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About rfnagel

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  1. That's what I was thinking as well. Hehe, the old issues of MUS to MID conversion LOL.
  2. Something sounds weird with the MIDIs in the ZIP that you posted, Xulgonoth. I only listened to a few, but something is a bit off. If you (or anyone else) has any issues with downloading my old submission to the Doomworld archives, here's a link to the original pack -> http://jasonwilliams400com.startlogic.com/snor/weeds/Weeds_Music/Eternal_DOOM_Soundtrack.zip . Cheers!
  3. Yep, been on Doomworld for quite some time, alhough I don't post too much. Agreed about the length of the tracks, they're way too short for the massive levels that they try to compliment.
  4. P.S. BTW, for anyone interested, a couple of remixes that I did quite some time ago (I may have previously posted this stuff here eons ago... I don't really remember): Eternal DOOM Music - "DOOMin': Live!" (Yamaha XG Format) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjA8KXjz_4I Death Assured Remix (Amiga Tracker MOD Format) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zFjmoCzqAs
  5. Hey Guys, Sverre sent me a message about the project, I'm really looking forward to hearing your all's remixes and stuff! :) BTW, about my custom SoundFont, here's the latest version of it (¥Weeds¥ General MIDI SoundFont v4.0B): http://bhservices.us/weeds/Temp/WeedsGM4.zip . Using an earlier version of that SoundFont with an AWE32 (and later with an SBLive), THAT is EXACTLY how I heard the music back in the day :) Originally the music was composed on a Creative labs Wave Blaster. The WB 1, and NOT the 2... the 2 was TOTAL GARBAGE IM(NotSo)HO, but shortly thereafter I bought my first AWE32. Cheers!
  6. After almost a decade and a half, Team Eternal's complete Eternal DOOM MIDI Soundtrack (containing all of the revamped original MIDI files) has been publicly released. The archive contains the complete original MIDI soundtrack that was composed by Rich "Weeds" Nagel for Team Eternal's "Eternal DOOM" back in 1996 through 1997. Also included in the archive are several bonus MIDI files, images, and other miscellaneous Eternal DOOM and Eternal DOOM Soundtrack related material. More information about the soundtrack can be found at Rich's site. Downloads can be found at the usual DOOM related FTP and web sites.
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