sharing It is for DooM style only for now and only monsters. Basic categories are: Default - for all additions to default DooM monsters, currently there is bunch of alternative attacks, death animations etc. But sprite fix sprites and base sprite sheets could live here too. Derivate - are new monster designs based on another design, this includes recolors, currently there are no derivates based on non default monsters Original - all designs that are made from scratch, that means all of newer Amuscaria and NMN works would go there Than you have a folder for each monster, if it is in category of Derivate it should have it's basis in parenthesis and for both Derivate and Original there should be author in the folder name - for example "Cyberimp (Imp) by Tsran908" And lastly name of the sprite sheet should be name of the monster, followed by description and credit either in the sprite sheet or in the name. This would be the biggest challenge since I have stock of hundreds of sheets but hardly any is credited. Next step would be another folder inside with all the cut .png sprites with offsets set up ready to be loaded into wad. As I said this is test for now, there are empty folders monstly, but some are filled with bunch of sprite sheets as examples. I would like a feedback if you think this could be useful. As far as I know I can give others access to this so other people could contribute, fill in credits, update sprite sheets, discuss etc. Drive should keep all the files as they are without converting them to jpgs or any other degradation and if we use pngs, the sizes should be small enough to not cause any problems.
  10. Thing is, people generally don't play on GZDooM to have a vanilla experience. They use it to enhance vanilla DooM to modern experience, either through mods or through options. Argumenting that we removed all options that are not vanilla is going against everything GZDooM build it's repution on. In similar vein I loathe the fact that I can't flat out override mouselook setting to be always on on new versions on GZDooM (well thanks to this controversy I can now). No matter what purist say full mouselook straight up makes DooM a better game.
  11. I found about this change yesterday and I think nobody can call this change for the better: Left is old DooM/Dark legacy mode, right one is Software. That glow around player just looks horrible in the current implementation and it's the reason why I never played ANYTHING on it. Now I have to switch it through Autoexec, since I am not writing stuff into console every time I start GZDooM. As a bonus as far as I know this method overrides the MAPINFO settings. This is one step forward and three steps back.
  12. It is a gameplay issue, clarity is the term here. Reason why modern games have blinking or otherwise highlighted interactive items is that they don't stand as much as old school game pickups did.
  13. Come on, Serious Sam is not Build engine. None of the Serious Sam games was.
  14. Looks like I posted just somewhere on discord. Anyway, here it is now:heretic_staff.zip
  15. Well, I already done that long time ago. It was even released I think. I also done vertical extension for most weapons.
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