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Everything posted by Doomkid

  1. Tricks and Traps Refueling Base Circle of Death Gotcha! Barrels O’ Fun The Abandoned Mines Monster Condo 08, 11 and 20 if I have to pick just 3!
  2. Information is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is not truth. Truth is not beauty. Beauty is not love. Love is not music. (Music is the best.)
  3. Your absence is getting seriously worrying after your last post - echoing the others to say I hope you're ok and still with us.

  4. Some pics from my recent outbacking :)
  5. When the mapping bug bites, I'll usually keep making "MAP01s" that start out way too big, and I'm like "Ok, this can be map 2, let me pull it back a bit for map 1" but then that one is still sizeable, so I try yet again. By the time I've done this completely insane song and dance at least 6 or so times, I've got an episode on my hands! (Although the "finale" usually is made last.)
  6. You're so lucky I'm too nice to post a photo of you wilster, LOL. Also here's my genuine reaction:
  7. damn this thread bload up while your all here www.youtube
  8. Just in case you're wondering what happened to me, the hard drive in my computer messed up - died, in fact, all of a sudden. So until I get another hard drive I'll be offline.
    Sorries to the Jamal Jones crew for the delay this might cause, but I thought I should let you know. You may care or not at your discretion!



    also I'm looking for a new place which takes a lot of time and energy lol

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. NeedHealth
    3. Springy


      Hopefully all is well and it gets sorted soon, my petal.

    4. mxrgan


      Thats some harsh shit, hope it doesn't take to long to get a new one.

  9. I think Doctor Doolittle is pretty cool personally
  10. Dude, just leave a note to the maintainers. "Out of necessity, this wad uses some Doom 1 textures despite targeting Doom 2. Could I please be granted exemption in this case?" - works every time for me. The idea that any lawyer would go after a Doom2 wad for having some Doom1 textures in it is crazy and the maintainers know that, so they'll generally grant an exemption (unless you've just gone hog-wild and used the full texture packs from like 6 full games or some shit)
  11. Gamers.org / idgames has been up since 1994, Internet Archive has been up since 1997 but is constantly under attack, though I of course deeply wish it were not and donate a little here and there. I think they're both fairly reliable, but I also want to say that (to me) the possibility of dying tomorrow or losing your faculties is even more reason to try and archive your stuff, for old forum buddies or strangers alike who would be interested in your works and to have a bit of yourself preserved in time for people to get some amusement out of. (I'm not trying to tell you what do do of course, this is just how I see it)
  12. I never knew him, but I remember him.. That's tragic, I'm so sorry to his friends and family.. I don't mean to pry, but assuming it isn't private info, was any cause of death given? EDIT: I was searching for him and this old funny thread showed up, its clear the community back then loved the guy.. LOL. Man just made me laugh my ass off from beyond the grave.. Sounds like he had DW pegged a solid 20 years ago.. :) Rest in Peace, man.
  13. Hey peoples, I’m out of town doing a little outback exploration, which is why I’ve barely signed in this last week. In a few days time I’ll be back to check all PMs and other stuff like that!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Endless


      Noicee. The Australian wilderness is about to met a new crikey adventurer.

    3. MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai

      MS-06FZ Zaku II Kai

      Just remmember to be carefull!

    4. Doomkid


      Other than putting my car through more than it was ever designed for on a 2.5 hour stretch of dilapidated highway that eventually turned into mud flats, I’ve been safe! A smaller, weaker car would have been fucked I think though.

      Looked like no vehicle had been on that stretch for weeks if not more - driving that many hours and not seeing a single soul come or go, coupled with goats and kangaroos everywhere and the only signs of civilisation being an old abandoned farm or hotel from the 1890s every blue moon, was really fun and fascinating on one hand but terrifying on the other, knowing I was a flat/destroyed tire away from being stranded with only a couple days worth of supplies. Considering the potholes everywhere, water making the soil sloppy, and pretty much constant threat of getting jammed in the mud, I was shitting my britches a little for a while there. Thankfully my car has a V6 engine and pretty robust tires..


      This was all on the route Google maps had determined for me, that I ended up following the whole way. I planned on some broken old highways, but nothing quite that intense. I have seen “SOS only” on my phone a few times, but this was the first time I had ever gotten a full-on “No Service”.


      I loved it, on the whole. Absolutely will be going to the outback again some time soonish, but with even more supplies, and a spare tire (and some petrol cans) just in case.


      EDIT: look up Mossgiel NSW if you want to see the area. Mossgiel Road and Cobb Hwy are both hellish, especially Mossgiel. They actually are more broken down now than they appear in the google map photos!

