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About Phobus

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Phobus Portfolio - A Google Drive listing of all of my released maps, organised by date (roughly) and with accompanying text files. Maps for community projects are extracted with just the relevant resources. Five projects are highlighted up the top of the list - these are Persephone (volumes 1-3), Doom II: 25 Years on Earth (One Year Late Edition), Mini Doom, Winter Wonderland (from DBP19) and Abdicate the Throne (from DBP23).


Doom Wiki page


Projects mapped for to date (182 maps in total):

  1. Old Map Compilation - MAP01-02, MAP04, MAP06-12
  2. Scourge - MAP01-21, MAP31, CREDMAP
  3. Warpzone - MAP01
  4. White Light - MAP01
  5. Scars of the Wounded Prey - MAP01
  6. Too Much Brown Demo Room - MAP01
  7. ZDoom Catch the Chicken maps (zctcmaps) - MAP05 
  8. Twisted Joke - MAP01
  9. Community Chest 3 - MAP18
  10. Justice - Infernal Mechanics - MAP01
  11. ZPack - Random Maps for ZDoom - E1M2, E2M1, E2M0
  12. Coils of the Twisted Tale - MAP01
  13. Ten Community Project - MAP05, MAP16
  14. Community Chest 4 - MAP03, MAP07, MAP13
  15. Virus Episode 1 Shareware Release - MAP000, MAP10, MAP00-05, MAP08-09
  16. Tiny Double Pack - TINY0-5, ENDE1
  17. Claws of the Enraged Beast - MAP01
  18. The Mouth of Death - MAP01-03
  19. Phobus' Fragments of Doom Advent Calender 2009 - MAP01-02
  20. White Light: 2010 Edition - MAP01
  21. Doom 2 Unleashed - MAP10
  22. Plutonia Revisited Community Project - MAP14
  23. Phobus Doom - Episode 1: Base Invaders - MAP01-MAP04
  24. Small Dark Twisted Computer Lab - MAP01
  25. Doom the Way id Did - E3M6
  26. 1994 Tune-up Community Project - MAP16
  27. 32in24-11: Occupy Doomworld - MAP25, MAP40
  28. Blood Red - MAP01
  29. NOVA: The Birth - MAP11
  30. MAYhem 2012 - MAP01, MAP06
  31. Ascent to Damnation - MAP01
  32. Hell Inc. - MAP01
  33. Escalation I: The Breach - MAP01
  34. ZDoom Community Map Project Take #2 - MAP01
  35. Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 2 - MAP03
  36. Escalation II: Centurion Night - MAP01
  37. Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 3 - MAP02
  38. Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 4 - MAP02
  39. E2MWalter - E2M1
  40. Big Woodchip - MAP01
  41. Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 5 - MAP03
  42. MAYhem 2048 - MAP23
  43. Urban Escape - MAP01
  44. Loathsome Cleft - MAP01
  45. Plutonia 1024: The Plutinya Project - MAP23
  46. MAYhem 1500 - MAP16, MAP22
  47. TNT: Revilution - MAP20
  48. Doomer Boards SpeedMapping Session Yo - MAP05
  49. Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 34 - MAP09, MAP19
  50. Doomer Boards Project 01: Monuments of Mars - MAP03
  51. Doomer Boards Project 04: Xenomorph Base - MAP04
  52. Doomer Boards Project 05: Coffin Curse - MAP01
  53. Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 37 - MAP08
  54. Doomworld Mega Project 2018 - DMP2018cl2 MAP03
  55. Persephone vol. 1 - CREDITS1 (in addition to 9 other maps compiled together)
  56. Abyssal Speedmapping Sessions: Session 38 MAP07, MAP09
  57. Persephone vol. 2 - MAP14 (in addition to 9 other maps compiled together)
  58. Persephone vol. 3 - MAP29 (in addition to 13 other maps compiled together)
  59. Mini Doom - E1M1, E2M1, E3M1, E4M1
  60. Doom II: 25 Years on Earth (One Year Late Edition) - MAP01-32
  61. Doomer Boards Project 17: Alone - MAP02
  62. Hellforge Speedmapping Session 01 - MAP24
  63. Lost Temple - MAP01
  64. Gimmicky Challenge Maps - MAP01, 04, 07, 08, 31
  65. Doomer Boards Project 18: Umbral Platinum - MAP03
  66. Doomer Boards Project 19: A Doomer Boards Christmas Carol - MAP04, MAP10
  67. Doomer Boards Project 21: Occult Secrets of the Third Reich on Mars - MAP02
  68. Hellforge Speedmapping Session 04 - MAP03
  69. Isolation - Strain 1 MAP13
  70. Doomer Boards Project 22: Biotech is Godzilla - MAP04
  71. Hellforge Speedmapping Session 05 - MAP19
  72. Doomer Boards Project 23: Evil Egypt - MAP12
  73. 1000 Lines Community Project Volume 2 - MAP11
  74. MAYhem 2020 - MAP09
  75. Hellforge Speedmapping Session 06 - E1M6
  76. Hellforge Speedmapping Session 07 - MAP13
  77. Doomer Boards Project 24: Spaceballs: The Sequel: The Quest for More DBP Maps - MAP04
  78. Doomer Boards Project 25: Dead but Dreaming - MAP02
  79. Hellforge Speedmapping Session 08 - MAP10
  80. 15 Years a Doomer Contest Submission - Eternal Inspiration
  81. Full Moon - MAP18
  82. Irkalla - MAP03
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