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Everything posted by Doomkid

  1. Us OGs have been optionally playing as a female marine since like 2002 or so. Ahh, the beauty of skins! I honestly feel like it would be weird to have a different experience just because of the gender swap. The Mass Effect approach where everything is almost the same, just with some very minor/inconsequential tweaks, would be ideal. "Doom Slayer" isn't even a gendered title so it should be easy to retroactively add in. I guess I just think about it differently and don't see the need for any major changes, but I'm curious to see what happens!
  2. I'm torn on the D_RUNNIN question. On one hand, yes I'm sick to death with it after hearing it 99999 times while playtesting and 99999 more times while playing random single-map wads.. On the other hand, I associate it with some of the first custom WADs I ever played, and that solo is genuinely cool at the end half of the song. It's rare to see a solo made entirely of 8th notes that still sounds cool the whole way through.
  3. (I love that map, DFF. If everything you make pleases the audience, you’re doing something wrong. Relish the variety of reactions it earns you!)
  4. Here it is: Almost everyone just ended up using their maps elsewhere so I don’t think too much actual work was lost.
  5. As others mentioned, I always thought of it as being similar to JRPGs of the SNES area. In games like Mario RPG all the enemies march in place during a battle, so it never seemed that weird to me, just a common 90s game trope to represent the enemy being alive.
  6. Hardcore Metallica fans likely see this as treason punishable by death, but this slightly modified cover version of the entire St. Anger album is legitimately one of my favourite thrash albums: I see some people in the YT comments about how people “can’t admit the songs are still bad” lol. Guess my ears are screwed on wrong. Then again I’m that one Morbid Angel fan who genuinely likes Illud Divinum In-Anus as a departure from their normal style. I hate how bands all inevitably end up shoehorned into one very specific style.. [/hardly related rant]
  7. This thread and most of the replies in it are a skid mark on Doomworld’s underwear. I definitely felt that some dogpiling was going on.. I don’t want DW to be perceived as a place where 30 people talk down to you if you say one stupid thing. I don’t think there was any meanness in any of the posts as such, more just people hopping on the bandwagon of talking down to a newb. Maybe I’m reading too deep into it, I dunno.
  8. Weren’t the contributors later confirmed to be TNT alums, or is that just a fever dream? One of them actually was JDoyle in the end, isn’t that right? I had no idea this topic was even contentious anymore but if there’s any doubt we can always ask the few members who remain somewhat contactable. JDoyle commented recently on my YT video about unknown DWANGO songs, two of which were his. If we need to ask him for clarification on any of this I’m sure he’d respond.
  9. The Zandronum bots (in the current build which is 4 years old mind you) are dumb as dirt. The bots in Doom Legacy were always much better, and the ZDaemon bots are okay as well. Those two can actually sort of be used for cooperative, the Zand ones cannot.
  10. It’s... it’s beautiful... Thank you! One thing I’m wondering about is how much of a toll this will take on the moderators and the server itself. Doomshack is a fraction of the size and even we get regular uploads and requests. While this was obviously necessary I hope it doesn’t result in too much pressure on the gates.
  11. Oh yeah, BourgDM is definitely getting added in. I was thinking about adding it under just the DM section, but the wad is so small that I might just have it in both. I don't want people missing out on the SP part of the wad!
  12. Whoops, I said title screen but I meant intermission screen! I do agree, a new backdrop would still be perfectly sufficient and a big step up from the Doom2 intermission we've all seen a million times by now.
  13. Great suggestion, and to answer your question, unfortunately I’m not sure if the E4 title screen mod could be made to work.. I’ll have to check it out a bit more thoroughly though!
  14. This is kinda funny and sad at the same time. Also Memeology 101 is a shithole of a channel 🤮
  15. Doomworld isn't a public appeals court dude, that's the message I was trying to get across to you. Problems with ZDoom administration are not DW's problem. Again, if you had just wanted to release your mod over here, that in itself wouldn't have been a big deal. It would earn you a warning at most if copyrighted material/a paywall was found, but apparently ZDoom is more strict ..and frankly, there's clearly more than meets the eye going on beneath the surface as well. I just don't see how it's DW's responsibility or our business at all really. What are DW mods supposed to do, go to ZDoom and finger-wag at them for how they run their forums..?
  16. I've prepared my public statement on the matter: This is funny lol but seriously calm down and don't talk shit about admins of other Doom forums here, we frankly don't give a shit and if anything it makes you look like a problem just waiting to happen. If you'd just wanted to provide your mod here (for free) and see how it went over on this side of the tracks that would have been fine - but you're using DW as your place to talk shit about ZDoom admins and making these weird threats about "releasing public statements" or whatever. Just stop and start fresh. Pop a cork in it and lie low for a week or two so everyone forgets this embarrassing little outburst. DW (not idgames) is generally pretty lax about sharing links to wads that just happen to use "copyrighted" textures from other games. I guess ZDoom is more strict about that kind of thing, but either way this thread was the wrong way to go about things.
  17. When it comes to setting the MIDI mapper in VMS, I find I have to do each change individually. So I'll have to select my "Default MIDI out device", click apply and ok, then come back to the tab once again to change my "Windows Media Player default device". Setting them both at the same time seems to (oddly) not work. Only after a bit of fiddling around did I finally figure this out!
  18. Does anyone have a clean link to Doom32 that I could add to the OP and also add onto the DoomWiki page? The old link is dead: no it isn't! https://redarchive.drdteam.org/files/Doom/EXE Hacks/DOOM32.zip
  19. NES and DOS were my stomping grounds as a single-digit youngster. Until I got the n64 which absolutely blew me away.. I also got an SNES a bit later which I also loved despite already having a 64. Great consoles if you have a brother and friends to play with! Mainstays were: Super Mario 1, 2, 3, World and 64 Doom and Doom 2 (duh, plus lots of wads) Street Fighter 2 Turbo NBA Jam Wolfenstein 3-D Duke Nukem 3-D Mario Kart 64 Super Smash Bros. 64 Mario Party (to a lesser extent) When I think of childhood gaming, especially with friends, this is what I think of. There are loads of other classics myself and family enjoyed - my dad has always been a big Tetris fan and still plays regularly even today, but this is good enough to get the gist.
  20. Depending on where you’re located you can use TSPG to start a Zand server. This will avoid the need for port forwarding and such. Speeds will only be acceptable if you’re in the US, Canada or UK, though. (Still probably better than using home internet to host a server)
  21. Height value and light values also make it a new plane, so stairs will always unfortunately result in a bunch of planes. The vanilla/chocolate default limit is staggeringly low: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Visplane_overflow https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Static_limits
  22. Looks like simple VPOs (visplane overflows). Are you playing in DOSbox? If so, using Doom32.exe in place of your standard Doom2.exe should do the trick, it’s in this zip in the Doom2 folder: https://doomshack.org/~doomkid/doom_vanilla_exes.zip (couldn’t find a link to the EXE on its own, but this zip isn’t too large)
  23. I'm the same, I have a bunch of old tech bits I haven't tossed out just because I want to keep them away from the landfill as long as I can.. Not to get too off topic or anything!
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