  14. ERM, AKTUALLY.. Victorian architecture, including castles and turrets, are not exactly a rare sight in or adjacent to numerous cities and towns (particularly in Europe but we have some here in Aus too), so the idea that the castle in map15 was “obviously” made by demons rather than humans is shaky at best. In fact, it looks rather man-made, so I think you’re spot-on to point out that inconsistency in the secret exit text. Garbage storyline, 0/10. (I could buy it being “demon corrupted” but until proven otherwise, that is a mother-fuckin-bitchass man-made castle, far as I’m concerned…) The explanation of Castle Wolfenstein and all its guards being in Hell this many years after the events of Wolf3D makes perfect sense to me though!
  15. At this point I'm pretty much convinced Disk 4 is not from a Manaccom release - I think it's strictly the manual, and even then I only say that because it has a black back rather than a red back (the red back seemingly the "correct" one for mail order Doom, since the graphic matches the back of the actual box, but anyone else who owns an Aussie mail order copy, I welcome you to weigh in). All of the disks have 1.2 on them, and oddly, Disks 1, 2 and 4 (the non-copied ones) all do share a serial code on the disk itself. I'm thinking they came from the same distributor who sent out mail order copies to Aussies under license from id, just at slightly different times of year. Would explain the matching serial codes and disk color, but non-matching labels. I also checked the file attributes on all the disks - the others all had "date created" listed as 1-1-1980 as they should and a "date modified" of Feb 1994, but the copied disk had a "date created" from late 1998 which must have been when the owner moved the file over to the disk. To me the clean timestamps just further cement 1, 2 and 4 as legit non-copied disks.
  16. It definitely looks like it! My floppy collection was getting too big NOT to buy one recently, so I bit the bullet and purchased an IBM brand USB floppy drive. It looks like Sony, Imation, and a couple other name brands also made them back in the late 90s and early 2000s. If you are eager to check it out or have other floppy disks around the house as well, maybe it would be worth picking one up. (Never a no-name-brand one though, dear god. As bad as the no-name USB CD/DVD drives I've come across are, I hate to imagine what a no-name floppy drive would do to you valuable disks..)
  17. Sorry for the bump, but I just came across it and I'm utterly perplexed. I'm dying to hear of a single video game on this planet that isn't a sort of "escape room"? I don't necessarily think referring to games as escapist (to a degree) is a pejorative statement, but I will say it seems reductive to me in a non-constructive way. Maybe it's just because I'm so (too) passionate about Doom though, to the point where observations about its simplicity feel like slights even if not intended that way.
  18. I had heard of Judgement Day before, and seen Eurisko's GamesMaster videos featuring players at the DWANGO comp (thanks so much for saving those videos!), but after reading the DoomWiki article, I'm convinced Alex St. John is a beast. It's a fun read! Microsnack was constantly trying to sterilize the event, but they ended up having a really badass-sounding haunted house attraction in a partially-completed building and even had GWAR there, doing their usual GWAR things, like having a giant vagina thing at their display, also spraying stuff on attendees nearby right while Microsoft higher-ups were watching. Dude had massive balls to reach out to them for this kind of event. He's even responsible for Bill Gates in Doom, and the M$ PR team was trying to sterilize that too (Alex St John had already gone around them to get in touch with Gates directly since they kept fobbing him off). Gates even got frustrated by the PR team micro-managing the shoot and just ended up just trying to do what St. John had asked him without their input, lol. Shit man, he even included "Who do you want to execute today?" (parody of MS's old slogan) despite directly being threatened to be fired over it. Apparently he's even hate debates "against" John Carmack about graphics technology in video games. Dear god man. How does he walk with balls so massive? I respect people with that kind of gumption, who still ultimately do what they think is best/right/most fun even in the face of threats.
  19. I only watch channels that I can actively engage with while they play - Sandwedge has me in VC often and Kes Gaming replies to all chats, so I find hanging out with other Doomers to be half of the entertainment value. BigMacDavis is also great about chat interaction. Unless someone is playing a map I made (or a map in a project I'm leading that needs testing), I probably won't watch Doom LP after the fact or in a setting where I have a 0% chance of engaging with the person playing. I consider this a side note, but as a kid I loved watching my brother play games I'd have no interest in playing myself, such as RTS and RPG games. I came to know Bauldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, WoW and a bunch of other games fairly well strictly through watching. I would have never felt compelled to play them on my own, though. Same goes with my ex wife and a lot of her favorite games. Watching someone who is a friend/loved one and occasionally talking to them about what's going on does feel distinct from watching streamers though, even watching others compete on Street Fighter II machines at skating rinks and such felt distinct, honestly - but still similar and still enjoyable. ... LOL thinking of Street Fighter arcade machines reminds me of this time I was playing a gig with TheDevilzWork back when I was just 18, after the show I got SUPER drunk and challenged a guy to some SFII on the machine that was - rather cruelly - placed halfway under an open wooden staircase. After getting my ass beat, I drunkenly turned around to walk away.. but because the beams of the staircase were strategically placed directly BEHIND head-height when standing at the machine, when I turned and stepped, I SLAMMED my face right into the fucking beam. The guy didn't laugh at me or anything, was just like "you ok?" but still it was so goddamn embarrassing, cruel (unintentionally) on behalf of the establishment owners, and funny as fuck looking back. My forehead was bright red when I went to the bathroom, like someone had open-hand slapped me 3 times in a row.. fucking LOL
  20. I really wish there was a "no particular order" option, I never ended up voting because none of them would be accurate for me
  21. Hey all, thank you so much for the bug reports and the map fixes - this coming week I intend to address it all to the best of my ability. You're all helping SO much! On that note, @Arsinikk, I just want to double check that those videos will stay up a good long while (for reference)? Seriously, thanks again man.
  22. Imagine making your maps so that you get all 3 keys in a specific order. HA! (...I've done that many many times but I just wanted to say that anyway. ALSO I have literally never cared about the key order when it was a relevant consideration, at most I might try to make it match better with the color scheme of the room its in.)
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